Entrepreneurship Book Summaries

The Mom Test

The Mom Test teaches entrepreneurs how to effectively communicate with customers to validate business ideas without being misled by false positives.

Business Model Generation

"Business Model Generation" bietet wertvolle Einblicke und praxisnahe Techniken zum Entwerfen, Analysieren und Umsetzen innovativer Geschäftsmodelle. Mithilfe des Business Model Canvas als zentralem Werkzeug führt das Buch die Leser durch den Prozess, nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle zu entwickeln, die sowohl Wert als auch Wachstum fördern.

Problem Hunting

This book serves as a practical guide for entrepreneurs aiming to start a tech company. Covering everything from problem identification to scaling the business, it provides tactical steps based on the author's extensive experience in the software industry.

Business Model Generation

Business Model Generation provides invaluable insights and practical techniques for designing, analyzing, and implementing innovative business models. Using the Business Model Canvas as a key tool, the book guides readers through the process of creating sustainable business models that drive value and growth.

Shoe Dog

"Shoe Dog" ist die Autobiografie von Phil Knight, dem Gründer von Nike, Inc. Das Buch schildert die Geschichte von Nike, angefangen als kleines Start-up bis hin zur Entwicklung zu einem der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Unternehmen weltweit. Es gewährt Einblicke in Unternehmertum, Innovation und den Aufbau einer globalen Marke.

Mein persönlicher MBA

"Mein persönlicher MBA" ist ein Buch, das einen umfassenden Überblick über grundlegende Geschäftskonzepte und -prinzipien bietet. Es soll eine kostengünstige und effiziente Alternative zur traditionellen Wirtschaftsausbildung darstellen. Ziel ist es, Lesern aus allen Lebensbereichen zu vermitteln, wie Unternehmen funktionieren, wie man ein neues Unternehmen gründet und wie man ein bestehendes verbessert.

Purple Cow

"Purple Cow" ist ein Marketingbuch von Seth Godin, das die Bedeutung betont, bemerkenswerte Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln, die wie eine 'lila Kuh' in einem Feld voller schwarz-weißer Holsteins auffallen, anstatt sich auf traditionelle Werbemethoden zu verlassen.


"Hooked" gewährt Einblicke, wie erfolgreiche Produkte Nutzergewohnheiten formen, basierend auf der Psychologie unseres Verhaltens. Der Autor stellt ein vierstufiges Modell vor, das als "Hook Model" bekannt ist, um zu erläutern, wie Unternehmen Gewohnheiten bei ihren Kunden entwickeln können.

Der Blaue Ozean als Strategie

Das Buch "Der Blaue Ozean als Strategie" ermutigt Organisationen, sich von überfüllten Märkten abzuwenden. Stattdessen inspiriert es sie dazu, unangefochtene Marktbereiche – sogenannte 'Blaue Ozeane' – zu erschließen. Ziel des Buches ist es, Unternehmen zu zeigen, wie sie sich von der Konkurrenz abheben, Wachstum generieren, Branchenprobleme neu definieren und neue Nachfrage schaffen können.

Der Almanach von Naval Ravikant

Dieses Buch vereint die Weisheit und Erfahrung von Naval Ravikant, einer erfolgreichen Persönlichkeit aus dem Silicon Valley. Es bietet wertvolle Einblicke, wie man Wohlstand und Glück erlangen kann, und gibt Ratschläge zu verschiedenen Themen, von Investitionen bis hin zu einem ausgeglichenen Leben. Der Almanach von Naval Ravikant ist eine sorgfältig zusammengestellte Sammlung seiner Lehren und bietet tiefgründige Einsichten, die deine Perspektive auf Erfolg, Wohlstand, Glück und das Leben grundlegend verändern können.

Profit First

"Profit First" ist ein bahnbrechendes Handbuch, das die traditionelle Unternehmensführung auf den Kopf stellt. Anstatt den Gewinn als das zu betrachten, was am Ende übrig bleibt, stellt dieses System sicher, dass der Gewinn zuerst gesichert wird. Das Unternehmen wird dann mit dem verbleibenden Geld geführt. Unternehmer lernen so, ihre Ausgaben und ihr Wachstum effektiv zu managen. Dadurch wird gewährleistet, dass Unternehmen unabhängig von ihrer Größe oder Branche profitabel bleiben.


In 'Tomorrowmind' geht es um die PRISM-Kräfte: Prospektion, Resilienz und Agilität, Innovation und Kreativität, soziale Verbindung durch schnelle Beziehungsbildung sowie Bedeutung. Zusammen bilden sie die Bestandteile eines Tomorrowmind – einer Denkweise, die es uns ermöglicht, Veränderungen vorauszusehen, angemessen zu planen, auf Rückschläge zu reagieren und unser volles Potenzial zu entfalten.

Wenn es hart auf hart kommt

In "Wenn es hart auf hart kommt" teilt Ben Horowitz seine Erfahrungen, Höhen und Tiefen als Unternehmer, CEO und Risikokapitalgeber. Er beleuchtet schwierige Situationen in High-Tech-Unternehmen und zeigt, dass es kein Patentrezept für den Umgang mit harten Problemen gibt. Stattdessen betont er, wie wichtig es ist, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren und aus Fehlern zu lernen.

Elon Musk

Dieses Buch gewährt einen tiefen Einblick in das Leben und die Karriere von Elon Musk sowie in die wegweisenden Unternehmen, die er gegründet hat, darunter Tesla, SpaceX und The Boring Company. Es stützt sich auf zahlreiche Interviews mit Musk und seinen Weggefährten und bietet den Lesern Einblicke in seine Ansichten zu Technologie, Unternehmertum und seine Vision für die Zukunft.

How to Start a Cult

How to Start a Cult is a guidebook for businesses and brands aspiring to create a captivating and committed following. The book presents the Cult Commandments, a bulletproof method leveraged by the author, Jody Raynsford, in building cults for various businesses. It encourages readers to create a polarizing message, celebrate difference, and persistently communicate their mission amidst other ground-breaking tactics.

Sell Like Crazy

In 'SELL LIKE CRAZY', Sabri Suby reveals his proven approach to growing businesses and increasing sales. The book is packed with strategies that have been tested across various industries, promising consistent and predictable customer influx. The author emphasizes the significance of treating every business as a marketing business, regardless of the product or service offered.

Die 4-Stunden-Woche

Dieses Buch präsentiert einen innovativen und in der Praxis erprobten Ansatz für ein angenehmes und ausgeglichenes Leben. Timothy Ferriss erläutert, wie man sein Leben externalisieren und 50% seiner Arbeit in nur 48 Stunden reduzieren kann, indem man die Prinzipien eines oft übersehenen italienischen Ökonomen anwendet, und vieles mehr.

Scaling Up Skalieren auch Sie!

"Scaling Up" stellt Geschäftsführern praktische Werkzeuge und Techniken zur Verfügung, die ihnen dabei helfen, ihre Unternehmen erfolgreich zu erweitern. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf vier zentralen Entscheidungsbereichen: Personal, Strategie, Umsetzung und Finanzen. Es gewährt einen Einblick in die internen Prozesse der weltweit erfolgreichsten Unternehmen und hat das Ziel, ambitionierten Unternehmern bei der Expansion ihrer Geschäfte zu unterstützen.

The 4-Hour Workweek

This book offers a new and field-tested approach to living an enjoyable and balance life. Timothy Ferriss outlines how to outsource your life and how to eliminate 50% of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist, and many more.

Elon Musk

This book provides an in-depth account of Elon Musk's life, career, and the groundbreaking companies he has founded, including Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company. It draws from a number of interviews with Musk and his associates, giving readers insight into his views on technology, entrepreneurship, and his vision for the future.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things

In 'The Hard Thing About Hard Things', Ben Horowitz shares his experiences, highs and lows, as an entrepreneur, a CEO, and a venture capitalist. He breaks down challenging situations in high-tech companies, revealing there's no recipe for dealing with the hard things and emphasizes the need to focus on what's essential and learn from mistakes.

Million Dollar Weekend

In 'Million Dollar Weekend', Noah Kagan presents a simple and yet effective three-step process for anyone looking to start a profitable business over a weekend. The book outlines a unique and streamlined method for generating promising business ideas, verifying million-dollar opportunities, and launching the business without any upfront spending.

For Blood and Money

'For Blood and Money' dives deep into the high stakes world of biotech and pharmaceuticals, following the quest for a blockbuster BTK inhibitor drug. The book unveils the messy, expensive, and often heart-breaking realities behind drug development, where brilliant ideas can languish in corporate pipelines and hard-nosed venture capitalists hold the purse strings required to make visions into reality. It gives a meticulous account of the roller-coaster journey from drug discovery to commercialization, narrating through the noticeable characters leaving indelible marks on the path.


Tomorrowmind discusses the PRISM powers: Prospection, Resilience and agility, Innovation and creativity, Social connection by way of rapid rapport, and Mattering. Taken together, they are the components of a Tomorrowmind—the mindset that allows us to anticipate change, plan appropriately, respond to setbacks, and achieve our full potential.

Profit First

Profit First is a revolutionary handbook that transforms the way businesses are run by flipping the paradigm of having profit as mere leftovers. This system secures profit first and runs the business with the remaining cash, teaching entrepreneurs to manage expenditures and growth, thereby ensuring businesses stay profitable no matter their size or industry.

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

This book compiles the wisdom and experience of Naval Ravikant, a successful Silicon Valley figure. It offers insights into achieving wealth and happiness, providing guidance on a range of topics from investing to maintaining a balanced life. This book is a curated selection of Naval's teachings, offering profound insights that can change your perspective on success, wealth, happiness and life.

Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy is a book that challenges organizations to stop competing in saturated markets, instead inspiring them to create uncontested market spaces - 'Blue Oceans.' The book aims to instruct companies on how to break away from the competition, generate growth, redefine industry problems, and create new demand.


Hooked provides insights into how successful products form user habits, drawing on the psychology behind our behaviors. Its author uses a four-phase process known as the 'Hook Model' to explain how companies can develop habits in their customers.

Secrets of Sand Hill Road

"Secrets of Sand Hill Road" is a book that demystifies the venture capital industry, providing insights into how venture capitalists decide where to invest, how startups can pitch to them, and the legal and financial details involved in forming and growing a startup. The book aims to reframe the relationship between startups and their investors as a partnership, and is intended to help democratize entrepreneurship, making it accessible to anyone with an idea.

The Little Black Book of Entrepreneurship

The Little Black Book of Entrepreneurship is a guide for potential entrepreneurs that focuses on the often overlooked aspects of starting a business, such as personal problems, disagreements with partners, and excessive expectations. It aims to provide a realistic view of entrepreneurship, highlighting the potential pitfalls and challenges, rather than just focusing on success stories.

Positive Intelligence

Positive Intelligence is a book that provides tools and techniques, based on neuroscience, organizational science, and positive psychology, to help individuals increase their Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), which is the measure of mental fitness. The book aims to help readers achieve greater success and happiness by building new neural pathways in the brain, thereby unlocking their full potential.

Think Bigger

"Think Bigger" is a book by Michael W. Sonnenfeldt that provides insights and strategies from successful entrepreneurs, focusing on the importance of setting ambitious goals and constantly seeking ways to improve and expand one's business. It also explores the unique challenges and opportunities that come with significant success.

Purple Cow

"Purple Cow" is a marketing book by Seth Godin that emphasizes the importance of creating remarkable products or services that stand out like a 'purple cow' in a field of monochrome Holsteins, instead of relying on traditional advertising methods.

The Personal MBA

The Personal MBA is a book that provides a comprehensive overview of essential business concepts and principles, aiming to offer a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional business education. It is designed to help readers from all walks of life understand how businesses work, how to start a new business, and how to improve an existing one.

The Biz

"The Biz" is a novel that provides a satirical look at the music industry, highlighting its eccentricities, excesses, and exploitations.

Venture Deals

"Venture Deals" is a comprehensive guidebook that provides entrepreneurs with a detailed understanding of the venture capital financing process, including the key legal and financial terms involved in various types of deals.

Game Changing – Werde zum Business-Nerd

"Game Changing – Werde zum Business-Nerd" ist ein Buch, das darauf abzielt, Lesern zu helfen, ihre Geschäftsstrategien zu verbessern und zu innovieren, indem sie neue Technologien und digitale Trends nutzen.

Zero to One

"Zero to One" is a book by Peter Thiel that discusses strategies for startups to create innovative products and services, emphasizing the importance of moving from zero to one in terms of creating something new rather than copying what already exists.

Wheelbarrow Profits

"Wheelbarrow Profits" is a guide to multifamily real estate investing, providing strategies for creating wealth and achieving financial freedom.

The Book on Investing in Real Estate With No (and Low) Money Down

"The Book on Investing in Real Estate With No (and Low) Money Down" is a guide that provides strategies and advice on how to invest in real estate using little or no money down, focusing on creative investment techniques.

The Founders

"The Founders" is a comprehensive account of the creation and rise of PayPal, detailing the challenges, successes, and dynamics of the team that shaped the company and later became influential figures in Silicon Valley. It provides an in-depth look into the entrepreneurial journey, the technological landscape of the time, and the impact of PayPal's founders on the tech industry.

From Science to Startup

"From Science to Startup" is a guide for scientists and entrepreneurs that provides insights into the process of transforming a scientific idea into a successful startup. It offers practical advice on various aspects of the journey, including idea evaluation, team building, investor targeting, and dealing with challenges and uncertainties.

Buy Back Your Time

"Buy Back Your Time" is a guide for entrepreneurs on how to effectively manage their time by delegating tasks, focusing on high-value activities, and using resources to buy back their time. The book provides strategies and tactics to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses without sacrificing their personal lives.


"Dealterms.vc" is a comprehensive guide to understanding the structure and intricacies of venture capital deals, providing insights into the negotiation process, key terms, and the lifecycle of a startup. It also includes practical examples and interviews with industry experts to help entrepreneurs, investors, and other stakeholders navigate the venture capital ecosystem.

How to F*ck Up Your Startup

"How to F*ck Up Your Startup" is a guide for entrepreneurs that explores common mistakes and failures in startup culture, providing insights on how to identify, avoid, and fix these issues. It covers various aspects of a startup, from attitude and business model to funding, product development, sales, and growth.

How to Win at the Sport of Business

"How to Win at the Sport of Business" is a motivational book that provides insights and advice on succeeding in business, emphasizing the importance of relentless effort, continuous learning, and a competitive spirit. It is written by a successful entrepreneur who views business as the ultimate competition, akin to a never-ending sports game.

Scaling Up

"Scaling Up" provides practical tools and techniques for business leaders to successfully grow their companies, focusing on four key decisions: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. It offers an insider's view into the inner workings of the world's most successful companies, aiming to help ambitious entrepreneurs scale their ventures.

Shoe Dog

"Shoe Dog" is a memoir by Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, Inc., chronicling the journey of Nike from its inception as a start-up to its evolution into one of the world's most recognized and profitable companies. It provides an insider's perspective on entrepreneurship, innovation, and the building of a global brand.

$100M Leads

$100M Leads is about mastering the skill of attracting strangers to show interest in what you're selling, essentially transforming your business into a lead-generating machine. It provides practical strategies to increase lead flow, thereby doubling your business and solving the problem of not getting enough leads.

Built to Sell

"Built to Sell" is about creating a business that can thrive without the owner, making it a valuable and sellable asset. It provides a framework and action plan for business owners to ensure their businesses are among the desired 1% that can be sold.

Dotcom Secrets

Dotcom Secrets provides a comprehensive guide to mastering the science of online marketing and funnel building. It offers strategies to identify your target audience, capture their attention, build relationships, and effectively ascend them up your value ladder, ultimately leading to business growth.

$100M Offers

"$100M Offers" provides a framework for entrepreneurs to create highly profitable offers by combining effective pricing, value, guarantees, and naming strategies, termed as a Grand Slam Offer. It guides readers on how to turn advertising dollars into substantial profits and create a product or service that customers desperately want and solves their problems.

Freelance Your Way to Freedom

"Freelance Your Way to Freedom" is a guide to achieving financial independence through freelancing and remote work. It provides strategies for navigating the gig economy, setting up a freelancing agency, creating a productive freelancing lifestyle, and meeting customer expectations.

Das schlanke Start-up

Das Lean Startup handelt von einer Methodik für Unternehmer, um ihre Produkte schnell und effizient zu bauen, zu testen und zu iterieren, wobei der Fokus auf validiertem Lernen und Kundenfeedback liegt, um nachhaltigen Geschäftserfolg zu erzielen.

Ihre nächsten fünf Schritte

"Your Next Five Moves" ist ein strategischer Leitfaden zur Beherrschung der Kunst der Unternehmensstrategie, der sich auf Selbsterkenntnis, Argumentation, Teambildung, Skalierungsstrategien und Machtspiele konzentriert. Es bietet einen Fahrplan für Unternehmer und Führungskräfte, um ihren Markt zu erobern, indem sie mehrere Schritte vorausdenken.


Obsessed erforscht den Prozess des Aufbaus einer Marke, die die Menschen vom ersten Tag an lieben, und konzentriert sich auf die Schaffung einer emotionalen Verbindung mit den Kunden und das Verständnis ihrer Bedürfnisse, um eine dauerhafte Besessenheit zu erzeugen.

Expert Secrets

"Expert Secrets" is a guidebook by Russell Brunson that provides strategies and insights on how to turn your knowledge and skills into a profitable online business. It focuses on building a personal brand, creating a mass movement, and selling information products effectively.

Digital Marketing For Dummies

Digital Marketing For Dummies is a comprehensive guide that covers foundational disciplines such as content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing, providing insights and strategies for businesses to effectively engage with their audience, generate leads, and drive sales in the digital landscape.

Your Next Five Moves

"Your Next Five Moves" is a strategic guide to mastering the art of business strategy, focusing on self-awareness, reasoning, team building, scaling strategies, and power plays. It provides a roadmap for entrepreneurs and executives to conquer their market by thinking several moves ahead.


Obsessed explores the process of building a brand that people love from day one, focusing on creating an emotional connection with customers and understanding their needs to drive lasting obsession.

The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup is about a methodology for entrepreneurs to build, test, and iterate their products quickly and efficiently, focusing on validated learning and customer feedback to achieve sustainable business success.

The Millionaire Fastlane

The Millionaire Fastlane is about achieving financial freedom and wealth through unconventional strategies, focusing on creating scalable and controllable income streams rather than relying on traditional methods like saving and investing.

The Soul of a New Machine

The book The Soul of a New Machine (1981) is about a group of computer engineers who set out to build a new computer in just one year, pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion and beyond. Tracy Kidder's gripping narrative takes us behind the scenes of the high-stakes world of computer engineering, where brilliance, ambition, and obsession collide.

The War of Art

The book The War of Art (2002) is about the enemy of creativity: Resistance. Steven Pressfield explains how Resistance prevents us from pursuing our dreams and gives us practical tips on how to overcome it and unleash our full potential.

The Four Hour Workweek

The book The Four Hour Workweek (2007) is about escaping the 9-5 grind and living the life of your dreams. Timothy Ferriss offers practical tips and strategies to achieve a life of freedom, adventure, and purpose, all while working only four hours a week.

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