Marketing & sales Book Summaries

Die Sechs Wege zum effektiven Sales Engineer

Das Buch "Die sechs Wege zum effektiven Sales Engineer" ist ein Leitfaden, der Strategien und Techniken für Vertriebsingenieure bietet, um ihre Leistung und Effektivität in ihrer Rolle zu steigern. Es konzentriert sich auf sechs zentrale Gewohnheiten, die zum Erfolg in diesem Bereich führen können.

Purple Cow

"Purple Cow" ist ein Marketingbuch von Seth Godin, das die Bedeutung betont, bemerkenswerte Produkte oder Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln, die wie eine 'lila Kuh' in einem Feld voller schwarz-weißer Holsteins auffallen, anstatt sich auf traditionelle Werbemethoden zu verlassen.

Strategisches Produktmanagement

"Strategisches Produktmanagement" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden, der Konzepte, Techniken und Werkzeuge für die Entwicklung einer erfolgreichen Produktstrategie und Roadmap im digitalen Zeitalter bereitstellt. Er unterstützt Produktmanager und -eigentümer dabei, strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen, indem er den Blick auf das große Ganze lenkt. Darüber hinaus bietet das Buch praxisnahe Ansätze für die Grundlagen, Entwicklung und Validierung von Strategien.

How to Start a Cult

How to Start a Cult is a guidebook for businesses and brands aspiring to create a captivating and committed following. The book presents the Cult Commandments, a bulletproof method leveraged by the author, Jody Raynsford, in building cults for various businesses. It encourages readers to create a polarizing message, celebrate difference, and persistently communicate their mission amidst other ground-breaking tactics.

Don't Call It That

'Don't Call It That' is a workbook offering a unique, hands-on approach to the naming process in branding and design. Going beyond just theoretical aspects, the book presents a series of engaging exercises that lead from one to the next, arming the reader with the tools and confidence to create memorable brand names that stick.

Authority Marketing

Authority Marketing guides the readers on leveraging the new media landscape to their advantage, focusing on the systematic process of building Authority to stand out in a noisy and crowded market. The authors present the Authority Marketing System to create a clear and trackable blueprint which shifts one from a commoditized expert to a highly visible Authority.

Sell Like Crazy

In 'SELL LIKE CRAZY', Sabri Suby reveals his proven approach to growing businesses and increasing sales. The book is packed with strategies that have been tested across various industries, promising consistent and predictable customer influx. The author emphasizes the significance of treating every business as a marketing business, regardless of the product or service offered.

To Sell Is Human

This book explores the art and science of selling in a new light. Pink argues that everyone is in sales - we're convincing, persuading, and influencing others to give up resources in exchange for something we have. To Sell Is Human offers a fresh look at the art of selling, backed by social science, to debunking the myth of the pushy salesman, and presenting the new ABCs of selling: Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity.


"Strategize" is a guidebook that provides concepts, techniques, and tools for developing a successful product strategy and roadmap in the digital age. It helps product managers and owners make strategic decisions, focusing on the big picture, and offers practices for strategy foundations, development, and validation.

Crossing the Chasm

"Crossing the Chasm" is a book that provides a framework for marketing strategies to help high-tech companies transition from early market success to mainstream market dominance. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on a single, targetable market segment and creating a whole product solution to successfully cross the "chasm" between early adopters and the mainstream market.


The book "Zoonotic" uses the metaphor of a zoonotic virus to describe successful viral business strategies, focusing on how companies can combine two existing successful strategies to create something new and powerful, and how this new strategy can spread and grow exponentially, much like a virus. It also provides insights on how to identify and respond to such strategies in the business world.

Whiteboard Selling

Whiteboard Selling is a guidebook that teaches sales professionals how to use visual selling techniques, specifically through the use of whiteboards, to engage prospects, communicate value propositions, and close deals more effectively. It provides a structured approach to creating compelling visual narratives, with the aim of transforming sales processes and improving sales results.

Purple Cow

"Purple Cow" is a marketing book by Seth Godin that emphasizes the importance of creating remarkable products or services that stand out like a 'purple cow' in a field of monochrome Holsteins, instead of relying on traditional advertising methods.

One to Many

"One to Many" is a book about the power of webinars in marketing.

The Social Sales Engineer

The book "The Social Sales Engineer" is about leveraging social media and digital platforms to enhance sales engineering and foster better customer relationships. It provides strategies and techniques for sales engineers to effectively engage with customers online.

Secrets of Closing the Sale

"Secrets of Closing the Sale" is a guidebook for salespeople, providing them with techniques, strategies, and anecdotes to improve their sales skills and close deals more effectively. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer's needs, building value, and using effective communication to persuade and influence.

Way of the Wolf

"Way of the Wolf" ist ein Leitfaden von Jordan Belfort, der Strategien und Techniken für erfolgreiches Verkaufen bereitstellt, basierend auf seinen eigenen Erfahrungen als überzeugender Verkäufer.


"Pre-Suasion" is a psychological exploration of how certain actions and environments can predispose individuals to be more receptive to messages, thereby increasing the effectiveness of persuasion.

Way of the Wolf

"Way of the Wolf" is a guidebook by Jordan Belfort that provides strategies and techniques for successful selling, based on his own experiences as a persuasive salesman.

The Six Habits of Highly Effective Sales Engineers

The book "The Six Habits of Highly Effective Sales Engineers" is a guide that provides strategies and techniques for sales engineers to improve their performance and effectiveness in their roles. It focuses on six key habits that can lead to success in the field.

Emotion by Design

Emotion by Design is about the power of creating strong emotional bonds between a brand and its consumers through creative storytelling and experiences. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the audience and using creativity, not just large resources, to inspire and move them.

$100M Leads

$100M Leads is about mastering the skill of attracting strangers to show interest in what you're selling, essentially transforming your business into a lead-generating machine. It provides practical strategies to increase lead flow, thereby doubling your business and solving the problem of not getting enough leads.

Dotcom Secrets

Dotcom Secrets provides a comprehensive guide to mastering the science of online marketing and funnel building. It offers strategies to identify your target audience, capture their attention, build relationships, and effectively ascend them up your value ladder, ultimately leading to business growth.

$100M Offers

"$100M Offers" provides a framework for entrepreneurs to create highly profitable offers by combining effective pricing, value, guarantees, and naming strategies, termed as a Grand Slam Offer. It guides readers on how to turn advertising dollars into substantial profits and create a product or service that customers desperately want and solves their problems.

The Psychology of Selling

"The Psychology of Selling" provides strategies and techniques for effective selling, emphasizing the importance of understanding customer needs, creating emotional mental pictures for customers, and continuously improving sales skills. It also highlights the significance of setting goals, understanding why customers buy, and the power of suggestion in sales.

How Brands Grow

"How Brands Grow" provides insights into how brands can achieve growth by increasing their popularity and gaining more buyers, even those who only buy occasionally. It emphasizes the importance of building market-based assets, such as physical availability and mental availability, and argues that brands should strive for distinctiveness rather than differentiation.

The Brand Gap

"The Brand Gap" is a guide to understanding and bridging the distance between business strategy and customer experience, emphasizing the importance of creative and strategic collaboration in building a strong, successful brand. It provides insights into the process of brand creation and evolution, highlighting the role of differentiation, collaboration, innovation, validation, and cultivation in achieving a sustainable competitive advantage.


Obsessed erforscht den Prozess des Aufbaus einer Marke, die die Menschen vom ersten Tag an lieben, und konzentriert sich auf die Schaffung einer emotionalen Verbindung mit den Kunden und das Verständnis ihrer Bedürfnisse, um eine dauerhafte Besessenheit zu erzeugen.

Expert Secrets

"Expert Secrets" is a guidebook by Russell Brunson that provides strategies and insights on how to turn your knowledge and skills into a profitable online business. It focuses on building a personal brand, creating a mass movement, and selling information products effectively.

Digital Marketing For Dummies

Digital Marketing For Dummies is a comprehensive guide that covers foundational disciplines such as content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing, providing insights and strategies for businesses to effectively engage with their audience, generate leads, and drive sales in the digital landscape.


Obsessed explores the process of building a brand that people love from day one, focusing on creating an emotional connection with customers and understanding their needs to drive lasting obsession.

The Attention Merchants

The Attention Merchants explores the rise of the attention industry, which captures and monetizes human attention through advertising and media. It delves into the history, impact, and consequences of this industry on society and individual lives.

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