Environment & nature Book Summaries

The Humanure Handbook

The Humanure Handbook offers an in-depth look into the practice of composting human waste as a sustainable and ecological approach to sanitation. This fourth edition distills over forty years of experience and updates the language and content from previous editions.

Die neuen Wilden

"Die neuen Wilden" ist eine faszinierende Untersuchung des Konzepts invasiver Arten. Das Buch hinterfragt traditionelle Ansichten und argumentiert, dass diese Arten tatsächlich vorteilhaft für Ökosysteme und die Biodiversität sein können.


In 'Novacene', James Lovelock introduces us to a radical new epoch where technology surpasses human intelligence, dramatically altering the world as we know it. As humanity enters this age of hyperintelligence, Lovelock explores the implications for our planet and our species.

Warum wir Hunde lieben, Schweine essen und Kühe anziehen

In diesem packenden Buch erforscht Melanie Joy das unsichtbare System - oder besser gesagt das Glaubenssystem - das Menschen dazu prägt, bestimmte Tiere zu essen und andere nicht. Sie geht der Erforschung des 'Karnismus' nach, einem Glaubenssystem, das unsere Wahrnehmung und unser Verhalten nachhaltig geprägt und gegen Veränderungen resistent gemacht hat.

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows

In this engrossing book, Melanie Joy explores the invisible system or belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals and not others. It's an exploration of 'carnism', the belief system that has shaped our perception of the behavior extremely resistant to change.

Silent Spring

Silent Spring is a profound narrative that played a pivotal role in sparking an environmental movement. With explicit focus on the harmful effects of pesticides and other toxic chemicals, it initiated an awakening of public environmental consciousness, leading to significant changes in policies regarding environmental protection. Rachel Carson, through her compelling writing, dared to challenge the wisdom of a government allowing the entry of toxic substances into the environment without understanding long-term implications.

Renewable Energies: Understanding and Joining the Conversation

In 'Renewable Energies: Understanding and Joining the Conversation', Christian Holler offers a comprehensive and detailed look at the complex world of renewable energy sources. Covering topics such as energy consumption, solar power, wind power, and other renewable resources, Holler draws on his scientific background to provide readers with an accessible and accurate understanding of these resources and their potential for future energy needs.

Erneuerbare Energien zum Verstehen und Mitreden

In "Erneuerbare Energien zum Verstehen und Mitreden" bietet Christian Holler einen umfassenden und detaillierten Einblick in die komplexe Welt der erneuerbaren Energiequellen. Er behandelt Themen wie Energieverbrauch, Solarenergie, Windenergie und andere erneuerbare Ressourcen. Mit seinem wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund vermittelt Holler den Lesern ein zugängliches und korrektes Verständnis dieser Ressourcen und ihres Potenzials für zukünftige Energiebedürfnisse.

Feng Shui Modern

Feng Shui Modern, by Cliff Tan and Dura Lee, explores the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, emphasizing its relevance in modern architecture and interior design. It provides practical guidelines on arranging living spaces to enhance mood, health, and overall wellbeing, balancing elements like yin and yang, and managing chi energy.

Conversations with the Earth

"Conversations with the Earth" is a book by Dr. Yafi Yair that explores the concept of channeling and communicating with various elements and energies of the Earth, discussing humanity, consciousness, and the shift in Earth's evolution.

The New Wild

"The New Wild" is a thought-provoking exploration of the concept of invasive species, challenging traditional views and arguing that they can actually be beneficial to ecosystems and biodiversity.

Let My People Go Surfing

"Let My People Go Surfing" is about the journey of Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia, Inc., who shares his philosophy of life and business, emphasizing on the importance of responsible business practices that respect the environment and challenge the conventional model of capitalism. It provides insights into how businesses can be profitable while making positive impacts on society and the environment.

Schrottplatz Planet

"Junkyard Planet" erforscht den globalen Müllhandel und zeigt auf, wie der Abfall, den wir produzieren und wegwerfen, zu einem profitablen Geschäft werden kann. Es taucht in die Recyclingindustrie ein, diskutiert ihre Umweltauswirkungen, die beteiligten Menschen und wie unsere Konsumgewohnheiten diese milliardenschwere Industrie beeinflussen.

Heilige Natur

"Sacred Nature" erforscht die uralte menschliche Verbindung zur natürlichen Welt und betont die Bedeutung der Anerkennung und Wiederherstellung der Heiligkeit der Natur. Es taucht in verschiedene religiöse und philosophische Traditionen ein, um zu zeigen, wie sie die Natur verehrten und schlägt Wege vor, diese Ehrfurcht in das moderne Leben zu integrieren, um Umweltkrisen zu bewältigen.


Salmon Wars untersucht die verborgenen Kosten und Folgen der Lachszuchtindustrie, wobei der Fokus auf deren Umweltauswirkungen, Gesundheitsrisiken und das Potenzial für verantwortungsvollere Praktiken liegt.

Eine Welt auf den Flügeln

A World on the Wing (Eine Welt auf den Flügeln) erforscht den faszinierenden Stand der Zugvogelforschung und des Naturschutzes und gibt einen Einblick in die globale Odyssee der Zugvögel und die Wissenschaftler, die daran arbeiten, sie zu verstehen und zu schützen.

Junkyard Planet

"Junkyard Planet" explores the global trash trade, revealing how the waste we produce and discard can become a profitable business. It delves into the recycling industry, discussing its environmental implications, the people involved, and how our consumption habits influence this billion-dollar industry.

Why We Swim

"Why We Swim" explores the human relationship with water, examining how swimming serves various purposes such as survival, well-being, community, competition, and flow. It delves into the history, science, and cultural practices around swimming, and how immersion in water can open our imaginations and provide a fresh perspective.

A World on the Wing

A World on the Wing explores the fascinating state of migration research and conservation, delving into the global odyssey of migratory birds and the scientists working to understand and protect them.

Salmon Wars

Salmon Wars explores the hidden costs and consequences of the salmon farming industry, focusing on its environmental impact, health risks, and the potential for more responsible practices.

Sacred Nature

"Sacred Nature" explores the ancient human bond with the natural world, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and restoring the sacredness of nature. It delves into various religious and philosophical traditions to highlight how they revered nature and suggests ways to incorporate this reverence into modern life to address environmental crises.

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