Conspirators' Hierarchy - Summary and Key Ideas

The book "Conspirators' Hierarchy" is about a global conspiracy theory involving a powerful group known as the Committee of 300, which allegedly manipulates political, economic, and social events to establish a one-world government. The author argues that this group is responsible for major world events and societal changes, and urges readers to take action against this perceived threat.

The target audience for the book "Conspirators' Hierarchy" appears to be individuals who are interested in conspiracy theories, particularly those concerning global control and manipulation by powerful, secretive organizations. The book may also appeal to readers who are critical of government actions and policies, and who believe in the existence of a hidden power structure influencing world events.

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Conspirators' Hierarchy

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A former intelligence officer uncovers influential secret societies manipulating governments, and despite facing threats and harassment, he is determined to expose their clandestine activities.


The Committee of 300 is a purported secret assembly of powerful individuals allegedly manipulating global events and societal norms to establish a unified global government, according to a conspiracy theory.

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The Tavistock Institute and the Committee of 300 use manipulation techniques to dismantle societal order and morality, aiming to control the world by fragmenting society and eroding its values.

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The Aquarian Conspiracy, initiated by influential groups, used cultural elements and the global drug trade as tools for societal transformation and power acquisition.

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The British East India Company's market manipulation led to India's reliance on opium production and trade, enriching Western oligarchs and influencing global politics and finance.

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Summary & Review

"Conspirators' Hierarchy" by John Coleman is a comprehensive exploration of the global conspiracy theory, focusing on the Committee of 300, a secretive organization that the author claims controls world governments, economies, and societies. The book argues that this group manipulates events to maintain power, control populations, and shape global events. Coleman suggests that the only way to fight back is by exposing the conspirators and their front organizations, learning their methods, and adopting counter-measures. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the enemy and taking action to prevent the loss of freedom and the rise of a totalitarian world government.

John Coleman

John Coleman, possibly a pseudonym for John Clarke, is a British author and conspiracy theorist known for his claim that a secretive group of 300 individuals, referred to as the Committee of 300, seeks to control world events and establish a single global government and new world order..


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