Autobiography of a Yogi - Summary and Key Ideas

This book is a deeply personal story of the life of Paramhansa Yogananda, a well-known Indian yogi who brought yoga and meditation to the West. It offers a firsthand account of his remarkable experiences, his teachings, his meetings with spiritual leaders, and his profound insights into yoga and spirituality.

This book is aimed at anyone interested in spirituality, meditation, and yoga. It is also suitable for those who want to understand more about Indian philosophy and the life of a devoted yogi.

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Autobiography of a Yogi

Key ideas


Mukunda's spiritual journey was shaped by prophesy, longing, and divine encounters.


Yukteswar's transformation illustrates the monumental power of humility, introspection, and spiritual surrender.

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Master Mahasaya, embodying divine love and wisdom, guided Mukunda towards a profound divine connection.

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Through faith and surrender, seekers of spirituality find divine provision and guidance.

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"Sri Yukteswar, a self-realized guru, transcended religious divides and emphasized virtuous living."

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Sri Yukteswar uses ordinary scenarios to teach mindfulness, discipline, and devotion.

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Abusing extraordinary powers leads to downfall; humility and selflessness are paramount.

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Enlightened gurus can absorb disciples' suffering, demonstrating unparalleled compassion and wisdom.

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Yogananda's initiation into the Swami Order symbolized his commitment to God-realization and selfless service.

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Lahiri Mahasaya, an accountant turned yogi, popularized Kriya Yoga beyond India.

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Lahiri Mahasaya embodied spiritual liberation and worldly duty, bridging East and West through Kriya Yoga.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: The "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda chronicles his life and encounters with spiritual figures in both the Eastern and Western world. The book begins with an account of Yogananda's childhood and the influence of his virtuous parents on his spiritual growth. He then discusses his encounters and relationships with several saints and yogis, emphasizing the spiritual revelations he experiences through these interactions. In due course, he meets his guru Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri who instills in him a deeper understanding of yoga and spirituality. The book eventually charts his travel to the West, where he spreads the principles of Kriya Yoga and introduces many to the wisdom of the East. The narrative culminates with his return to India, where he merges the spiritual teachings of the West and the East.

Paramhansa Yogananda

Paramhansa Yogananda was an Indian yogi and guru who introduced millions of Indians and westerners to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga through this book.


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