The New Wild - Summary and Key Ideas

"The New Wild" is a thought-provoking exploration of the concept of invasive species, challenging traditional views and arguing that they can actually be beneficial to ecosystems and biodiversity.

The target group for "The New Wild" is likely environmental enthusiasts, conservationists, and those interested in ecology and biodiversity.

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The New Wild

Key ideas


The narrative of 'harmful alien species' in often oversimplified, overlooking the ecological benefits and increased biodiversity they bring, and the need for a more nuanced, pragmatic approach.


The myth of untouched nature obscures the reality of ecosystems as dynamic, human-influenced entities, necessitating a shift in conservation perspectives.

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Alien species, often dismissed as harmful, are increasingly representing ecological revival and biodiversity.

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Summary & Review

"The New Wild" by Fred Pearce is a thought-provoking exploration of the role of invasive species in our ecosystems. Pearce challenges the conventional wisdom that invasive species are inherently harmful, arguing instead that they often play a crucial role in repairing damaged ecosystems and increasing biodiversity. He suggests that our fear of invasive species is often misplaced and that we should instead focus on the real environmental threats, such as climate change and habitat destruction.

Fred Pearce

Fred Pearce is a British author and journalist, specializing in global environmental issues, including water and climate change. He has been the environment consultant for New Scientist magazine and regularly contributes to numerous international media outlets.


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