Mindfulness & happiness Book Summaries

What Life Could Mean to You

In 'What Life Could Mean to You', Adler explores the concept of life's meaning and how individuals can overcome feelings of inferiority by fostering social interest and cooperation. He delves into the core issues of occupational, social, and sexual challenges, emphasizing that life's meaning is derived from our contributions and connections with others.


"Mindsight" ist ein Buch von Dr. Daniel Siegel, das das Konzept der 'Mindsight' erforscht – die Fähigkeit, das eigene Denken und das Denken anderer wahrzunehmen. Es zeigt auf, wie man diese Fähigkeit entwickeln kann, um die emotionale und soziale Intelligenz zu stärken.

Habits of a Happy Brain

This book delves into the world of brain chemicals and their impact on happiness. Loretta Graziano Breuning offers insights and practical advice on how to retrain your brain to produce more serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, ultimately improving your overall sense of well-being.

kreativ. Die Kunst zu sein

"Kreativ. Die Kunst des Seins" ist ein Buch, das den kreativen Prozess, seine Bedeutung in verschiedenen Bereichen und Möglichkeiten zur Förderung und Entwicklung von Kreativität untersucht.

Briefe an Lucilius

"Briefe an Lucilius" ist eine Sammlung moralischer Briefe, verfasst von Seneca dem Jüngeren. Sie bieten tiefgehende Einblicke in die stoische Philosophie und geben praktische Ratschläge zu verschiedenen Herausforderungen des Lebens.

Finde dein Ikigai

"Finde dein Ikigai" ist ein Buch, das das japanische Konzept des "Ikigai" untersucht, was grob übersetzt "das Glück, immer beschäftigt zu sein" oder "der eigene Lebenssinn" bedeutet. Die Autoren erläutern, wie das Finden und Verfolgen des eigenen Ikigai Bedeutung, Glück und Sinn im Leben bringen kann. Dabei greifen sie auf Erkenntnisse aus der japanischen Philosophie und dem Lebensstil der Bewohner von Okinawa zurück, die für ihre außergewöhnliche Langlebigkeit bekannt sind.

Autobiographie eines Yogi

Dieses Buch erzählt die zutiefst persönliche Geschichte von Paramhansa Yogananda, einem bekannten indischen Yogi, der Yoga und Meditation in den Westen brachte. Es gewährt einen direkten Einblick in seine bemerkenswerten Erlebnisse, seine Lehren, seine Begegnungen mit spirituellen Führern und seine tiefen Einsichten in Yoga und Spiritualität.

Verletzlichkeit macht stark

"Verletzlichkeit macht stark" thematisiert die Bedeutung, unsere Verletzlichkeit und Unvollkommenheit zu akzeptieren, um ein authentisches Leben voller Wertschätzung zu führen. Brené Brown verdeutlicht, wie der Mut, verletzlich zu sein, unser Leben, unsere Beziehungen, unser Elternsein und unsere Führungsqualitäten transformieren kann.

Light on Yoga

Light on Yoga provides detailed descriptions of asanas (postures) and pranayamas (breathing disciplines) aiming to rejuvenate the practitioner's physical and spiritual well-being. It guides readers on the correct and safe method of mastering these techniques and highlights the need for a devoted practice for substantial progress.

The Power of Moments

This book explores how to create the defining moments that can transform our lives and organizations. The authors identify key elements of such moments and show how they can be shaped and multiplied, emphasizing their importance in achieving numerous positive outcomes including greater customer satisfaction, employee motivation, and personal happiness.

Daring Greatly

'Daring Greatly' is about embracing vulnerability and imperfection, to engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness. Brené Brown explores how the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.

Autobiography of a Yogi

This book is a deeply personal story of the life of Paramhansa Yogananda, a well-known Indian yogi who brought yoga and meditation to the West. It offers a firsthand account of his remarkable experiences, his teachings, his meetings with spiritual leaders, and his profound insights into yoga and spirituality.

Magic Cleaning

"Magic Cleaning" ist ein Buch von Marie Kondo, das praktische Tipps zum Aufräumen und Ordnunghalten bietet, um unnötigen Ballast loszuwerden und ein ausgeglichenes Leben zu führen. Es lehrt die Leser, wie richtiges Aufräumen das Leben verändern kann und wie man durch das Behalten von Dingen, die glücklich machen, und das Wegwerfen von unnötigen Dingen, ein erfüllteres Leben führen kann.

Positive Intelligence

Positive Intelligence is a book that provides tools and techniques, based on neuroscience, organizational science, and positive psychology, to help individuals increase their Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), which is the measure of mental fitness. The book aims to help readers achieve greater success and happiness by building new neural pathways in the brain, thereby unlocking their full potential.

Attention Span

"Attention Span" by Gloria Mark is a comprehensive study on how digital technologies like personal computing and smartphones have impacted our attention spans, leading to increased multitasking, distractions, and interruptions. The book also provides solutions on how to regain control over our attention and achieve a balance between our digital behaviors and overall productivity.


"Ikigai" is a book that explores the Japanese concept of "ikigai", which translates roughly to "the happiness of always being busy" or one's reason for being, and its connection to longevity and satisfaction in life. The authors delve into how finding and pursuing one's ikigai can bring meaning, happiness, and a sense of purpose to life, drawing insights from Japanese philosophy and the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Okinawa, known for their extraordinary longevity.

Think Straight

"Think Straight" is a self-help book that teaches readers how to control their thoughts, eliminate unnecessary worries, and improve their decision-making skills. It provides practical strategies for achieving mental clarity and maintaining focus in a world full of distractions.

Emotional Habits

"Emotional Habits" is a book that explores the concept of emotional habits, how they shape our lives, and how we can change them to improve our emotional health and overall well-being.

The Creativity Cure

"The Creativity Cure" is a self-help book that proposes a unique therapeutic method, using creativity to alleviate stress and anxiety, and promote mental well-being.


"Aware" is a book that delves into the science of self-awareness and meditation, offering practical guidance on how to strengthen attention, improve emotional regulation, and increase overall well-being.

Letters from a Stoic

"Letters from a Stoic" is a collection of moral epistles written by Seneca the Younger, providing profound insights into Stoic philosophy and offering practical advice on a variety of life's challenges.

The Creative Act

"The Creative Act" is a book that explores the process of creativity, its importance in various fields, and how it can be nurtured and developed.


"Mindsight" is a book by Dr. Daniel Siegel that explores the concept of 'mindsight' or the ability to perceive one's own and others' minds, and how this skill can be developed to improve emotional and social intelligence.

Freedom from the Known

"Freedom from the Known" is a philosophical book by Jiddu Krishnamurti that explores the concept of personal liberation through understanding the nature of the mind and breaking free from the constraints of tradition, environment, and conditioning.

Buddhism for Beginners

"Buddhism for Beginners" provides an accessible introduction to the key principles of Buddhism and offers guidance on how to integrate these teachings into daily life. It covers a wide range of topics including the essence of Buddhism, meditation, love and compassion, karma, and the Buddhist traditions.

The Art of Happiness

"The Art of Happiness" is a guide to achieving happiness by training the mind, understanding the true sources of happiness, and making conscious decisions that lead to a happier life. It emphasizes the importance of mental outlook, compassion, and spirituality in cultivating a lasting sense of joy.

The Miracle of Mindfulness

The Miracle of Mindfulness is a guide to cultivating mindfulness in daily life, emphasizing the importance of being present in each moment. It provides practical exercises and insights into the practice of mindfulness, demonstrating its transformative potential for individuals of any religious or philosophical background.

Die Gewohnheit, du selbst zu sein, durchbrechen

"Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself" handelt davon, die Wissenschaft hinter der persönlichen Veränderung zu verstehen und praktische Schritte zur Veränderung deiner Denkweise zu liefern, alte Gewohnheiten zu brechen und ein neues, ideales Selbst zu erschaffen.

Die Kraft des Jetzt

Die Kraft der Gegenwart ist ein Leitfaden zur spirituellen Erleuchtung, der die Bedeutung des Lebens im gegenwärtigen Moment betont und die Befreiung von der Dominanz des Geistes hervorhebt. Es zielt darauf ab, eine Veränderung im menschlichen Bewusstsein hin zu einem erleuchteteren und friedlicheren Zustand zu erleichtern.

Warum der Buddhismus wahr ist

Warum der Buddhismus wahr ist, konzentriert sich auf die naturalistischen Aspekte des Buddhismus und erforscht, wie seine Kernideen mit der modernen Psychologie und Philosophie übereinstimmen und wie diese Ideen die Sichtweise auf sich selbst und die Welt revolutionieren können. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, die Gültigkeit dieser zentralen buddhistischen Ideen und ihr Potenzial für eine persönliche Transformation und ein klareres Verständnis der Realität zu demonstrieren.

Die Kraft des Rituals

Die Macht des Rituals handelt davon, alltägliche Aktivitäkeiten in seelenvolle Praktiken zu verwandeln, die eine heilige Grundlage für das Leben schaffen und den Menschen helfen, tiefere Verbindungen mit sich selbst, anderen, der natürlichen Welt und dem Göttlichen zu finden.

10% Glücklicher

10% glücklicher handelt von der persönlichen Reise des Autors Dan Harris, bei der er Meditation und Achtsamkeit entdeckt hat und wie es ihm geholfen hat, ruhiger, konzentrierter und ungefähr 10% glücklicher zu werden.

Das Universum steht hinter Dir

"Das Universum steht hinter dir" handelt davon, Angst in Glauben zu verwandeln und zu lernen, dem Universum zu vertrauen, um dich auf deiner Lebensreise zu führen und zu unterstützen.


Balance erforscht die Zusammenhänge zwischen Geld, Gesundheit, Glück und Lebenssinn und bietet evidenzbasierte Tipps und Erkenntnisse, die den Lesern helfen, ein erfülltes und abgerundetes Leben zu führen.

Starkes Selbstmitgefühl

Fierce Self-Compassion hilft Frauen, sowohl starkes als auch zartes Selbstmitgefühl zu entwickeln und zu integrieren, um Herausforderungen zu meistern und positive Veränderungen in ihrem Leben und in der Welt zu bewirken. Es bietet Werkzeuge und Übungen, um Selbstmitgefühl zu kultivieren und Frauen zu befähigen, für sich und andere einzustehen.

Die vier Versprechen

Die vier Versprechen ist ein Leitfaden zur persönlichen Transformation, der auf der alten toltekischen Weisheit basiert und vier Prinzipien für ein erfülltes und befreites Leben vorstellt: mit seinem Wort untadelig sein, nichts persönlich nehmen, keine Vermutungen anstellen und immer sein Bestes geben.

It's OK That You're Not OK

"It's OK That You're Not OK" is about redefining our understanding of grief as a natural response to loss, rather than a problem to be solved. It provides guidance on how to navigate grief with compassion and understanding, and how to support others in their grief.

The Art of Taking It Easy

The Art of Taking It Easy is about managing stress and developing resilience in life, offering practical advice and techniques to cope with various stressors and maintain a more relaxed, happy state of mind.

Fierce Self-Compassion

Fierce Self-Compassion focuses on helping women develop and integrate both fierce and tender self-compassion to tackle challenges and create positive change in their lives and the world. It provides tools and exercises to cultivate self-compassion, empowering women to stand up for themselves and others.

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements is a guide to personal transformation, based on ancient Toltec wisdom, that presents four principles for living a fulfilling and liberated life: being impeccable with your word, not taking anything personally, not making assumptions, and always doing your best.


Balance explores the relationships between money, health, happiness, and purpose, offering evidence-based tips and insights to help readers achieve a fulfilling and well-rounded life.

The Power of Now

The Power of Now is a guide to spiritual enlightenment that emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and freeing oneself from the dominance of the mind. It aims to facilitate a shift in human consciousness towards a more enlightened and peaceful state.

10% Happier

10% Happier is about the author Dan Harris's personal journey of discovering meditation and mindfulness, and how it helped him become calmer, more focused, and happier by approximately 10%.


Mastermind is about learning and applying Sherlock Holmes's methodology to engage mindfully with oneself and the world, ultimately improving one's habits of thought and decision-making.

The Universe Has Your Back

The Universe Has Your Back is about transforming fear into faith and learning to trust the Universe to guide and support you on your life's journey.

How to Do Nothing

How to Do Nothing is about resisting the attention economy and reevaluating productivity by embracing periods of stillness, reflection, and disengagement from technology, ultimately leading to a deeper connection with oneself, others, and the world.

Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework that focuses on cultivating a healthy relationship with food, mind, and body by listening and responding to the body's internal cues, rather than following external rules or diet plans.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is about understanding the science behind personal transformation and providing practical steps to change one's mindset, break old habits, and create a new, ideal self.

Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old

Stupid Things I Won't Do When I Get Old is about the author's personal reflections and lessons learned from observing his parents and others age, and his determination to make smarter choices as he grows older to avoid the pitfalls and self-defeating behaviors he witnessed.

The Power of Ritual

The Power of Ritual is about transforming everyday activities into soulful practices that create a sacred foundation for life, helping individuals find deeper connections with themselves, others, the natural world, and the divine.

Why Buddhism is True

Why Buddhism is True focuses on the naturalistic aspects of Buddhism, exploring how its core ideas align with modern psychology and philosophy, and how these ideas can revolutionize one's view of themselves and the world. The book aims to demonstrate the validity of these core Buddhist ideas and their potential to bring about personal transformation and a clearer understanding of reality.

The Gifts of Imperfection

The book The Gifts of Imperfection (2010) is about embracing our imperfect selves and living a wholehearted life. Brené Brown teaches us how to cultivate self-compassion, let go of perfectionism and embrace vulnerability to find true happiness and fulfillment.

The Untethered Soul

The book The Untethered Soul (2007) is about unleashing your true self by letting go of negative thoughts and emotions that hold you back from experiencing a fulfilling life. Michael A. Singer gives practical advice on how to tap into your inner voice and live in the present moment, free from the limitations of your ego.

The Body Keeps the Score

The book The Body Keeps the Score (2014) is about the fascinating connection between our brain and body, and how traumatic experiences can affect us long-term. Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. explores innovative treatments that can help us heal from the past and move towards a brighter future.

The Happiness Project

The book The Happiness Project (2009) is about Gretchen Rubin's personal journey to find happiness by implementing small, achievable changes in her daily life. Through her relatable anecdotes and practical advice, she inspires readers to also embark on their own happiness project and live a more fulfilling life.

The Miracle Morning

The book The Miracle Morning (2012) is about transforming your life by waking up early and following a series of morning rituals that will increase your productivity, improve your health, and bring more happiness and success into your life. Hal Elrod's book provides a step-by-step guide to creating a morning routine that will help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

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