Everybody Lies - Summary and Key Ideas

Everybody Lies explores the idea that people often lie to themselves, others, and surveys, but their online behavior, particularly on platforms like Google, can reveal their true thoughts, beliefs, and desires, providing valuable insights into human behavior.

The target group of "Everybody Lies" includes individuals interested in understanding human behavior, social science, and the impact of big data on revealing hidden truths about society.

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Everybody Lies

Key ideas


Big Data revolution unveils hidden patterns and truths in human behavior, transforming social science and deepening our understanding of human society.


Google searches act as a digital truth serum, revealing honest insights into human behavior and desires beyond traditional surveys and interviews.

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A/B testing revolutionizes decision-making across industries, driving data-driven optimization and user engagement.

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The rise of "text as data" revolutionizes our understanding of human nature and society through large-scale language pattern analysis.

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Asking the right questions is key to unlocking valuable insights in the overwhelming world of Big Data.

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Summary & Review

Everybody Lies explores the power of big data in revealing the truth about human behavior, thoughts, and desires. By analyzing data from internet searches, social media, and other online sources, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz uncovers hidden patterns and insights that challenge conventional wisdom and provide a deeper understanding of human nature. The book demonstrates how big data can be used to improve our lives, make better decisions, and solve complex problems.

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz is an American data scientist and economist, known for his research on big data and its impact on society. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University and has worked as a Google data scientist and a New York Times op-ed contributor.


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