When Helping Hurts - Summary and Key Ideas

"When Helping Hurts" is a book that provides a new perspective on poverty alleviation, focusing not just on economics but also on the poverty of relationships between man and God, man and man, man and creation, and man and self. It offers practical advice and strategies for churches and individuals to transform their good intentions into effective, lasting change that respects the dignity and potential of the materially poor.

The target audience for the book "When Helping Hurts" appears to be church leaders, congregations, and Christian individuals who are involved or interested in poverty alleviation efforts, both locally and globally. The book aims to provide them with a biblically-based framework and practical strategies for effective ministry to the poor.

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When Helping Hurts

Key ideas


The church's mission is to embody Christ's teachings by spreading God's message and aiding the poor.


Addressing poverty effectively requires understanding its multifaceted nature, acknowledging our shared brokenness, and working together to restore disrupted relationships.

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The church's role is to facilitate reconciliation and alleviate poverty by guiding individuals towards a biblical worldview and away from materialism.

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Addressing poverty requires discerning between immediate relief, rehabilitation, or long-term development.

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The asset-based approach to assistance focuses on utilizing existing resources within a community, fostering dignity and self-reliance.

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A Christian organization helped Indonesian businesses recover from a 2004 tsunami by leveraging local resources and fostering community participation.

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Short-term missions in America are increasing, but their effectiveness is questioned due to a lack of cultural awareness and the potential disruption of local efforts.

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Suburban churches in North America are increasingly positioned to combat poverty through development-focused strategies, such as job preparedness programs and financial education.

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Muhammad Yunus' founding of Grameen Bank, providing credit to Bangladesh's poorest citizens, sparked the global microfinance movement, which can be improved by implementing suitable microfinance, providing business and financial training, and encouraging missionaries to run legitimate businesses.

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The text suggests that churches should shift from providing immediate relief to promoting long-term development by applying five guiding principles: encouraging triggers for change, rallying supportive individuals, aiming for early success, understanding the context, and focusing on those most open to change.

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Parkview Fellowship aims to empower local resources and leadership in various environments, playing a supportive role in participatory development without exerting control.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: "When Helping Hurts" by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert is a comprehensive guide that challenges and equips the church to help the poor in a way that leads to lasting change. The authors argue that poverty is not just about a lack of material resources but also involves broken relationships with God, self, others, and the rest of creation. They emphasize the importance of asset-based development, microenterprise, and avoiding paternalistic attitudes. The book encourages a shift from relief efforts to recovery and development, focusing on empowering the poor rather than just meeting their immediate needs.

Steve Corbett

Steve Corbett is a renowned community development specialist and professor. He has spent many years working in underprivileged communities, focusing on poverty alleviation and sustainable development.

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