Technology & future Book Summaries

Was wir der Zukunft schulden

Das Buch "Was wir der Zukunft schulden" ist eine moralische Untersuchung unserer Verantwortung gegenüber zukünftigen Generationen. Es legt dar, dass unsere heutigen Handlungen den Verlauf der Menschheit erheblich beeinflussen können und dass wir die langfristigen Auswirkungen unserer Entscheidungen priorisieren sollten.

Der Chip-Krieg

"Der Chip-Krieg" beleuchtet die Geschichte und die weltweite Bedeutung der Halbleiterindustrie. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie diese Technologie militärische Macht, globale Wirtschaften und technologische Fortschritte beeinflusst hat. Das Buch wirft ein Licht auf den intensiven Wettbewerb zwischen Nationen, insbesondere den USA, China und Russland, um die Kontrolle über diese entscheidende Technologie.

Leben 3.0

"Leben 3.0" beleuchtet die potenzielle Zukunft der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und deren Einfluss auf die Evolution des Lebens. Es beschreibt die Entwicklung des Lebens in drei Stufen: biologisch (Leben 1.0), kulturell (Leben 2.0) und technologisch (Leben 3.0). Das Buch diskutiert die Kontroversen, Missverständnisse und möglichen Konsequenzen der KI-Entwicklung und unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit von KI-Sicherheitsforschung sowie die sorgfältige Überlegung unserer zukünftigen Ziele.


In 'Novacene', James Lovelock introduces us to a radical new epoch where technology surpasses human intelligence, dramatically altering the world as we know it. As humanity enters this age of hyperintelligence, Lovelock explores the implications for our planet and our species.

God, Human, Animal, Machine

In 'God, Human, Animal, Machine,' Meghan O'Gieblyn examines the relationship between humanity and technology through a lens of metaphors and theological questions, challenging the boundaries between creation and creator.


Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI by Ethan Mollick explores the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence and its implications on social structures, education, and labor. The book delves into how AI can be harnessed as a co-intelligence, augmenting human abilities and transforming the future of work.

The Age of Spiritual Machines

Exploring the future of human and machine evolution, Ray Kurzweil delves into the implications of computers surpassing human intelligence, addressing concepts from artificial intelligence to nanotechnology.

Künstliche Intelligenz

Das Buch "Künstliche Intelligenz" beleuchtet umfassend die Konzepte, Theorien und Anwendungen der KI und gibt Einblicke in die potenziellen Auswirkungen auf verschiedene Bereiche des menschlichen Lebens und der Gesellschaft.


"Megathreats" ist ein Buch, das die größten globalen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts untersucht, darunter den Klimawandel, Pandemien und technologische Umbrüche. Es bietet Einblicke, wie diese Bedrohungen bewältigt und gemindert werden können.

Scary Smart

"Scary Smart" ist ein Buch, das die Zukunft der künstlichen Intelligenz und ihre möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft beleuchtet. Es untersucht, wie wir diese Veränderungen verantwortungsvoll und ethisch bewältigen können.


"Inspired" ist ein Leitfaden zur Entwicklung von Produkten, die Kunden begeistern. Der Schwerpunkt liegt darauf, eine nutzerzentrierte Kultur zu schaffen und Teams kundenorientiert zu organisieren. Das Buch bietet praxisnahe Ratschläge und Einblicke aus der umfangreichen Erfahrung des Autors und deckt Themen von Produktmanagement bis hin zum Wachstum von Unternehmen und großen Konzernen ab.


"Hooked" gewährt Einblicke, wie erfolgreiche Produkte Nutzergewohnheiten formen, basierend auf der Psychologie unseres Verhaltens. Der Autor stellt ein vierstufiges Modell vor, das als "Hook Model" bekannt ist, um zu erläutern, wie Unternehmen Gewohnheiten bei ihren Kunden entwickeln können.

Der pragmatische Programmierer

"Der pragmatische Programmierer" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden für die Programmierung, der grundlegende Konzepte behandelt, die auf alle Ebenen der Softwareentwicklung anwendbar sind. Die 2. Auflage dieses Buches aktualisiert die Methoden entsprechend den aktuellen Entwicklungstrends, bleibt jedoch den zeitlosen Programmiergrundsätzen treu.

Elon Musk

Dieses Buch gewährt einen tiefen Einblick in das Leben und die Karriere von Elon Musk sowie in die wegweisenden Unternehmen, die er gegründet hat, darunter Tesla, SpaceX und The Boring Company. Es stützt sich auf zahlreiche Interviews mit Musk und seinen Weggefährten und bietet den Lesern Einblicke in seine Ansichten zu Technologie, Unternehmertum und seine Vision für die Zukunft.

Elon Musk

This book provides an in-depth account of Elon Musk's life, career, and the groundbreaking companies he has founded, including Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company. It draws from a number of interviews with Musk and his associates, giving readers insight into his views on technology, entrepreneurship, and his vision for the future.

Game Development 2042

Game Development 2042 explores the future of game design, development, and publishing, with a focus on the evolution of gaming markets globally, the technological future, the impact of AI, Big Data, cryptocurrencies, and the business of creating and publishing successful games. It includes interviews with industry luminaries and provides a glimpse into the future of the gaming industry.

Understanding the Metaverse

In 'Understanding the Metaverse: A Business and Ethical Guide', Nick Rosa provides a thorough guide to understanding the metaverse, a new virtual reality concept that is set to disrupt all aspects of our lives. The book is informative and practical, breaking down this complex concept into manageable chunks of information. The book discusses the potential challenges, threats, and ethical implications of the Metaverse and provides potential solutions to ensure it remains an inclusive and useful virtual world.

The Pragmatic Programmer

The Pragmatic Programmer is a comprehensive guide to programming that covers broad concepts applicable to all levels of software development. The 2nd edition of this book updates methodologies for current development trends while still adhering to timeless programming tenets.

Read Write Own

Read Write Own discusses a new age of the Internet - the 'read-write-own era', where anyone can become a network stakeholder having power and economic upside which were only enjoyed by stockholders previously. It introduces 'crypto' or 'web3' as a synonym for this movement, and suggests its impact on the digital landscape.

Brain-Based Teaching in the Digital Age

A research-based book that provides insights on how digital technology is changing the brain and affect teaching methods. It encompasses understanding the digital brain, implementing technology strategies, and creating classroom environments conducive to students. It encourages educators to bind digitally evolved young brains alongside traditional teaching principles.


Hooked provides insights into how successful products form user habits, drawing on the psychology behind our behaviors. Its author uses a four-phase process known as the 'Hook Model' to explain how companies can develop habits in their customers.


INSPIRED is a guide on how to build products that customers love, focusing on establishing a user-first culture and organizing teams around that customer. It provides actionable advice and insights from the author's vast experience, and covers topics from product management to scaling for growth-stage companies and large enterprises.


Blackout is a gripping thriller set in a scenario where all the electricity grids in Europe collapse due to a hacker attack. Amid the ensuing chaos, Piero Manzano, a former hacker becomes a prime suspect but also the only man capable of tracking down the real culprits. As days turn into weeks, the stakes increase and so does the death toll.

The Coworking Evolution

The book "The Coworking Evolution" explores the concept of coworking, its impacts, and its future, discussing how this new form of work is transforming traditional work environments and offering a unique business model that combines work location and community. It also delves into the history of coworking, its advantages, and its potential for innovation and economic contribution.

The Alignment Problem

"The Alignment Problem" by Brian Christian explores the challenges and ethical considerations in aligning machine learning systems with human values and intentions. It delves into the complexities of ensuring that these systems understand and execute what we want, and discusses the potential societal implications of their successes and failures.

Scary Smart

"Scary Smart" is a book that explores the future of artificial intelligence, its potential impacts on society, and how we can navigate these changes responsibly and ethically.

Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments

The book Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments is a practical guide to A/B testing and online controlled experiments, written by experts from Google, LinkedIn, and Microsoft. It provides insights into accelerating innovation using trustworthy online controlled experiments, shares examples and pitfalls, and offers advice for both beginners and experienced practitioners.


"Megathreats" is a book that explores the most significant global challenges of the 21st century, including climate change, pandemics, and technological disruption. It provides insights into how these threats can be managed and mitigated.

The Experience Machine

"The Experience Machine" is a philosophical thought experiment by Robert Nozick, exploring the concept of hedonism and questioning if pleasure is the only intrinsic value, by proposing a machine that could provide a person with any experiences they desire.

Artificial Intelligence

The book "Artificial Intelligence" broadly explores the concepts, theories, and applications of AI, providing insights into its potential impacts on various aspects of human life and society.

Exponential Theory

Exponential Theory is a book that encourages readers to think big and make a significant impact on the world, providing insights and strategies to solve global problems and create innovative companies. It also shares stories of individuals and groups who have made significant changes in the world through their big thinking.

Wettlauf um die Zukunft

"Quantum Supremacy" ist ein Buch, das das Konzept und die möglichen Auswirkungen der Quantencomputertechnologie erforscht, eine Technologie, die verspricht, die Welt der Informationsverarbeitung zu revolutionieren.

Quantum Supremacy

"Quantum Supremacy" is a book that explores the concept and potential implications of quantum computing, a technology that promises to revolutionize the world of information processing.

Brave New World

"Brave New World" is a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley that explores a future society where people are genetically engineered, indoctrinated, and socially conditioned to serve a ruling order. The book critically examines the impacts of technology, consumerism, and uniformity on individual freedom and human spirit.

On Cyber

"On Cyber" is a comprehensive exploration of the cyber domain, discussing its history, current state, and future implications, with a focus on cybersecurity, cyber warfare, and the impact of digital technology on society and individuals.

Machine Learning For Dummies

"Machine Learning For Dummies" is a comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of machine learning, providing practical advice on how to apply these techniques in real-world scenarios.


"Superintelligence" is a book by Nick Bostrom that explores the potential consequences and challenges of creating machines more intelligent than humans, and how we might manage these risks.

Mastering Cyber Intelligence

"Mastering Cyber Intelligence" is a comprehensive guide that provides readers with strategies and techniques for gathering, analyzing, and utilizing cyber intelligence in order to protect their digital assets and respond effectively to cyber threats.

From Science to Startup

"From Science to Startup" is a guide for scientists and entrepreneurs that provides insights into the process of transforming a scientific idea into a successful startup. It offers practical advice on various aspects of the journey, including idea evaluation, team building, investor targeting, and dealing with challenges and uncertainties.

Life 3.0

"Life 3.0" explores the potential future of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the evolution of life, defining life's development through three stages: biological (Life 1.0), cultural (Life 2.0), and technological (Life 3.0). The book discusses the controversies, misconceptions, and potential outcomes of AI development, emphasizing the need for AI safety research and careful consideration of our future goals.

AI for Educators

"AI for Educators" is a comprehensive guide that explores the potential of artificial intelligence in enhancing teaching and learning experiences in the educational sector.

Chip War

"Chip War" explores the history and global impact of the semiconductor industry, highlighting its role in shaping military power, global economies, and technological advancements. It delves into the intense competition between nations, particularly the U.S., China, and Russia, in controlling this critical technology.


"Technology" explores the complex relationship between humanity and technology, tracing its evolution from the dawn of human history to the present day. It examines how technology, as a tool, has shaped human society and contemplates its potential to either advance or destroy humanity in the future.

World's Best Bank

"World's Best Bank" is a strategic guide to digital transformation, detailing how DBS Bank transformed its culture, employees, technology, operations, business, and customers to become a world-class digital bank. It provides insights and lessons for leaders responsible for digital transformation, using DBS Bank's journey as a benchmark.

What We Owe the Future

The book "What We Owe the Future" is a moral exploration of our responsibility towards future generations, arguing that our actions today can significantly shape the trajectory of humanity and that we should prioritize long-term impacts in our decision-making.

Lab Rats

Lab Rats explores the modern workplace, particularly in tech companies, and how it often resembles a psychological experiment with employees as lab rats. It discusses the negative impacts of this environment, such as stress, insecurity, and dehumanization, while also highlighting companies that are pushing back against these trends.

Homo Deus

Homo Deus handelt von der Zukunft der Menschheit und ihrer potenziellen Verwandlung in eine gottähnliche Spezies durch Fortschritte in der Technologie. Es erforscht die Auswirkungen dieser Verwandlung auf die menschliche Gesellschaft und Werte.

Das Einhorn-Projekt

Das Unicorn Project ist ein Roman, der die Herausforderungen untersucht, denen sich Entwickler im Zeitalter der digitalen Störungen und Daten gegenübersehen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Bedeutung von Innovation, Agilität und Zusammenarbeit liegt, um in einem wettbewerbsintensiven Markt zu bestehen.


Futureproof konzentriert sich darauf, wie man ein Mensch in einer Welt sein kann, die zunehmend von Maschinen dominiert wird. Es bietet Ratschläge zur Stärkung einzigartig menschlicher Fähigkeiten, um im Zeitalter der KI und Automatisierung zu gedeihen.

Blut, Schweiß und Pixel

Blut, Schweiß und Pixel handelt von dem herausfordernden und komplexen Prozess der Videospielentwicklung. Es teilt die Geschichten hinter der Entstehung verschiedener beliebter Spiele und die Herausforderungen, denen sich Entwickler in der Branche stellen müssen.

Künstliche Intelligenz Superkräfte

"AI Superpowers" erforscht den Aufstieg der künstlichen Intelligenz und konzentriert sich dabei auf den Wettbewerb und die mögliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den USA und China sowie die Auswirkungen der KI auf die Weltwirtschaft, Arbeitsplätze und die Gesellschaft.

Gegenwärtige Zukunft

"Present Future" erforscht die Deep Tech Revolution und untersucht die Geschichte und Auswirkungen wichtiger technologischer Fortschritte auf verschiedene Lebensbereiche, während es dich auf die exponentiellen Sprünge vorbereitet, die noch kommen werden.

Wie Innovation funktioniert

How Innovation Works erforscht den Prozess der Innovation, ihren schrittweisen Charakter und die Faktoren, die zu ihrem Erfolg beitragen. Es wird auf die Geschichten verschiedener Innovatoren und ihrer Erfindungen eingegangen, wobei die Bedeutung von Freiheit, Zusammenarbeit und Versuch und Irrtum für die Innovation hervorgehoben wird.

Was Technik als Denken bezeichnet

What Tech Calls Thinking untersucht die Ideen und Konzepte, die die Tech-Industrie durchdringen, ihre Ursprünge und die Art und Weise, wie sie das Selbstverständnis der Branche und ihre Beziehung zur übrigen Welt prägen. Das Buch untersucht auch, wie diese Ideen die Wahrnehmung der Tech-Industrie durch die Öffentlichkeit, die Presse und die Politiker beeinflussen.

What Tech Calls Thinking

What Tech Calls Thinking explores the ideas and concepts that permeate the tech industry, examining their origins and how they shape the industry's understanding of itself and its relationship to the wider world. The book also investigates how these ideas influence the public, press, and politicians' perceptions of the tech industry.


Futureproof focuses on how to be a human in a world increasingly dominated by machines, offering advice on strengthening uniquely human skills to thrive in the age of AI and automation.

Click Here to Kill Everybody

Click Here to Kill Everybody explores the increasing security risks in a hyper-connected world, where everything is becoming a computer, and discusses the necessary policy changes to secure the Internet and protect life and property from potential catastrophic cyber attacks.

Blood, Sweat, and Pixels

Blood, Sweat, and Pixels is about the challenging and complex process of video game development, sharing the stories behind the creation of various popular games and the struggles faced by developers in the industry.

Present Future

Present Future explores the Deep Tech Revolution, examining the history and impact of key technological advances on various aspects of life, while preparing readers for the exponential leaps yet to come.

How Innovation Works

How Innovation Works explores the process of innovation, its gradual nature, and the factors that contribute to its success. It delves into the stories of various innovators and their inventions, highlighting the importance of freedom, collaboration, and trial and error in driving innovation.

Homo Deus

Homo Deus is about the future of humanity and its potential transformation into a god-like species through advancements in technology, exploring the implications of this transformation on human society and values.

Everybody Lies

Everybody Lies explores the idea that people often lie to themselves, others, and surveys, but their online behavior, particularly on platforms like Google, can reveal their true thoughts, beliefs, and desires, providing valuable insights into human behavior.

Ai Superpowers

AI Superpowers explores the rise of artificial intelligence, focusing on the competition and potential collaboration between the United States and China, and the implications of AI on global economics, jobs, and society.

The Unicorn Project

The Unicorn Project is a novel that explores the challenges faced by developers in the age of digital disruption and data, focusing on the importance of innovation, agility, and collaboration to thrive in a competitive market.


The book Cosmos (1980) is about the magnificent journey of human exploration of the universe. Carl Sagan takes us on an epic adventure through the cosmos, opening our eyes to the vastness and beauty of the universe and inspiring us to continue exploring.

The Soul of a New Machine

The book The Soul of a New Machine (1981) is about a group of computer engineers who set out to build a new computer in just one year, pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion and beyond. Tracy Kidder's gripping narrative takes us behind the scenes of the high-stakes world of computer engineering, where brilliance, ambition, and obsession collide.

The Information

The book The Information (2011) is about the history of information and how it has shaped our world, from the invention of the alphabet to the modern age of computers and the internet. James Gleick's fascinating exploration of this topic will leave you with a greater appreciation for the power and importance of information in our lives.

The Emperor's New Mind

The book The Emperor's New Mind (1989) is about the fascinating inquiry into the possibility of a computer that can think like a human being. Roger Penrose, a prominent mathematician, takes us on a journey through the intricacies of the human mind and its relationship with mathematics and artificial intelligence.

The Design of Everyday Things

The book The Design of Everyday Things (1988) is about how good design can make our lives easier and more enjoyable. Don Norman shows how to create products that are intuitive to use and how to avoid frustration and confusion caused by bad design.


The book Chaos (1987) is about the thrilling journey of discovering the hidden order in chaos. James Gleick takes us on a wild ride exploring the fascinating world of chaos theory, where even the smallest changes can lead to unpredictable and mind-bending results.

The Glass Universe

The book The Glass Universe (2016) is about the remarkable women who worked at the Harvard College Observatory in the late 1800s and early 1900s, using their keen intellect and perseverance to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. Through their meticulous work with glass plates of stars, they made groundbreaking discoveries about the nature of galaxies, stars, and the cosmos itself.

A Brief History of Time

The book A Brief History of Time (1988) is about the mysteries of the universe and Stephen Hawking's groundbreaking theories that revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and the cosmos. This captivating read takes readers on a journey through black holes, the Big Bang, and the nature of time itself, leaving us questioning everything we thought we knew about the universe.

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