Productivity Book Summaries

Slow Productivity

Cal Newport redefines productivity with his philosophy of 'slow productivity,' aimed at achieving meaningful and sustainable accomplishments without burnout. This approach advocates for doing fewer things, working at a natural pace, and obsessing over quality.

Alles zuviel!

"Alles zuviel!" ist ein Selbsthilfebuch von Chris Williams, das die Leser dazu anregt, ihre Lasten loszulassen, anderen zu vergeben und inneren Frieden zu finden.

Wer klar denkt, entscheidet besser

Das Buch "Wer klar denkt, entscheidet besser" ist ein praktischer Leitfaden, der Ihnen hilft, klares Denken zu meistern. Es legt den Fokus darauf, unsere instinktiven Reaktionen zu erkennen und zu steuern, um Raum für vernünftiges Denken zu schaffen. Dieses klare Denken wird dann genutzt, um effektive Entscheidungen zu treffen und die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Das Buch betont die Bedeutung alltäglicher Momente bei der Gestaltung unserer Zukunft und bietet praktische Werkzeuge und Einsichten, um unser Urteilsvermögen und unsere Entscheidungsfindung zu verbessern.


"Hyperfocus" ist ein Buch von Chris Bailey, das sich mit dem Konzept des Aufmerksamkeitsmanagements auseinandersetzt. Es bietet praktische Strategien, um die Produktivität und Kreativität zu steigern, indem man seinen Fokus und seine Aufmerksamkeit gezielt lenkt.

Konzentriert arbeiten

"Konzentriert arbeiten" ist ein Selbsthilfebuch von Cal Newport, das die Bedeutung von fokussierter und ununterbrochener Arbeit für Erfolg und Produktivität im modernen digitalen Zeitalter hervorhebt.

The One Thing

"The One Thing" ist ein Selbsthilfebuch, das die Wichtigkeit betont, sich auf eine einzige Aufgabe oder ein einziges Ziel zu konzentrieren, um Erfolg und Produktivität zu steigern.

Die 4 Disziplinen der Umsetzung

Das Buch "Die 4 Disziplinen der Umsetzung" dient als Leitfaden zur Erreichung von Unternehmenszielen durch ein prinzipienbasiertes System, das den Schwerpunkt auf die Umsetzung legt. Es enthält ausführliche Anweisungen zur Implementierung dieser Disziplinen innerhalb eines Teams oder einer Organisation und betont dabei stark die praktische Anwendung.

Nutzen Sie Ihr zweites Gehirn

"Nutzen Sie Ihr zweites Gehirn" ist ein Leitfaden zur Erstellung eines Systems, das Ihre Produktivität und Kreativität steigert, indem es Ihnen hilft, Informationen effektiv zu verwalten und zu organisieren. Das Buch bietet Methoden, um Ideen mit digitalen Werkzeugen zu erfassen, zu strukturieren, zu verfeinern und auszudrücken, und verwandelt so die Informationsflut in eine wertvolle Ressource.


Essentialismus ist ein Lebensstil, der dazu anregt, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren und alles Unnötige zu eliminieren. So kannst du deine Zeit und Energie gezielter und effizienter einsetzen. Er bietet eine systematische Methode, um herauszufinden, was wirklich wichtig ist, das Unwesentliche zu entfernen und das Wesentliche so mühelos wie möglich zu erledigen.

OKR: Objectives & Key Results

"OKR: Objectives & Key Results" ist ein Buch von John Doerr, das das Konzept der Ziele und Schlüsselergebnisse (OKRs) behandelt – ein Zielsetzungssystem, das von erfolgreichen Unternehmen wie Google und Intel genutzt wird. Das Buch bietet Einblicke darin, wie man OKRs implementieren kann, um Organisationen auszurichten, hohe Leistung zu fördern und Wachstum voranzutreiben.

Feel-Good Productivity

"Feel-Good Productivity" von Ali Abdaal stellt einen neuen Ansatz zur Produktivität vor. Es konzentriert sich auf Strategien, die harte Arbeit angenehmer gestalten und das Wohlbefinden steigern. Das Buch bietet praktische Einblicke aus der Psychologie und Neurowissenschaft und zeigt Methoden, um Prokrastination zu überwinden, Burnout zu verhindern und Erfolg zu erreichen, indem positive Emotionen gefördert und verschiedene Strategien ausprobiert werden.


"Hooked" gewährt Einblicke, wie erfolgreiche Produkte Nutzergewohnheiten formen, basierend auf der Psychologie unseres Verhaltens. Der Autor stellt ein vierstufiges Modell vor, das als "Hook Model" bekannt ist, um zu erläutern, wie Unternehmen Gewohnheiten bei ihren Kunden entwickeln können.

Die Kunst, sich nicht ablenken zu lassen

"Die Kunst, sich nicht ablenken zu lassen, bietet einen Leitfaden, um deine Aufmerksamkeit zu kontrollieren und dein Leben bewusst zu gestalten. Das Buch liefert wertvolle Einblicke in die Wissenschaft der Aufmerksamkeit und stellt praktische, wissenschaftlich fundierte Techniken vor, um die Kontrolle darüber zu erlangen."

Mission Produktivität

"Mission Produktivität" ist Chris Baileys praktischer Leitfaden zur Steigerung der Produktivität, basierend auf einer einjährigen Reihe von Experimenten zu diesem Thema. Im Laufe des Buches bietet er den Lesern eine Vielzahl von Herausforderungen und Ratschlägen an, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf dem Management von Zeit, Aufmerksamkeit und Energie, um die Produktivität zu maximieren. Seine Konzepte zielen darauf ab, klüger statt härter zu arbeiten und die wertvollsten und bedeutungsvollsten Aufgaben zu identifizieren und zu priorisieren.


'Remote: Office Not Required' combines the authors' own experiences with insights from hundreds of other companies to show you how to go 'remote'. Learn how to build a successful remote company, which tools and techniques you can utilise and how to overcome common concerns and excuses.

How to Finish Everything You Start

This intelligently structured book dives deep into the phenomenon of the unfinished epidemic, aiming at those individuals who initiate tasks with enthusiasm but struggle to complete them. Unmasking the reasons behind having too much to do at once and procrastination, Jan Yager also provides solutions to the epidemic through useful tips, exercises and various concepts like F-I-N-I-S-H, goal setting, prioritizing and creating functional to-do lists.

Eat That Frog!

In 'Eat That Frog!', Brian Tracy presents a series of practical, proven, and effective strategies for overcoming procrastination and managing time efficiently. The book's title refers to Tracy's metaphor for tackling the most challenging task of the day - the one you are most likely to procrastinate on, but also the one that can have the most significant positive impact on your life.

Getting Things Done

In 'Getting Things Done', David Allen introduces a new way of getting more done with less effort and stress. The book is about mastering the flow of work, changing the way we approach tasks and developing a method to address all situations efficiently. It offers readers the opportunity to revitalize their work style by implementing principles that don't change with times, thereby enhancing personal productivity.

The Productivity Project

The Productivity Project is Chris Bailey's practical guide to productivity based on his year-long series of experiments on the topic. Throughout the book, he offers the reader a series of challenges and advice with a focus on managing time, attention, and energy to increase productivity. His concepts are all about working smarter, not harder, and determining the most valuable and meaningful tasks to focus on.


Indistractable provides a guide to control your attention and choose your life, offering key insights into the science of attention, and providing practical, researched-backed techniques to gain control over it.

Mind Management, Not Time Management

In 'Mind Management, Not Time Management', David Kadavy shifts the paradigm from the time-worn concepts of time management, to a focus on harnessing and optimizing creative energy. Through the book, he presents a systematic approach for managing creative energy to achieve higher productivity and creativity.


Hooked provides insights into how successful products form user habits, drawing on the psychology behind our behaviors. Its author uses a four-phase process known as the 'Hook Model' to explain how companies can develop habits in their customers.

Feel-Good Productivity

"Feel-Good Productivity" by Ali Abdaal is a book that presents a new approach to productivity, focusing on strategies that make hard work feel better and enhance wellbeing. It provides practical insights from psychology and neuroscience, and offers a method to overcome procrastination, prevent burnout, and achieve success by cultivating positive emotions and experimenting with different strategies.

Someday Is Today

"Someday Is Today" is a guide to increasing productivity and achieving personal goals, written by Matthew Dicks. The book provides strategies and insights on how to make the most of one's time, overcome procrastination, and live a fulfilling life by turning dreams into reality.

Remember Everything You Read

"Remember Everything You Read" is a guidebook that provides techniques for enhancing reading speed and comprehension, and offers strategies for effective note-taking and recall to improve academic performance.

Measure What Matters

"Measure What Matters" is a book by John Doerr that discusses the concept of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a goal-setting system used by successful organizations like Google and Intel. The book provides insights on how to implement OKRs to align organizations, motivate high performance, and drive growth.


Essentialism is a lifestyle approach that encourages focusing on what is truly important and eliminating the rest, allowing for a more purposeful and efficient use of time and energy. It teaches a systematic way to discern what is essential, eliminate what is not, and make doing the essential as effortless as possible.

The 5 AM Club

The 5 AM Club is a self-help book that promotes the idea of waking up at 5 AM and using the first hour of the day for personal growth and self-improvement activities. The author, Robin Sharma, shares methods and tools he has taught to successful individuals over the past twenty years, aiming to enhance creativity, productivity, prosperity, and service to the world.

Der 5-Uhr-Club

"Der 5-Uhr-Club" ist ein Selbsthilfebuch, das die Idee fördert, um 5 Uhr morgens aufzustehen und die erste Stunde des Tages für persönliches Wachstum und Selbstverbesserungsaktivitäten zu nutzen. Der Autor, Robin Sharma, teilt Methoden und Werkzeuge, die er in den letzten zwanzig Jahren erfolgreichen Menschen beigebracht hat, mit dem Ziel, Kreativität, Produktivität, Wohlstand und Dienst an der Welt zu steigern.

Attention Span

"Attention Span" by Gloria Mark is a comprehensive study on how digital technologies like personal computing and smartphones have impacted our attention spans, leading to increased multitasking, distractions, and interruptions. The book also provides solutions on how to regain control over our attention and achieve a balance between our digital behaviors and overall productivity.

Building a Second Brain

"Building a Second Brain" is a guide on how to create a system that enhances productivity and creativity by effectively managing and organizing information. It provides methods to capture, organize, distill, and express ideas using digital tools, turning information overload into a valuable resource.

Anleitung zur Selbstüberlistung

Das Buch "Anleitung zur Selbstüberlistung" handelt von Techniken und Strategien zur Selbstüberlistung und Selbstoptimierung, um persönliche Ziele zu erreichen und das eigene Leben effektiver zu gestalten.

It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work

The book "It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work" by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson advocates for a calm, stress-free work environment. It provides insights and practical advice on how to achieve this by rejecting workaholism, promoting reasonable work hours, and eliminating unnecessary distractions and unrealistic expectations.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution

The book "The 4 Disciplines of Execution" is a guide to achieving organizational goals through a principle-based system that focuses on execution. It provides detailed instructions on implementing these disciplines within a team or organization, with a strong emphasis on application and practicality.

The One Thing

"The One Thing" is a self-help book that emphasizes the importance of focusing on a single task or goal at a time to achieve success and productivity.

Faster Than Normal

"Faster Than Normal" is a guidebook that provides strategies and insights on how to leverage ADHD as a strength and superpower, enhancing focus, productivity, and success. It also serves as a resource for those who interact with individuals with ADHD, and anyone seeking to improve their brain function.

Deep Work

"Deep Work" is a self-help book by Cal Newport that advocates for the importance of focused, uninterrupted work in achieving success and productivity in the modern digital age.


"Hyperfocus" is a book by Chris Bailey that explores the concept of attention management, offering practical strategies to increase productivity and creativity by effectively managing one's focus and attention.

Clear Thinking

The book Clear Thinking is a practical guide to mastering clear thinking, focusing on identifying and managing our instinctual reactions to create space for reasoning, and then applying this clear thinking to make effective decisions and achieve desired outcomes. It emphasizes the importance of ordinary moments in shaping our future and offers practical tools and insights to improve judgment and decision-making.

Let It Go

"Let It Go" is a self-help book by Chris Williams that encourages readers to release their burdens, forgive others, and find peace in their lives.

Time Wise

"Time Wise" is a book that explores the concept of time management, offering practical strategies and insights to help individuals maximize their productivity and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

Buy Back Your Time

"Buy Back Your Time" is a guide for entrepreneurs on how to effectively manage their time by delegating tasks, focusing on high-value activities, and using resources to buy back their time. The book provides strategies and tactics to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses without sacrificing their personal lives.

How To Have A Good Day

"How To Have A Good Day" by Caroline Webb is a practical guide that uses insights from behavioral science to provide strategies for having more productive, efficient, and enjoyable days at work and beyond. The book covers topics such as setting intentional goals, managing time effectively, building rapport, and resolving tensions.

The Power of Concentration

The Power of Concentration is about the immense value of concentration in achieving success and happiness in life. It provides practical exercises and lessons to develop and apply this power to make the most of life's opportunities.

Four Thousand Weeks

"Four Thousand Weeks" is a guide to time management that challenges conventional wisdom, arguing that the traditional approach has failed and needs to be rethought. It offers practical advice on how to build a meaningful life, set achievable goals, and prioritize what truly matters, all within the average human lifespan of 4000 weeks.

The Power of Full Engagement

The Power of Full Engagement presents the idea that managing personal energy, not time, is the key to high performance and personal renewal. It emphasizes the importance of balancing stress and recovery, maintaining physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy, and creating positive energy rituals for sustained high performance.

Wie man kluge Notizen macht

Wie man kluge Notizen macht, handelt von einer einfachen Technik, um das Schreiben, Lernen und Denken zu verbessern, indem man effektiv Notizen macht und organisiert, was wiederum hilft, Ideen und Einsichten für Schüler, Akademiker und Sachbuchautoren zu entwickeln.

Dinge erledigen

"Getting Things Done" handelt davon, die Produktivität zu steigern und eine stressfreie Arbeitsumgebung zu erreichen, indem effektive Organisations- und Arbeitsflusstechniken implementiert werden.

The 12 Week Year

"The 12 Week Year" presents a system designed to improve performance and achieve goals faster by focusing on execution within a 12-week timeframe, rather than a traditional 12-month year. It provides a structured approach that can be applied both personally and professionally, offering tools and strategies to close the execution gap and increase productivity.

Clockwork, Revised and Expanded

Clockwork, Revised and Expanded is about designing and implementing systems to streamline a business, improve efficiency, and achieve growth while giving business owners more freedom and time.

Getting Things Done

Getting Things Done is about enhancing productivity and achieving a stress-free work environment by implementing effective organization and workflow management techniques.

How to Take Smart Notes

How to Take Smart Notes is about a simple technique to boost writing, learning, and thinking by effectively taking and organizing notes, which in turn helps develop ideas and insights for students, academics, and nonfiction writers.

The Checklist Manifesto

The book The Checklist Manifesto (2009) is about the power of checklists in simplifying complex tasks and reducing errors. Atul Gawande takes us on a journey where he shows how checklists can save lives, improve efficiency, and increase productivity in fields ranging from medicine to aviation to construction.

The 4-Hour Body

The book The 4-Hour Body (2010) is about unlocking the secrets to achieving the body of your dreams in just four hours a week. With unconventional methods and cutting-edge research, Timothy Ferriss shows you how to optimize your diet, exercise routine, and overall lifestyle to transform your body and your life.

The Four Hour Workweek

The book The Four Hour Workweek (2007) is about escaping the 9-5 grind and living the life of your dreams. Timothy Ferriss offers practical tips and strategies to achieve a life of freedom, adventure, and purpose, all while working only four hours a week.

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