Society & culture Book Summaries

Warum wir Hunde lieben, Schweine essen und Kühe anziehen

In diesem packenden Buch erforscht Melanie Joy das unsichtbare System - oder besser gesagt das Glaubenssystem - das Menschen dazu prägt, bestimmte Tiere zu essen und andere nicht. Sie geht der Erforschung des 'Karnismus' nach, einem Glaubenssystem, das unsere Wahrnehmung und unser Verhalten nachhaltig geprägt und gegen Veränderungen resistent gemacht hat.

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows

In this engrossing book, Melanie Joy explores the invisible system or belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals and not others. It's an exploration of 'carnism', the belief system that has shaped our perception of the behavior extremely resistant to change.

Ein Paradies, gebaut in der Hölle

Das Buch beleuchtet das Phänomen von Freundlichkeit, Solidarität und Großzügigkeit, das sich unter Menschen nach Katastrophen herausbildet. Entgegen der allgemeinen Erwartung von Chaos und Zerstörung zeigt Rebecca auf, wie Katastrophen häufig Situationen erzeugen, die an Utopien erinnern. In diesen kommen Menschen zusammen, um eine außergewöhnliche Gemeinschaft zu formen.

A Paradise Built in Hell

The book explores the phenomena of kindness, solidarity and generous behaviour that emerges among people in the aftermath of disasters. In contrast to the common expectation of chaos and destruction, Rebecca details how disaster often gives rise to utopia-like situations where human beings come together to create an extraordinary sense of community.

A World Without Men

This book delves into the theoretical examination of an all-female economy. Clarey leverages economic theory, data, and societal context to meticulously demonstrate the potential challenges and shortcomings of a world without male labor force contribution.

When Women Sexually Abuse Men

This volume uncovers the shocking and true accounts of adult women stalking, sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, and even raping adult men. It discusses a wide range of crimes and behaviors, including sexual assaults, aggressive and unwanted sexual advances, sexual harassment, and stalking by women against men.

Von Mäusen und Menschen

"Von Mäusen und Menschen" ist eine Geschichte über zwei Wanderarbeiter, George und Lennie, die während der Großen Depression in Kalifornien nach Arbeit suchen und davon träumen, eines Tages ihr eigenes Land zu besitzen. Ihre Freundschaft und gemeinsamen Träume werden jedoch durch Missverständnisse, Eifersucht und die harte Realität des Lebens auf der Straße auf die Probe gestellt.

Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft in der Pandemie

'Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft in der Pandemie' ist eine Sammlung von Erfahrungen von Müttern in der Wissenschaft während der Pandemie. Sie bietet kritische Einblicke in die Herausforderungen und diskutiert die Vereinbarkeit von Mutterschaft und wissenschaftlicher Arbeit unter den verschärften Bedingungen der globalen Krise. Das Buch enthält verschiedene Standpunkte aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen.

Abschied von Sidonie

"Abschied von Sidonie" ist eine Erzählung von Erich Hackl, die das tragische Schicksal von Sidonie Adlersburg, einem Zigeunermädchen, das während des Zweiten Weltkriegs von einer österreichischen Familie adoptiert und später von den Nazis deportiert und ermordet wurde, nachzeichnet. Das Buch zeichnet sich durch seine emotionale Tiefe und historische Genauigkeit aus.


'Independence' is a work of fiction set in India teetering on the verge of independence. The narrative, rooted in a sense of authenticity, follows the protagonists' emotional turmoil, as they navigate through excitement, agitation, guilt, and loneliness. Besides individual journeys, the book encapsulates the chaos and joy of a nation, its leaders, and its people at the precipice of emancipation.

Introducing Fashion Theory

"Introducing Fashion Theory" is a comprehensive guide that introduces students and future fashion professionals to the theories, concepts, frameworks, and ideas that underpin dress and fashion. It also explores the role of the fashion industry, consumer behavior, and the cultural and societal impacts of fashion.

Ein falsches Wort

"Ein falsches Wort" ist ein Buch, das die Bedrohung der Meinungsfreiheit durch eine neue linke Ideologie aus Amerika untersucht und dabei Themen wie Identitätspolitik, Medienparteilichkeit und "Woke Capitalismus" behandelt. Es warnt vor den Auswirkungen dieser Trends auf Deutschland und plädiert für einen liberalen Diskurs und Toleranz gegenüber unterschiedlichen Meinungen.


"Outsiders" is a sociological analysis of deviant behavior, exploring how society defines and responds to deviance. It includes empirical studies on marijuana users and dance musicians, examining their cultures and the societal reactions they provoke.


"Triggerpunkte" ist ein Buch, das die Dynamik gesellschaftlicher Debatten und Konflikte untersucht, insbesondere die sogenannten "Triggerpunkte", an denen Meinungsverschiedenheiten eskalieren und Konsens in deutlichen Dissens umschlägt. Es analysiert, warum bestimmte Themen eine starke emotionale Reaktion hervorrufen und wie diese Themen mit moralischen Erwartungen und sozialen Dispositionen verknüpft sind.


The book "Georgia: A State History" is a comprehensive history of the state of Georgia, tracing its development from its early years as a Spanish outpost and British colony, through the Civil War and Civil Rights era, to its modern status as a technologically advanced state. It explores the state's politics, economy, society, and the stories of the people who shaped its destiny, providing a deep understanding of what it means to be a Georgian.

From Here on Different

The book "From Here on Different" by Robert Habeck is a political sketch that explores the reasons for the loss of self-evident truths in society and proposes a new kind of politics that aims to prevent the problems and losses of progress from arising in the first place. It is a reflection on the challenges of liberal democracy, the erosion of trust in politics, the fragmentation of Europe, and the climate crisis.

Von hier an anders

Das Buch "Von Hier an Anders" von Robert Habeck ist eine politische Skizze, die die Gründe für den Verlust selbstverständlicher Wahrheiten in der Gesellschaft untersucht und eine neue Art von Politik vorschlägt, die darauf abzielt, die Probleme und Verluste des Fortschritts von vornherein zu verhindern. Es ist eine Reflexion über die Herausforderungen der liberalen Demokratie, den Vertrauensverlust in der Politik, die Zersplitterung Europas und die Klimakrise.

When Helping Hurts

"When Helping Hurts" is a book that provides a new perspective on poverty alleviation, focusing not just on economics but also on the poverty of relationships between man and God, man and man, man and creation, and man and self. It offers practical advice and strategies for churches and individuals to transform their good intentions into effective, lasting change that respects the dignity and potential of the materially poor.


The book Epstein is an investigative account of the life of Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who rose from a humble background to mingle with the world's elite, only to be revealed as a monstrous sex trafficker. It explores his connections with influential figures, his victims' experiences, and the ongoing quest for justice following his death.


"Andorra" ist ein Theaterstück von Max Frisch, das die Geschichte von Andri erzählt, einem jungen Mann, der in dem fiktiven Land Andorra lebt und aufgrund von Vorurteilen und falschen Identitätsannahmen diskriminiert und verfolgt wird. Es ist eine Allegorie auf Antisemitismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit.

Conspirators' Hierarchy

The book "Conspirators' Hierarchy" is about a global conspiracy theory involving a powerful group known as the Committee of 300, which allegedly manipulates political, economic, and social events to establish a one-world government. The author argues that this group is responsible for major world events and societal changes, and urges readers to take action against this perceived threat.


"Fabian" ist ein Roman von Erich Kästner, der das Leben des 32-jährigen Jakob Fabian in der Weimarer Republik beschreibt, der als Beobachter und Moralist den Niedergang der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Ideale dieser Zeit miterlebt. Fabian geht unter, symbolisch für den Untergang der Demokratie in den 1930er Jahren.

Das Parfüm

"Das Parfüm" ist die Geschichte von Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, einem Mann mit einem außergewöhnlichen Geruchssinn, der im 18. Jahrhundert in Frankreich lebt und besessen davon ist, den perfekten Duft zu kreieren. Seine Suche führt ihn auf einen dunklen Pfad, auf dem er sogar zum Mörder wird, um die Essenz unwiderstehlicher Düfte einzufangen.


"Unbroken" is a deeply personal account by Angela Sterritt that explores the violence against Indigenous women and girls, drawing from her own experiences of trauma, homelessness, and survival. The book also highlights the resilience, hope, and love within the Indigenous community, and Sterritt's journey as a journalist advocating for Indigenous stories and voices in mainstream media.

Liquid Love

"Liquid Love" by Zygmunt Bauman explores the frailty of human bonds in the modern world. It delves into the complexities and ambivalence of relationships, the concept of love, and the challenges faced in a consumer culture that favors instant gratification.

The Muqaddimah

"The Muqaddimah" is an Islamic historical text by Ibn Khaldun that explores the science of civilization, including the social, cultural, and political aspects of human societies.

The Great Dechurching

The Great Dechurching is a book that explores the significant decline in church attendance in America, examining the reasons behind this trend and offering theological and practical recommendations for engaging those who have left the church. It provides data-driven insights and profiles of different types of dechurched individuals, aiming to equip church leaders and members to understand and address this phenomenon.

Film verstehen

"Film verstehen" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden zum Verständnis der Kunst des Filmemachens und untersucht verschiedene Aspekte wie Technologie, Ästhetik und kulturelle Auswirkungen des Kinos. Es bietet den Lesern die Werkzeuge, um Filme aus verschiedenen Genres und Zeiträumen zu analysieren und zu interpretieren.

How to Read a Film

"How to Read a Film" is a comprehensive guide to understanding the art of film-making, exploring various aspects such as technology, aesthetics, and cultural implications of cinema. It provides readers with the tools to analyze and interpret films from different genres and periods.

Der gute Gott von Manhattan

"Der gute Gott von Manhattan" ist ein Hörspiel von Ingeborg Bachmann, das die tragische Liebesgeschichte von Jennifer und Jan thematisiert, die vom "guten Gott" verurteilt wird, weil ihre Liebe als Bedrohung für die Gesellschaft angesehen wird.

Biedermann und die Brandstifter

"Biedermann und die Brandstifter" ist eine moralische Parabel von Max Frisch, die die Geschichte eines Bürgers erzählt, der Brandstifter in sein Haus einlädt und ihnen hilft, es in Brand zu setzen.

Das kunstseidene Mädchen

"Das kunstseidene Mädchen" ist ein Roman von Irmgard Keun, der das Leben einer jungen Frau in der Weimarer Republik beschreibt, die von ihrer Heimatstadt nach Berlin zieht, um ein Star zu werden.

Effi Briest

"Effi Briest" ist ein Roman von Theodor Fontane, der das Leben und die gesellschaftlichen Zwänge einer jungen Frau im 19. Jahrhundert in Preußen darstellt.


The book Prey discusses the cultural clash and issues arising from mass migration, particularly from Muslim-majority countries to Europe, focusing on the increase in sexual violence and the erosion of women's rights and safety. It also critiques the failure of European governments to effectively address these issues and the societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Corpus Delicti

"Corpus Delicti" ist ein dystopischer Roman von Juli Zeh, der eine Zukunft beschreibt, in der Gesundheit zur höchsten Bürgerpflicht wird und die persönliche Freiheit stark eingeschränkt ist.

The Bottom Billion

"The Bottom Billion" is a book by Paul Collier that explores the reasons why the poorest billion people in the world are failing to progress despite international aid and support. It provides an analysis of the traps these countries are stuck in and proposes solutions to help them escape poverty.

Slumdog Millionär

"Slumdog Millionaire" ist ein Roman über einen jungen indischen Jungen aus den Slums von Mumbai, der Kandidat in der indischen Version von "Wer wird Millionär?" wird und aufgrund seines Erfolgs des Betrugs beschuldigt wird.

Slumdog Millionaire

"Slumdog Millionaire" is a novel about a young Indian boy from the slums of Mumbai who becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and is accused of cheating due to his success.

Being Human

"Being Human" is a philosophical exploration of the human condition, examining the complexities of human consciousness, emotions, and our relationship with the world around us.

Mensch sein

"Mensch sein" ist eine philosophische Erforschung der menschlichen Verfassung, die die Komplexitäten des menschlichen Bewusstseins, der Emotionen und unserer Beziehung zur Welt um uns herum untersucht.

Fahrenheit 451

"Fahrenheit 451" is a dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury that explores a future society where books are banned, and 'firemen' burn any that are found.

Brave New World

"Brave New World" is a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley that explores a future society where people are genetically engineered, indoctrinated, and socially conditioned to serve a ruling order. The book critically examines the impacts of technology, consumerism, and uniformity on individual freedom and human spirit.

Palestine Speaks

"Palestine Speaks" is a collection of narratives that highlight the personal stories and experiences of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. It provides a human perspective to the political and social issues in the region.

Storytelling Monkeys

"Storytelling Monkeys" is a book that explores the evolution of storytelling and communication among primates, particularly monkeys, and how it has influenced human language and culture.

Erzählende Affen

"Erzählende Affen" ist ein Buch, das die Evolution des Erzählens und der Kommunikation unter Primaten, insbesondere Affen, untersucht und wie sie die menschliche Sprache und Kultur beeinflusst hat.

No Country

"No Country" is a historical novel by Kalyan Ray that explores the intertwined lives of four families over two centuries, across three continents, highlighting the impacts of colonialism, migration, and cultural identity.


"Evicted" is a non-fiction book by Matthew Desmond that explores the crisis of housing and eviction in American cities through the lens of eight families in Milwaukee. It delves into the struggles of these families and the systemic issues that contribute to their precarious living situations.

How the World Really Works

"How the World Really Works" is a comprehensive guide that explores the global economic system, revealing the hidden mechanisms and influential institutions that shape our lives and govern our world.

The Fourth Turning

"The Fourth Turning" is a historical analysis that proposes a theory of recurring generational cycles in American history. The book predicts a crisis period, or "Fourth Turning," that will drastically reshape society and its institutions.

Life 3.0

"Life 3.0" explores the potential future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the evolution of life, defining life's development through three stages: biological (Life 1.0), cultural (Life 2.0), and technological (Life 3.0). The book discusses the controversies, misconceptions, and potential outcomes of AI development, emphasizing the need for AI safety research and careful consideration of our future goals.

Delusion and Mass Delusion

"Delusion and Mass Delusion" explores the psychological dynamics of individual and collective thinking, focusing on how instinctive drives and intellectual components interact, leading to various forms of delusion. It discusses the impact of mass psychology on society, the role of fear and suggestion in shaping public opinion, and the potential for both constructive and destructive outcomes from collective action.

Doing Good Better

"Doing Good Better" presents the philosophy of effective altruism, which combines empathy with evidence-based reasoning to maximize the positive impact of one's actions. It provides a framework of five key questions to guide decision-making in charitable giving, career choices, and ethical consumption.

What Makes Civilization?

The book explores the origins and development of civilization, focusing on the parallel growth of Egypt and Mesopotamia. It delves into the interactions between these societies, their guiding principles, and how their histories have shaped modern perceptions of civilization.

Alle Zeit

"Alle Zeit" untersucht die Verteilung und Wahrnehmung von Zeit in der Gesellschaft und argumentiert, dass der Zugang zu Zeit eine Frage von Macht und Freiheit ist. Es bietet konkrete Vorschläge für eine moderne Zeitkultur, die mehr Gleichberechtigung und Lebensqualität fördert.

Strategic Diplomacy

"Strategische Diplomatie" explores the concept of diplomacy in a changing global landscape, emphasizing the need for a strategic approach to navigate complex international relations and power shifts. It advocates for long-term, sustainable solutions based on historical developments and situations, rather than short-term crisis management.

Die Verfassung des Wissens

Die Verfassung des Wissens handelt von den sozialen Regeln und Systemen, die Uneinigkeit in Wissen umwandeln, und erforscht die Herausforderungen und Bedrohungen für dieses erkenntnistheoretische Betriebssystem in der modernen Ära. Sie betont die Bedeutung des Verstehens, der Bestätigung und des Schutzes dieser Regeln und Institutionen, um eine auf der Realität basierende Gemeinschaft aufrechtzuerhalten.


"Lie Machines" erforscht die komplexen Systeme von Menschen, Organisationen und Social-Media-Algorithmen, die politische Lügen erzeugen und verbreiten, wobei der Fokus auf ihrer Produktion, Verteilung und Vermarktung liegt. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, zu verstehen, wie diese Maschinen funktionieren, um sie zu zerlegen und die Demokratie zu schützen.

Künstliche Intelligenz Superkräfte

"AI Superpowers" erforscht den Aufstieg der künstlichen Intelligenz und konzentriert sich dabei auf den Wettbewerb und die mögliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den USA und China sowie die Auswirkungen der KI auf die Weltwirtschaft, Arbeitsplätze und die Gesellschaft.

Mann genug

"Man Enough" ist eine verletzliche Erforschung der Männlichkeit und der Kämpfe, "genug" zu sein, wie der Autor Justin Baldoni seine persönliche Reise und Erfahrungen mit traditionellen Alpha-Männchen-Merkmalen, gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen und Selbstentdeckung teilt. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, Tapferkeit neu zu definieren und Männer dazu zu ermutigen, ihren inhärenten Wert anzuerkennen, und fördert ein verständnisvolleres und inklusiveres Verständnis von Männlichkeit.

Gegenwärtige Zukunft

"Present Future" erforscht die Deep Tech Revolution und untersucht die Geschichte und Auswirkungen wichtiger technologischer Fortschritte auf verschiedene Lebensbereiche, während es dich auf die exponentiellen Sprünge vorbereitet, die noch kommen werden.

Wir sollten alle Feministinnen sein

We Should All Be Feminists (Wir sollten alle Feministen sein) untersucht die Bedeutung des Feminismus und die Notwendigkeit der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und stellt Stereotypen und gesellschaftliche Erwartungen an Frauen und Männer in Frage. Die Autorin Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie teilt persönliche Erfahrungen und Einsichten, um sich für eine gerechtere Welt einzusetzen.

Die Genetische Lotterie

The Genetic Lottery untersucht die Rolle der Genetik bei der Entstehung sozialer Ungleichheit und argumentiert, wie wichtig es ist, die genetischen Einflüsse auf menschliche Leistungen zu verstehen, um eine egalitärere Gesellschaft zu schaffen.

Weiße Zerbrechlichkeit

White Fragility untersucht das Konzept der weißen Fragilität, ein Zustand, in dem selbst ein geringes Maß an rassistischem Stress für weiße Menschen unerträglich wird und zu Abwehrreaktionen führt, die die rassistische Ungleichheit aufrechterhalten. Das Buch zielt darauf ab, dieses Phänomen sichtbar zu machen, seine Entwicklung zu erörtern und Wege zu seiner Bewältigung aufzuzeigen.

Wie Innovation funktioniert

How Innovation Works erforscht den Prozess der Innovation, ihren schrittweisen Charakter und die Faktoren, die zu ihrem Erfolg beitragen. Es wird auf die Geschichten verschiedener Innovatoren und ihrer Erfindungen eingegangen, wobei die Bedeutung von Freiheit, Zusammenarbeit und Versuch und Irrtum für die Innovation hervorgehoben wird.

Wesentliche Arbeit

Essential Labor erforscht den Wert und die Bedeutung der Pflegearbeit, insbesondere der Mutterschaft, und stellt gesellschaftliche Normen in Frage, die diese wichtige Arbeit abwerten und unsichtbar machen. Das Buch kombiniert Memoiren, Forschung und kulturelle Analyse, um für ein umfassenderes und gerechteres Verständnis von Pflegearbeit zu werben.

Was Technik als Denken bezeichnet

What Tech Calls Thinking untersucht die Ideen und Konzepte, die die Tech-Industrie durchdringen, ihre Ursprünge und die Art und Weise, wie sie das Selbstverständnis der Branche und ihre Beziehung zur übrigen Welt prägen. Das Buch untersucht auch, wie diese Ideen die Wahrnehmung der Tech-Industrie durch die Öffentlichkeit, die Presse und die Politiker beeinflussen.

What Tech Calls Thinking

What Tech Calls Thinking explores the ideas and concepts that permeate the tech industry, examining their origins and how they shape the industry's understanding of itself and its relationship to the wider world. The book also investigates how these ideas influence the public, press, and politicians' perceptions of the tech industry.

Click Here to Kill Everybody

Click Here to Kill Everybody explores the increasing security risks in a hyper-connected world, where everything is becoming a computer, and discusses the necessary policy changes to secure the Internet and protect life and property from potential catastrophic cyber attacks.

Why We Swim

"Why We Swim" explores the human relationship with water, examining how swimming serves various purposes such as survival, well-being, community, competition, and flow. It delves into the history, science, and cultural practices around swimming, and how immersion in water can open our imaginations and provide a fresh perspective.

We Should All Be Feminists

We Should All Be Feminists explores the importance of feminism and the need for gender equality, challenging stereotypes and societal expectations placed on women and men. The author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, shares personal experiences and insights to advocate for a fairer world.

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know

Stuff They Don't Want You to Know explores genuine conspiracies and conspiracy theories, separating fact from fiction and providing readers with tools and techniques to differentiate between the two in the real world. It delves into the reasons behind government deception and the development of conspiracy theories in various areas.

Last Best Hope

"Last Best Hope" is a deep exploration of the current state of American democracy, examining the nation's political and social divisions, and proposing ways to restore faith in the American ideal of equality and self-governance. It delves into the narratives that have shaped America's identity, the impact of inequality, and the need for a new narrative that can inspire unity and progress.

Present Future

Present Future explores the Deep Tech Revolution, examining the history and impact of key technological advances on various aspects of life, while preparing readers for the exponential leaps yet to come.

Lie Machines

Lie Machines explores the complex systems of people, organizations, and social media algorithms that generate and spread political lies, focusing on their production, distribution, and marketing. The book aims to understand how these machines work in order to dismantle them and protect democracy.

The Attention Merchants

The Attention Merchants explores the rise of the attention industry, which captures and monetizes human attention through advertising and media. It delves into the history, impact, and consequences of this industry on society and individual lives.

The Racial Healing Handbook

The Racial Healing Handbook is a comprehensive workbook designed to help individuals of all racial backgrounds understand themselves as racial/cultural beings, challenge privilege, confront systemic racism, and engage in collective healing. It provides practical activities, exercises, and strategies for personal growth and transformation in the context of race and racism.

How Innovation Works

How Innovation Works explores the process of innovation, its gradual nature, and the factors that contribute to its success. It delves into the stories of various innovators and their inventions, highlighting the importance of freedom, collaboration, and trial and error in driving innovation.

The Constitution of Knowledge

The Constitution of Knowledge is about the social rules and systems that turn disagreement into knowledge, exploring the challenges and threats to this epistemic operating system in the modern era. It emphasizes the importance of understanding, affirming, and protecting these rules and institutions to maintain a reality-based community.

The Genetic Lottery

The Genetic Lottery explores the role of genetics in shaping social inequality and argues for the importance of understanding genetic influences on human outcomes to create a more egalitarian society.

Man Enough

Man Enough is a vulnerable exploration of masculinity and the struggles of being "enough," as author Justin Baldoni shares his personal journey and experiences with traditional alpha male traits, societal expectations, and self-discovery. The book aims to redefine bravery and encourage men to embrace their inherent worth, fostering a more compassionate and inclusive understanding of manhood.

White Fragility

White Fragility explores the concept of white fragility, a state where even a small amount of racial stress becomes intolerable for white individuals, leading to defensive responses that maintain racial inequality. The book aims to make this phenomenon visible, discuss its development, and suggest ways to address it.

An Ugly Truth

An Ugly Truth is about the inner workings of Facebook, its executives, and the consequences of their decisions on society, privacy, and democracy. It reveals the company's struggles with misinformation, privacy breaches, and its impact on global events.

Ai Superpowers

AI Superpowers explores the rise of artificial intelligence, focusing on the competition and potential collaboration between the United States and China, and the implications of AI on global economics, jobs, and society.

The Dawn of Everything

The Dawn of Everything is a groundbreaking exploration of human history that challenges conventional narratives about the origins of inequality and offers a more hopeful and diverse account of human societies over the last 30,000 years.

Essential Labor

Essential Labor explores the value and importance of caregiving work, particularly mothering, and challenges societal norms that devalue and invisibilize this essential labor. The book combines memoir, research, and cultural analysis to advocate for a more inclusive and equitable understanding of care work.

Nickel and Dimed

The book Nickel and Dimed (2001) is about a journalist who goes undercover and takes on minimum-wage jobs in America to see if she can survive. Barbara Ehrenreich's experiment reveals the harsh reality of poverty and the struggles of those living in the working class.


The book Cosmos (1980) is about the magnificent journey of human exploration of the universe. Carl Sagan takes us on an epic adventure through the cosmos, opening our eyes to the vastness and beauty of the universe and inspiring us to continue exploring.

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

The book Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013) is about the shocking reality of wealth inequality in our modern world. Through extensive research and analysis, Piketty uncovers the dangerous consequences of the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, and offers bold solutions for a more just society.

A Short History of Nearly Everything

The book A Short History of Nearly Everything (2003) is about the most fascinating and mind-blowing stories of science and the universe, from the Big Bang to the smallest particle, told in an engaging and humorous way that will leave you in awe of the world we live in. Bill Bryson takes you on a journey through time and space, introducing you to the characters and discoveries that shaped our understanding of the world and everything in it.

The Shock Doctrine

The book The Shock Doctrine (2007) is about how some powerful elites exploit natural disasters, wars, and economic crises to push their self-serving policies. Naomi Klein exposes how these crises are used as opportunities to impose radical free-market policies that benefit only a few, causing widespread suffering and inequality.

The Information

The book The Information (2011) is about the history of information and how it has shaped our world, from the invention of the alphabet to the modern age of computers and the internet. James Gleick's fascinating exploration of this topic will leave you with a greater appreciation for the power and importance of information in our lives.

Bad Science

The book Bad Science (2008) is about the rampant misuse and abuse of science in the media, government, and healthcare industry. Ben Goldacre exposes the dangerous consequences of this phenomenon and teaches readers how to spot bad science and demand evidence-based reporting and decision-making.

The Art of War

The book The Art of War (5th century BC) is about the ultimate strategy guide for winning battles and succeeding in life. Sun Tzu's timeless principles teach how to outsmart opponents, anticipate their moves and conquer them without ever having to fight.

The Wealth of Nations

The book The Wealth of Nations (1776) is about the incredible power of free markets and the division of labor to create wealth and prosperity for all. Adam Smith's ideas revolutionized economics and continue to shape modern society.


The book Debt (2011) is about the history of money and its impact on society. David Graeber argues that debt and credit systems have shaped human relationships and power dynamics throughout history, and that our current financial system is not inevitable, but rather a product of political choices.

The Origins of Political Order

The book The Origins of Political Order (2011) is about the fascinating journey of how political institutions have developed throughout human history, from prehistoric times to the present day. Francis Fukuyama takes us on a thrilling ride through the rise and fall of governments, empires, and civilizations, examining the key factors that have led to the formation of successful political institutions and the factors that have caused their downfall.


The book Chaos (1987) is about the thrilling journey of discovering the hidden order in chaos. James Gleick takes us on a wild ride exploring the fascinating world of chaos theory, where even the smallest changes can lead to unpredictable and mind-bending results.

The Glass Universe

The book The Glass Universe (2016) is about the remarkable women who worked at the Harvard College Observatory in the late 1800s and early 1900s, using their keen intellect and perseverance to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. Through their meticulous work with glass plates of stars, they made groundbreaking discoveries about the nature of galaxies, stars, and the cosmos itself.

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

The book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) is about how scientific knowledge advances through revolutionary shifts in thinking, rather than through slow and steady progress. Kuhn's ideas challenge the traditional view of science as a linear accumulation of knowledge, and offer a fascinating insight into the messy and unpredictable nature of scientific discovery.

Why Nations Fail

The book Why Nations Fail (2012) is about the political and economic systems that shape the success or failure of nations. Acemoglu and Robinson argue that inclusive institutions that allow for the participation and empowerment of citizens lead to prosperous and sustainable societies, while extractive institutions that concentrate power and resources in the hands of a few ultimately lead to the decline and collapse of nations.

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