Whiteboard Selling - Summary and Key Ideas

Whiteboard Selling is a guidebook that teaches sales professionals how to use visual selling techniques, specifically through the use of whiteboards, to engage prospects, communicate value propositions, and close deals more effectively. It provides a structured approach to creating compelling visual narratives, with the aim of transforming sales processes and improving sales results.

The target audience for the book "Whiteboard Selling" includes sales professionals, marketers, and sales leaders who are interested in transforming their sales approach, attracting economic buyers, and shortening time-to-close.

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Whiteboard Selling

Key ideas


Over-reliance on slide presentations in organizations can lead to information overload and ineffective communication.


Whiteboarding in sales discussions enhances engagement, demonstrates understanding, encourages active listening, and streamlines the sales process, leading to improved results.

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Cool Road Trucking uses a strategic whiteboard presentation process to persuade potential clients to switch to their unique refrigerated trucking services.

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Creating effective whiteboard presentations for sales teams involves careful planning, collaboration, and training, transforming sales conversations into collaborative dialogues.

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Whiteboard selling is an interactive method that builds trust, communicates product value, and boosts revenue by equipping sales teams with visual storytelling skills and customer engagement.

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Whiteboard visual storytelling is a transformative sales technique that simplifies complex solutions and fosters client engagement through interactive presentations and strategic planning.

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Summary & Review

"Whiteboard Selling: Empowering Sales through Visuals" by Corey Sommers and David Jenkins is a comprehensive guide to using visuals in sales presentations. The book argues that traditional slide presentations can be ineffective and suggests using whiteboards as a more engaging and flexible alternative. The authors provide a detailed methodology for creating and delivering whiteboard presentations, including various types of whiteboards for different stages of the sales process. They also offer advice on how to train salespeople to use whiteboards effectively.

Corey Sommers, David Jenkins

Corey Sommers is a business strategist, sales leader, and keynote speaker, known for his expertise in sales enablement and training. David Jenkins, on the other hand, is a renowned academic and professor, specializing in the field of environmental engineering and sustainability.


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