Management & leadership Book Summaries

Gute Chefs essen zuletzt

In 'Gute Chefs essen zuletzt' beleuchtet Simon Sinek die Faktoren, die Zusammenarbeit und Vertrauen in Organisationen fördern. Durch die Analyse von Führungsprinzipien und realen Beispielen zeigt Sinek, dass wahre Führung darin besteht, andere an erste Stelle zu setzen und eine Kultur der Fürsorge sowie des gegenseitigen Respekts zu schaffen.

Difficult Employees

In 'Difficult Employees', successful author Hans Jürgen Kratz offers practical recommendations and tips for managers on how to deal with difficult employees, especially know-it-alls. The book is aimed at managers who want to tame difficult employees for the benefit of everyone involved.

Mensch Mitarbeiter!

In 'Mensch Mitarbeiter!' gibt der erfolgreiche Autor Hans Jürgen Kratz praxisnahe Empfehlungen und Tipps für Führungskräfte, wie sie mit schwierigen Mitarbeitern, insbesondere Besserwissern, umgehen können. Das Buch richtet sich an Manager, die herausfordernde Mitarbeiter im Sinne aller Beteiligten zähmen möchten.

Leaders Eat Last

In 'Leaders Eat Last', Simon Sinek delves into the factors that inspire cooperation and trust in organizations. By exploring leadership principles and real-life examples, Sinek illustrates how true leadership is about putting others before oneself and fostering a culture of care and mutual respect.

The Vision Driven Leader

The Vision Driven Leader guides aspiring and current leaders on how to craft a compelling vision and effectively communicate it to their teams. Michael Hyatt presents a structured approach to creating a clear, inspiring, and actionable vision to drive organizational success.

Remote Works

Remote Works is a comprehensive guide aimed at teaching teams and managers how to effectively navigate and thrive in distributed work environments. The book combines firsthand experiences, interactive practices, and expert interviews.

Remote Works

Remote Works is a comprehensive guide aimed at teaching teams and managers how to effectively navigate and thrive in distributed work environments. The book combines firsthand experiences, interactive practices, and expert interviews.

Was ist Zivilisation?

"Was ist Zivilisation?" untersucht die Dynamik erfolgreicher Gruppen und zeigt, dass ihre Effektivität größtenteils auf ihrer Fähigkeit beruht, ein Gefühl der Sicherheit zu schaffen, Verletzlichkeit zu teilen und einen gemeinsamen Zweck zu etablieren. Der Autor, Daniel Coyle, gibt Einblicke in die Funktionsweise dieser Gruppen und bietet praktische Strategien zum Aufbau von Vertrauen, zur Förderung von Zusammenarbeit und zur Umgestaltung toxischer Kulturen.

Die Mäusestrategie für Manager

"Die Mäusestrategie für Manager" ist eine inspirierende Business-Fabel, die zeigt, wie man mit Veränderungen im Beruf und im Leben umgehen kann. Die Geschichte handelt von vier Charakteren, die in einem Labyrinth leben und auf der Suche nach Käse sind.


"Humanocracy" ist ein Buch, das das traditionelle bürokratische Modell von Organisationen infrage stellt. Es plädiert für einen Wandel hin zu menschlicheren Systemen, die Einzelpersonen stärken und Kreativität, Anpassungsfähigkeit sowie Widerstandsfähigkeit fördern.

Frag immer erst: warum

"Frag immer erst: Warum" ist ein Buch von Simon Sinek, das die These untersucht, dass erfolgreiche Menschen und Organisationen diejenigen sind, die in der Lage sind, die Gründe zu kommunizieren, warum sie tun, was sie tun, anstatt nur zu erklären, was sie tun oder wie sie es tun.

Unvernünftige Gastfreundschaft

"Unvernünftige Gastfreundschaft" ist ein Buch, das sich mit dem Konzept der Gastfreundschaft auseinandersetzt. Es hebt hervor, wie entscheidend Gastfreundschaft für den Aufbau von Beziehungen und Gemeinschaften ist, und fordert die Leser dazu auf, über das Gewohnte hinauszugehen, um anderen Freundlichkeit und Großzügigkeit zu zeigen.

Finde dein Warum

"Finde dein Warum" ist ein Leitfaden von Simon Sinek, der praktische Schritte und Übungen bietet, um Einzelpersonen und Organisationen dabei zu unterstützen, ihren Zweck, ihre Motivation und ihre Leidenschaften zu entdecken. Es ist die Fortsetzung seines vorherigen Buches "Start With Why" und legt den Fokus auf die Anwendung der darin beschriebenen Prinzipien.

Die Culture Map

"Die Culture Map" ist ein Buch, das die Komplexität der globalen Geschäftskommunikation beleuchtet. Es bietet einen Rahmen, um kulturelle Unterschiede zu verstehen und zu erkennen, wie diese internationale Geschäftsbeziehungen beeinflussen.

Der Toyota Weg

"Der Toyota-Weg" ist ein Buch, das Toyotas einzigartige Herangehensweise an Lean Management untersucht und 14 Prinzipien beschreibt, die ihre Effizienz und ihren Erfolg antreiben. Es bietet Einblicke, wie man Geschäftsprozesse verbessern, Verschwendung eliminieren und eine Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung fördern kann.

Die 4 Disziplinen der Umsetzung

Das Buch "Die 4 Disziplinen der Umsetzung" dient als Leitfaden zur Erreichung von Unternehmenszielen durch ein prinzipienbasiertes System, das den Schwerpunkt auf die Umsetzung legt. Es enthält ausführliche Anweisungen zur Implementierung dieser Disziplinen innerhalb eines Teams oder einer Organisation und betont dabei stark die praktische Anwendung.

Strategisches Produktmanagement

"Strategisches Produktmanagement" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden, der Konzepte, Techniken und Werkzeuge für die Entwicklung einer erfolgreichen Produktstrategie und Roadmap im digitalen Zeitalter bereitstellt. Er unterstützt Produktmanager und -eigentümer dabei, strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen, indem er den Blick auf das große Ganze lenkt. Darüber hinaus bietet das Buch praxisnahe Ansätze für die Grundlagen, Entwicklung und Validierung von Strategien.

OKR: Objectives & Key Results

"OKR: Objectives & Key Results" ist ein Buch von John Doerr, das das Konzept der Ziele und Schlüsselergebnisse (OKRs) behandelt – ein Zielsetzungssystem, das von erfolgreichen Unternehmen wie Google und Intel genutzt wird. Das Buch bietet Einblicke darin, wie man OKRs implementieren kann, um Organisationen auszurichten, hohe Leistung zu fördern und Wachstum voranzutreiben.


"Inspired" ist ein Leitfaden zur Entwicklung von Produkten, die Kunden begeistern. Der Schwerpunkt liegt darauf, eine nutzerzentrierte Kultur zu schaffen und Teams kundenorientiert zu organisieren. Das Buch bietet praxisnahe Ratschläge und Einblicke aus der umfangreichen Erfahrung des Autors und deckt Themen von Produktmanagement bis hin zum Wachstum von Unternehmen und großen Konzernen ab.

Emotionale Intelligenz 2.0

"Emotionale Intelligenz 2.0" behandelt Methoden, um deinen emotionalen Quotienten (EQ) für persönlichen und beruflichen Erfolg zu steigern. Es bietet Einblicke in vier entscheidende EQ-Fähigkeiten – Selbstwahrnehmung, Selbstmanagement, soziale Wahrnehmung und Beziehungsmanagement – und liefert praktische Strategien zur Verbesserung dieser Bereiche der emotionalen Intelligenz. Das Buch betont die Bedeutung von EQ für effektive Entscheidungsfindung, hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und Führungskompetenz.

Der Blaue Ozean als Strategie

Das Buch "Der Blaue Ozean als Strategie" ermutigt Organisationen, sich von überfüllten Märkten abzuwenden. Stattdessen inspiriert es sie dazu, unangefochtene Marktbereiche – sogenannte 'Blaue Ozeane' – zu erschließen. Ziel des Buches ist es, Unternehmen zu zeigen, wie sie sich von der Konkurrenz abheben, Wachstum generieren, Branchenprobleme neu definieren und neue Nachfrage schaffen können.


In 'Tomorrowmind' geht es um die PRISM-Kräfte: Prospektion, Resilienz und Agilität, Innovation und Kreativität, soziale Verbindung durch schnelle Beziehungsbildung sowie Bedeutung. Zusammen bilden sie die Bestandteile eines Tomorrowmind – einer Denkweise, die es uns ermöglicht, Veränderungen vorauszusehen, angemessen zu planen, auf Rückschläge zu reagieren und unser volles Potenzial zu entfalten.

Wenn es hart auf hart kommt

In "Wenn es hart auf hart kommt" teilt Ben Horowitz seine Erfahrungen, Höhen und Tiefen als Unternehmer, CEO und Risikokapitalgeber. Er beleuchtet schwierige Situationen in High-Tech-Unternehmen und zeigt, dass es kein Patentrezept für den Umgang mit harten Problemen gibt. Stattdessen betont er, wie wichtig es ist, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren und aus Fehlern zu lernen.

Keine Regeln

"Keine Regeln: Netflix und die Kultur der Neuerfindung" beschreibt, wie die einzigartige Unternehmenskultur von Netflix, die auf Freiheit und Verantwortung setzt, eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg des Unternehmens gespielt hat. Das Buch hebt die Bedeutung innovativer HR-Richtlinien und Managementstile hervor, um Kreativität und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Mitarbeiter zu fördern.

Der Trillion Dollar Coach

"Der Trillion Dollar Coach" erzählt die Geschichte von Bill Campbell, einem renommierten Business-Coach, der zahlreiche Unternehmen im Silicon Valley wie Apple und Google zum Erfolg geführt hat. Das Buch fasst Campbells einzigartige und effektive Ansätze in Coaching und Führung zusammen und hebt die Bedeutung von Vertrauen, Beziehungsaufbau und Teamarbeit bei der Transformation von Unternehmen hervor.

Die entscheidenden 90 Tage

"Die ersten 90 Tage" ist ein Leitfaden für Führungskräfte in Übergangsphasen. Er bietet Strategien, um die Zeit zu verkürzen, die Führungskräfte benötigen, um den sogenannten 'Break-even-Punkt' zu erreichen – den Moment, in dem deine Organisation dich genauso braucht, wie du den Job.

Erfolg braucht kein Talent

"Erfolg braucht kein Talent" ist ein fesselndes Buch, das überzeugend darlegt, wie wichtig harte Arbeit und Übung sind, um eine Fähigkeit zu meistern – und nicht angeborenes Talent. Das Buch ist in drei Teile gegliedert: Tiefenübung, Zündung und Meistercoaching. Jeder dieser Teile ist ein entscheidendes Element im Talentcode. Fehlt einer, verlangsamt sich der Prozess. Werden sie jedoch kombiniert, beginnen sich die Dinge dramatisch zu verändern.

Reiß das Ruder rum!

„Reiß das Ruder rum!“ ist eine fesselnde Erzählung von Kapitän Marquet über die Reise und Transformation der USS Santa Fe. Das U-Boot entwickelte sich von dem am schlechtesten abschneidenden Schiff in der Flotte zum besten. Das Buch beschreibt den außergewöhnlichen Wandel der Santa Fe und zeigt, welche Maßnahmen Kapitän Marquet ergriff, um diesen bemerkenswerten Wechsel von einem Befehl-und-Kontrolle-Modell zu einem Leader-Leader-Modell in der Führung zu erreichen.

Führen mit Fragen

Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Bedeutung des Fragens in der Führung. Es zeigt, dass die erfolgreichsten Führungskräfte oft diejenigen sind, die gezielt tiefgründige und durchdachte Fragen stellen, um bessere Lösungen zu finden, anstatt sich ausschließlich auf direkte Antworten zu verlassen.

Leading with Questions

This book focuses on the power of asking questions in leadership. It proves that the most effective leaders are often those who are intent on asking insightful, thought-provoking questions that lead to better solutions, rather than relying solely on providing direct answers.

Good Strategy Bad Strategy

This book articulates the difference between good strategy and bad strategy, providing a clear framework for understanding and creating a powerful strategy. It presents case studies and insights based on years of consulting and teaching experience. The author also explores common pitfalls in strategy formation and how to avoid them.

Turn the Ship Around!

Turn the Ship Around! is a compelling narrative from Captain Marquet about the journey and transformation of the USS Santa Fe from the worst-performing submarine in its fleet to the best. The book charts the course of the Santa Fe’s exceptional turnaround, including what Captain Marquet did to achieve this remarkable transformation in leadership from a command-and-control model to a leader-leader model.

The Talent Code

The Talent Code is a gripping read that presents a compelling argument for the role of hard work and practice - rather than innate talent - in mastering a skill. The book is divided into three parts—deep practice, ignition, and master coaching, each being a critical element in the talent code. Remove one, and the process slows. Combine them, and things begin to change dramatically.


'Multipliers' is a riveting exploration of leadership styles. It dives into the characteristics of 'Multipliers' who amplify intelligence and capability, thus inspiring others to reach their full potential. Conversely, the book also examines 'Diminishers,' leaders whose actions unintentionally suppress the intellect and abilities of their team.


'Remote: Office Not Required' combines the authors' own experiences with insights from hundreds of other companies to show you how to go 'remote'. Learn how to build a successful remote company, which tools and techniques you can utilise and how to overcome common concerns and excuses.

The First 90 Days

The First 90 Days is a guidebook for leaders in transition periods. It provides strategies to help leaders shorten the time they take to reach the 'breakeven point' — the point at which your organization needs you as much as you need the job.

Scaling Up Skalieren auch Sie!

"Scaling Up" stellt Geschäftsführern praktische Werkzeuge und Techniken zur Verfügung, die ihnen dabei helfen, ihre Unternehmen erfolgreich zu erweitern. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf vier zentralen Entscheidungsbereichen: Personal, Strategie, Umsetzung und Finanzen. Es gewährt einen Einblick in die internen Prozesse der weltweit erfolgreichsten Unternehmen und hat das Ziel, ambitionierten Unternehmern bei der Expansion ihrer Geschäfte zu unterstützen.

All In

In 'All In', Mike Michalowicz presents a transformative approach to leadership. The book emphasizes the powerful concept of an 'All-In Leader' who invests in their team to create a more engaged, devoted and productive workplace. Michalowicz provides strategies for creating an 'All-In' team, sharing his discoveries on empowering employees to realize their full potential.

Trillion Dollar Coach

Trillion Dollar Coach is the account of Bill Campbell, a renowned business coach who has guided several Silicon Valley companies like Apple and Google to success. The book encapsulates the unique and effective approach to coaching and leadership that has been piloted by Campbell, underlining the importance of trust, relationship-building, and teamwork in transforming businesses.

High Output Management

High Output Management provides a comprehensive overview of a manager's role and purpose. The book explains in-depth concepts about management in a clear and concise manner, discussing how to increase productivity, managerial leverage, and the importance of the team's output as a measuring stick for the manager's output.

No Rules Rules

'No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention' discusses how the unique corporate culture of Netflix, which values freedom and responsibility, has played a significant role in its success. The book highlights the importance of innovating HR policies and management styles for fostering creativity and adaptability among employees.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

In 'The Hard Thing About Hard Things', Ben Horowitz shares his experiences, highs and lows, as an entrepreneur, a CEO, and a venture capitalist. He breaks down challenging situations in high-tech companies, revealing there's no recipe for dealing with the hard things and emphasizes the need to focus on what's essential and learn from mistakes.


Tomorrowmind discusses the PRISM powers: Prospection, Resilience and agility, Innovation and creativity, Social connection by way of rapid rapport, and Mattering. Taken together, they are the components of a Tomorrowmind—the mindset that allows us to anticipate change, plan appropriately, respond to setbacks, and achieve our full potential.


The book 'Self-Awareness' presents deep insights and practical guidance on how leaders can learn to see themselves more clearly. It takes the reader through a journey of understanding two broad categories of self-awareness - internal (how clearly we see our own values, passions, aspirations etc.) and external (understanding how other people view us).

Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy is a book that challenges organizations to stop competing in saturated markets, instead inspiring them to create uncontested market spaces - 'Blue Oceans.' The book aims to instruct companies on how to break away from the competition, generate growth, redefine industry problems, and create new demand.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 discusses ways to increase your emotional quotient (EQ) for personal and professional success. It provides insight into four critical EQ skills - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management, and gives practical strategies for improving these areas of emotional intelligence. The book underscores the importance of EQ in effective decision making, high performance, and leadership.


INSPIRED is a guide on how to build products that customers love, focusing on establishing a user-first culture and organizing teams around that customer. It provides actionable advice and insights from the author's vast experience, and covers topics from product management to scaling for growth-stage companies and large enterprises.


The book "Who" provides a comprehensive guide on hiring practices, focusing on the importance of selecting the right people for the right roles in a company. It offers practical advice and strategies, such as conducting effective interviews and making informed decisions based on a candidate's career history and performance patterns.

Measure What Matters

"Measure What Matters" is a book by John Doerr that discusses the concept of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a goal-setting system used by successful organizations like Google and Intel. The book provides insights on how to implement OKRs to align organizations, motivate high performance, and drive growth.


"Strategize" is a guidebook that provides concepts, techniques, and tools for developing a successful product strategy and roadmap in the digital age. It helps product managers and owners make strategic decisions, focusing on the big picture, and offers practices for strategy foundations, development, and validation.

Rebel Talent

Rebel Talent is a book that explores the concept of rebellion in the workplace and personal life, arguing that rule-breaking and non-conformity can lead to innovation, success, and fulfillment. It provides insights into the five elements of rebel talent and shares principles and strategies to embrace this approach for positive change.

The Quantum Leader

"The Quantum Leader" is a book that presents a new model for business structure and leadership, drawing inspiration from quantum physics and complexity science. It emphasizes the need for a shift from traditional Newtonian leadership to a more flexible, adaptive, and holistic "quantum leadership" that can effectively navigate the complexities and uncertainties of the modern business world.

Decide and Conquer

"Decide & Conquer" is a book by David Siegel that provides insights into his leadership journey and decision-making process, particularly during his tenure as CEO of Meetup. The book serves as a guide for making tough decisions, maintaining morals, and harnessing the power of community in both personal and professional settings.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World

The book Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World is a historical account of Genghis Khan's rise to power, his impact on world history, and how his conquests shaped the modern world. It explores his life, his military campaigns, his strategies, and his vision, as well as the cultural, political, and commercial institutions that were established under his rule.

The Customer Service Survival Kit

The Customer Service Survival Kit is a guidebook that provides service professionals with strategies and communication skills to handle difficult customer situations and turn them into positive experiences. It offers a framework for anticipating customer expectations and defusing customer service nightmares.

Extreme Ownership

"Extreme Ownership" is a book by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin that explores leadership principles used by U.S. Navy SEALs, emphasizing the importance of taking full responsibility for one's actions and decisions, and how these principles can be applied to any team or organization to improve performance and achieve success.

Crossing the Chasm

"Crossing the Chasm" is a book that provides a framework for marketing strategies to help high-tech companies transition from early market success to mainstream market dominance. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on a single, targetable market segment and creating a whole product solution to successfully cross the "chasm" between early adopters and the mainstream market.


The book "Zoonotic" uses the metaphor of a zoonotic virus to describe successful viral business strategies, focusing on how companies can combine two existing successful strategies to create something new and powerful, and how this new strategy can spread and grow exponentially, much like a virus. It also provides insights on how to identify and respond to such strategies in the business world.

The Crux

The Crux is a guide to strategic thinking and problem-solving in complex situations, emphasizing the importance of identifying and addressing the most critical part of a challenge, referred to as the 'crux'. The book provides practical examples and methods for diagnosing challenges, finding leverage, avoiding distractions, and formulating effective strategies.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

The book "The 4 Disciplines of Execution" is a guide to achieving organizational goals through a principle-based system that focuses on execution. It provides detailed instructions on implementing these disciplines within a team or organization, with a strong emphasis on application and practicality.

Experimentation Works

"Experimentation Works" is a book that explores the importance of experimentation in business, arguing that systematic and strategic testing can lead to significant improvements and innovations. It provides practical advice and real-world examples to guide businesses in implementing a culture of experimentation.

Pioneering Portfolio Management

"Pioneering Portfolio Management" is a comprehensive guide on managing institutional investment portfolios, providing insights and strategies developed over thirty years of research and experience. It covers topics such as investment philosophy, asset allocation, portfolio management, and decision-making processes.

Strategic Management

Strategic Management is a comprehensive guide to strategic management, covering topics such as gaining and sustaining competitive advantage, strategic leadership, external and internal analysis, business and corporate strategy, and organizational design. It provides frameworks and models to help managers plan and implement strategies that can improve performance and result in competitive advantage.

Radical Candor

"Radical Candor" is a management guidebook by Kim Scott that emphasizes the importance of open, honest, and direct communication in fostering a productive and harmonious work environment.

The Toyota Way

"The Toyota Way" is a book that explores Toyota's unique approach to lean management, detailing 14 principles that drive its efficiency and success. It provides insights into how to improve business processes, eliminate waste, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Mit transformativer Autorität in Führung

"Mit transformativer Autorität in Führung" ist ein Buch, das sich mit modernen Führungskonzepten beschäftigt und wie diese durch transformative Autorität verbessert werden können. Es bietet Einblicke in die Entwicklung von Führungskräften und die Stärkung ihrer Führungsrolle.


"Leadership" is a book that explores the concept and practice of leadership, discussing its importance, the qualities of a good leader, and how effective leadership can influence and transform organizations and societies.

The Culture Map

"The Culture Map" is a book that explores the complexities of global business communication, providing a framework for understanding cultural differences and how they impact international business interactions.

Power Mentoring

"Power Mentoring" is a guidebook that explores the concept of mentoring, emphasizing on the importance of powerful mentoring relationships in personal and professional growth. It provides practical strategies and insights for establishing, maintaining, and leveraging these relationships for maximum career advancement.


"Zilch" is a book by Nancy Lublin that explores how non-profit organizations achieve significant impacts with minimal resources, offering valuable lessons for businesses on efficiency and innovation.

Bridging the Innovation Gap

"Bridging the Innovation Gap" ist ein Geschäftsstrategiebuch, das einen praktischen Leitfaden bietet, um Innovation in einem Unternehmen voranzutreiben, indem es den kreativen Potenzial von Mitarbeitern und Stakeholdern freisetzt.

Lean Management

Das Buch Lean Management handelt von der Implementierung effizienter Betriebsstrategien in Unternehmen, um Verschwendung zu minimieren und die Produktivität zu maximieren. Es bietet einen umfassenden Leitfaden zu den Prinzipien, Werkzeugen und Praktiken des Lean Managements.

Lean Management

The book Lean Management is about implementing efficient operational strategies in businesses to minimize waste and maximize productivity. It provides a comprehensive guide to the principles, tools, and practices of lean management.

Bridging the Innovation Gap

"Bridging the Innovation Gap" is a business strategy book that provides a practical guide for driving innovation within a company by focusing on unlocking the creative potential of employees and stakeholders.

Red Teaming

"Red Teaming" is a book about a system used by the military and intelligence agencies to stress-test strategies, probe for hidden threats, and make critical decisions, offering insights on how businesses and individuals can use similar techniques to overcome their own challenges.

Zero to One

"Zero to One" is a book by Peter Thiel that discusses strategies for startups to create innovative products and services, emphasizing the importance of moving from zero to one in terms of creating something new rather than copying what already exists.

Find Your Why

"Find Your Why" is a guidebook by Simon Sinek that provides practical steps and exercises to help individuals and organizations discover their purpose, drive, and passions. It is a follow-up to his previous book "Start With Why," focusing on the application of its principles.

Unreasonable Hospitality

"Unreasonable Hospitality" is a book that explores the concept of hospitality, emphasizing its importance in building relationships and communities, and challenging readers to go beyond the norm in showing kindness and generosity to others.

Start with Why

"Start with Why" is a book by Simon Sinek that explores the idea that successful individuals and organizations are those that are able to communicate the reasons why they do what they do, rather than just what they do or how they do it.

Get on Track

"Get on Track" is a motivational book that provides practical strategies and tips to help individuals set, pursue, and achieve their personal and professional goals.

The Leading Edge

"The Leading Edge" is a business book that provides insights and strategies on how to stay competitive and innovative in the ever-changing business landscape. It offers practical advice on leadership, management, and how to drive growth in a company.


Humanocracy is a book that challenges the traditional bureaucratic model of organizations, advocating for a shift towards more human-centric systems that empower individuals and promote creativity, adaptability, and resilience.

Psychologie der Menschenführung

"Psychologie der Menschenführung" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden zur Führung aus psychologischer Perspektive und erforscht die Phänomene der Führung, die Entwicklung von Führungsfähigkeiten und die ethischen Implikationen der Ausübung von Macht. Es richtet sich an Führungskräfte und angehende Führungskräfte, die ihr Verständnis für diese Themen über oberflächliche Ratschläge hinaus vertiefen möchten und bietet Einblicke in Charisma, die kulturelle Auswirkung großer Führungskräfte und die psychologischen Vorteile der Folge eines Anführers.

Psychology of Leadership

"Psychology of Leadership" is a comprehensive guide to leadership from a psychological perspective, exploring the phenomena of leadership, the development of leadership abilities, and the ethical implications of wielding power. It is intended for leaders and aspiring leaders who wish to deepen their understanding of these topics beyond surface-level advice, offering insights into charisma, the cultural impact of great leaders, and the psychological benefits of following a leader.

Understanding Organizations...Finally!

"Understanding Organizations...Finally!" is a comprehensive guide to understanding the structure and functioning of organizations. It provides insights into the various forms of organizations, the forces that shape them, and offers practical advice on how to design and manage them effectively.

How to F*ck Up Your Startup

"How to F*ck Up Your Startup" is a guide for entrepreneurs that explores common mistakes and failures in startup culture, providing insights on how to identify, avoid, and fix these issues. It covers various aspects of a startup, from attitude and business model to funding, product development, sales, and growth.

Who Moved My Cheese

"Who Moved My Cheese" is a motivational business fable that explores how to deal with change in work and life through the story of four characters living in a maze and their search for cheese.

How to Win at the Sport of Business

"How to Win at the Sport of Business" is a motivational book that provides insights and advice on succeeding in business, emphasizing the importance of relentless effort, continuous learning, and a competitive spirit. It is written by a successful entrepreneur who views business as the ultimate competition, akin to a never-ending sports game.

Scaling People

"Scaling People" is a comprehensive guide that provides tools and insights for building solid company structures and effectively managing various situations, particularly in high-growth environments. It offers practical advice and real-life stories to help readers navigate difficult management situations, build strong teams, and foster personal and professional growth.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is a guide that outlines the timeless principles one must follow to be an effective leader. It provides practical insights on leadership, drawn from the real-world experiences of the author, John Maxwell, and other leaders, and offers actionable steps to apply these principles in various contexts.

Scaling Up

"Scaling Up" provides practical tools and techniques for business leaders to successfully grow their companies, focusing on four key decisions: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. It offers an insider's view into the inner workings of the world's most successful companies, aiming to help ambitious entrepreneurs scale their ventures.

Retail Banking

"Retail Banking" provides a comprehensive understanding of the retail banking industry, its evolution, challenges, and the importance of a customer-centric approach. It delves into the transformation of banks into multi-product financial service conglomerates and the need for banks to understand customer behavior and requirements in an increasingly competitive and regulated environment.

Emotion by Design

Emotion by Design is about the power of creating strong emotional bonds between a brand and its consumers through creative storytelling and experiences. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the audience and using creativity, not just large resources, to inspire and move them.

Built to Sell

"Built to Sell" is about creating a business that can thrive without the owner, making it a valuable and sellable asset. It provides a framework and action plan for business owners to ensure their businesses are among the desired 1% that can be sold.

Winning Habits

"Winning Habits" is about four key habits that can lead to personal and professional success: being the first one on and last one off while adding extra value, never trading results for excuses, solving problems in advance, and always making those around you look good. It uses the story of Albert and Jennifer, who learn these habits from a retired admiral, to illustrate these principles.

Continuous Discovery Habits

Continuous Discovery Habits provides a structured and sustainable approach to product discovery, teaching teams how to continuously engage with customers, conduct small research activities, and pursue desired business outcomes. It offers practical habits to help teams understand customer needs, generate creative solutions, test assumptions, and measure impact, ultimately leading to better product decisions and increased chances of success.

The Culture Code

"The Culture Code" explores the dynamics of successful groups, revealing that their effectiveness is largely due to their ability to foster a sense of safety, share vulnerability, and establish purpose. The author, Daniel Coyle, provides insights into how these groups operate, offering practical strategies for building trust, encouraging collaboration, and reforming toxic cultures.

The Inner Game of Work

The Inner Game of Work explores a new way of thinking about work, focusing on the concept of 'the inner game' - the battle against internal obstacles. It provides practical advice on how to achieve a state of 'work free', where work becomes a medium for personal growth and development, and where learning and doing are seen as one and the same.

How Brands Grow

"How Brands Grow" provides insights into how brands can achieve growth by increasing their popularity and gaining more buyers, even those who only buy occasionally. It emphasizes the importance of building market-based assets, such as physical availability and mental availability, and argues that brands should strive for distinctiveness rather than differentiation.

The Brand Gap

"The Brand Gap" is a guide to understanding and bridging the distance between business strategy and customer experience, emphasizing the importance of creative and strategic collaboration in building a strong, successful brand. It provides insights into the process of brand creation and evolution, highlighting the role of differentiation, collaboration, innovation, validation, and cultivation in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.

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