Biography & memoir Book Summaries

Ziemlich gute Gründe, am Leben zu bleiben

"Ziemlich gute Gründe, am Leben zu bleiben" ist ein schonungslos ehrliches Memoir von Matt Haig. Darin beschreibt er seine Reise durch Depressionen und Angstzustände und teilt die Lektionen, die er dabei gelernt hat. Das Buch bietet Hoffnung, Verständnis und praktische Ratschläge für alle, die unter ähnlichen Bedingungen leiden.

Reasons to Stay Alive

Reasons to Stay Alive is a raw and honest memoir by Matt Haig, exploring his journey through depression and anxiety, and the lessons he learned along the way. It offers hope, understanding, and practical advice to those who suffer from similar conditions.

Peace from Broken Pieces

In Peace from Broken Pieces, Iyanla Vanzant shares her powerful personal story of overcoming life's challenges and her journey toward healing and self-empowerment.

Shoe Dog

"Shoe Dog" ist die Autobiografie von Phil Knight, dem Gründer von Nike, Inc. Das Buch schildert die Geschichte von Nike, angefangen als kleines Start-up bis hin zur Entwicklung zu einem der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Unternehmen weltweit. Es gewährt Einblicke in Unternehmertum, Innovation und den Aufbau einer globalen Marke.


Das "Tagebuch" ist ein Buch, das auf den Tagebucheinträgen von Anne Frank basiert, einem jungen jüdischen Mädchen, das ihre Erlebnisse während des Versteckens vor den Nazis im Zweiten Weltkrieg von 1942 bis 1944 dokumentierte. Ursprünglich nur für sich selbst geschrieben, bietet Annes Tagebuch einen bewegenden und persönlichen Einblick in die Schrecken des Krieges und die Stärke des menschlichen Geistes.


"Adrenalin" ist eine tiefgründige Autobiografie des Fußballspielers Zlatan Ibrahimović, in der er seine Erlebnisse auf dem Spielfeld und seine Gedanken über das Leben teilt. Er setzt sich mit dem Ende seiner Fußballkarriere und der Ungewissheit seiner Zukunft auseinander. Das Buch beleuchtet sein Bedürfnis nach Adrenalin, sein persönliches Wachstum und seinen Kampf, seine aggressiven Instinkte mit einer ausgeglicheneren Herangehensweise an Leben und Fußball in Einklang zu bringen.

Autobiographie eines Yogi

Dieses Buch erzählt die zutiefst persönliche Geschichte von Paramhansa Yogananda, einem bekannten indischen Yogi, der Yoga und Meditation in den Westen brachte. Es gewährt einen direkten Einblick in seine bemerkenswerten Erlebnisse, seine Lehren, seine Begegnungen mit spirituellen Führern und seine tiefen Einsichten in Yoga und Spiritualität.

Elon Musk

Dieses Buch gewährt einen tiefen Einblick in das Leben und die Karriere von Elon Musk sowie in die wegweisenden Unternehmen, die er gegründet hat, darunter Tesla, SpaceX und The Boring Company. Es stützt sich auf zahlreiche Interviews mit Musk und seinen Weggefährten und bietet den Lesern Einblicke in seine Ansichten zu Technologie, Unternehmertum und seine Vision für die Zukunft.

Give Everything

In 'Alles geben', Neven Subotić questions and analyzes the concept of justice, reflecting on his life and career to explore how an individual can contribute towards creating a more equitable world. The book provides a critique of the football industry whilst also being a personal narrative of Subotić's journey back to Germany, his success in the Bundesliga, and the subsequent questioning of materialistic success, which led him to devote his life to his foundation and the fight for global justice.

Alles geben

In 'Alles geben' setzt sich Neven Subotić intensiv mit dem Konzept der Gerechtigkeit auseinander. Er blickt auf sein Leben und seine Karriere zurück, um zu untersuchen, wie jeder Einzelne dazu beitragen kann, eine gerechtere Welt zu gestalten. Das Buch enthält eine Kritik an der Fußballindustrie, erzählt aber auch persönlich von Subotićs Rückkehr nach Deutschland, seinem Erfolg in der Bundesliga und der darauffolgenden Hinterfragung des materialistischen Erfolgs. Dies brachte ihn dazu, sein Leben seiner Stiftung und dem Einsatz für globale Gerechtigkeit zu widmen.

Slave Girl

'My Life in Hell' is a heartbreaking yet inspirational survival story of Sarah Forsyth, a victim of sexual slavery in Amsterdam's Red Light District. Overcoming countless horrors, she never lost the courage to escape, and her perseverance eventually leads her towards freedom.

Elon Musk

This book provides an in-depth account of Elon Musk's life, career, and the groundbreaking companies he has founded, including Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company. It draws from a number of interviews with Musk and his associates, giving readers insight into his views on technology, entrepreneurship, and his vision for the future.


Unstoppable: my life so far, is Sharapova's own telling of her rise to being the number one woman in the world of tennis. The book covers her journey from playing a tiny, oversized racket as a little girl in Russia, to moving to the United States and relentlessly working to become the world's best - all told in Sharapova's unique voice.

For Blood and Money

'For Blood and Money' dives deep into the high stakes world of biotech and pharmaceuticals, following the quest for a blockbuster BTK inhibitor drug. The book unveils the messy, expensive, and often heart-breaking realities behind drug development, where brilliant ideas can languish in corporate pipelines and hard-nosed venture capitalists hold the purse strings required to make visions into reality. It gives a meticulous account of the roller-coaster journey from drug discovery to commercialization, narrating through the noticeable characters leaving indelible marks on the path.

Autobiography of a Yogi

This book is a deeply personal story of the life of Paramhansa Yogananda, a well-known Indian yogi who brought yoga and meditation to the West. It offers a firsthand account of his remarkable experiences, his teachings, his meetings with spiritual leaders, and his profound insights into yoga and spirituality.


Adrenaline is a reflective autobiography of football player Zlatan Ibrahimović, where he shares his experiences on the pitch and his thoughts on life, as he grapples with the end of his football career and the uncertainty of his future. The book explores his need for adrenaline, his personal growth, and his struggle to balance his aggressive instincts with a more balanced approach to life and football.

The Diary of a Young Girl

"The Diary of a Young Girl" is a book based on the diary entries of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl, who documented her experiences hiding from the Nazis during World War II from 1942 to 1944. The diary, which Anne initially wrote for herself, provides a poignant and personal insight into the horrors of war and the human spirit.


The book Epstein is an investigative account of the life of Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who rose from a humble background to mingle with the world's elite, only to be revealed as a monstrous sex trafficker. It explores his connections with influential figures, his victims' experiences, and the ongoing quest for justice following his death.

The House of Morgan

The House of Morgan is a book that chronicles the rise, fall, and resurrection of the American banking empire, the House of Morgan. It provides a detailed history of the institution, its influential figures, and its impact on the financial landscape of America and beyond.

Greetings from Bury Park

"Greetings from Bury Park" is a memoir by Sarfraz Manzoor that explores his experiences growing up as a British Pakistani in the 1980s, and how Bruce Springsteen's music influenced his life.


"Will" is an autobiography by actor and musician Will Smith, detailing his life journey from his humble beginnings in Philadelphia to his rise to fame as a global superstar. It explores his personal and professional experiences, struggles, and triumphs.

The Code Breaker

"The Code Breaker" is a biography about Jennifer Doudna, a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist, and her pioneering work in developing the gene-editing tool CRISPR, exploring the ethical implications and potential of this revolutionary technology.

The Founders

"The Founders" is a comprehensive account of the creation and rise of PayPal, detailing the challenges, successes, and dynamics of the team that shaped the company and later became influential figures in Silicon Valley. It provides an in-depth look into the entrepreneurial journey, the technological landscape of the time, and the impact of PayPal's founders on the tech industry.

Ufo of God

"UFO of God" is a personal account of Chris Bledsoe's encounters with unexplained phenomena, including UFO sightings and interactions with otherworldly beings. The book explores the spiritual and divine aspects of these experiences, challenging conventional interpretations of UFOs and suggesting a connection with human consciousness and the divine.

Shoe Dog

"Shoe Dog" is a memoir by Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, Inc., chronicling the journey of Nike from its inception as a start-up to its evolution into one of the world's most recognized and profitable companies. It provides an insider's perspective on entrepreneurship, innovation, and the building of a global brand.

Die Mamas

"The Mamas" ist eine persönliche Erkundung der Reise der Autorin, ihre Identität als schwarze Mutter in einer überwiegend weißen Müttergruppe zu finden, während sie die Komplexitäten von Rasse, Klasse und Mutterschaft in einem sich gentrifizierenden Viertel navigiert.

Nur Kinder

"Just Kids" ist eine Autobiographie von Patti Smith, die ihre tiefe Freundschaft und kurze Romanze mit dem Künstler Robert Mapplethorpe während ihrer frühen Jahre in New York City erforscht, als sie ihren Weg zum Ruhm suchten. Es ist eine Geschichte von Jugend, Freundschaft, Kunst und der transformativen Kraft der Kreativität.

Kein Filter

No Filter ist eine Sammlung persönlicher Essays von Paulina Porizkova, in denen sie ihre Erfahrungen als Model, ihre Beziehungen und ihren Weg zu Selbstakzeptanz und Authentizität beschreibt. Das Buch befasst sich mit Themen wie Schönheit, Ruhm, Trauer und Verletzlichkeit.

Just Kids

"Just Kids" is a memoir by Patti Smith that explores her deep friendship and brief romance with artist Robert Mapplethorpe during their early years in New York City, as they navigated their paths to fame. It's a story of youth, friendship, art, and the transformational power of creativity.

The Mamas

The Mamas is a personal exploration of the author's journey in finding her identity as a Black mother in a predominantly white mom group, while navigating the complexities of race, class, and motherhood in a gentrifying neighborhood.

Can't Hurt Me

"Can't Hurt Me" is a memoir by David Goggins, a retired Navy SEAL, in which he shares his life story of overcoming extreme personal obstacles, abuse, and poverty to become one of the world's top endurance athletes. The book serves as a guide to self-improvement and mental toughness, encouraging readers to push past their perceived limitations and tap into their full potential.

No Filter

No Filter is a collection of personal essays by Paulina Porizkova, exploring her experiences as a model, her relationships, and her journey towards self-acceptance and authenticity. The book delves into topics such as beauty, fame, grief, and vulnerability.

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