Career & success Book Summaries

Oh Sh*t... Was nun?

"Oh Sh*t... Was nun?" ist ein offener und humorvoller Ratgeber für angehende Grafikdesigner. Craig Oldham teilt darin seine persönlichen Erfahrungen und Meinungen darüber, wie man sich in der Kreativbranche zurechtfindet. Er gibt wertvolle Tipps zur Präsentation von Portfolios, zum Überbrücken der Kluft zwischen Ausbildung und Beruf und zum Finden des ersten Jobs.

Oh Sh*t... What Now?

Oh Sh*t... What Now? is a candid and humorous guide aimed at new graphic designers. Craig Oldham shares his personal experiences and opinions on navigating the creative industry, offering advice on presenting portfolios, bridging the gap between education and industry, and landing your first job.


In 'Tomorrowmind' geht es um die PRISM-Kräfte: Prospektion, Resilienz und Agilität, Innovation und Kreativität, soziale Verbindung durch schnelle Beziehungsbildung sowie Bedeutung. Zusammen bilden sie die Bestandteile eines Tomorrowmind – einer Denkweise, die es uns ermöglicht, Veränderungen vorauszusehen, angemessen zu planen, auf Rückschläge zu reagieren und unser volles Potenzial zu entfalten.

Der pragmatische Programmierer

"Der pragmatische Programmierer" ist ein umfassender Leitfaden für die Programmierung, der grundlegende Konzepte behandelt, die auf alle Ebenen der Softwareentwicklung anwendbar sind. Die 2. Auflage dieses Buches aktualisiert die Methoden entsprechend den aktuellen Entwicklungstrends, bleibt jedoch den zeitlosen Programmiergrundsätzen treu.

Der Trillion Dollar Coach

"Der Trillion Dollar Coach" erzählt die Geschichte von Bill Campbell, einem renommierten Business-Coach, der zahlreiche Unternehmen im Silicon Valley wie Apple und Google zum Erfolg geführt hat. Das Buch fasst Campbells einzigartige und effektive Ansätze in Coaching und Führung zusammen und hebt die Bedeutung von Vertrauen, Beziehungsaufbau und Teamarbeit bei der Transformation von Unternehmen hervor.

Die entscheidenden 90 Tage

"Die ersten 90 Tage" ist ein Leitfaden für Führungskräfte in Übergangsphasen. Er bietet Strategien, um die Zeit zu verkürzen, die Führungskräfte benötigen, um den sogenannten 'Break-even-Punkt' zu erreichen – den Moment, in dem deine Organisation dich genauso braucht, wie du den Job.


'Ultralearning' bietet einen tiefen Einblick in den einzigartigen Ansatz des Autors, schwierige Dinge schnell zu erlernen. Das Buch teilt wertvolle Erkenntnisse und Techniken und ist reich an Geschichten von anderen Ultralearnern, die den Lesern als Inspiration dienen. Mit den Werkzeugen aus diesem Buch kannst du durch intensives, selbstgesteuertes Lernen Fähigkeiten entwickeln, von denen du nie gedacht hättest, dass du sie jemals beherrschen würdest.


"Tradingpsychologie" ist ein äußerst aufschlussreicher Leitfaden zur Psychologie des erfolgreichen Tradings. Das Buch begleitet dich auf dem Weg, die Denkweise eines Traders zu entwickeln, und zeigt häufige Fehler auf, die viele davon abhalten, ihre finanziellen Ziele zu erreichen.

Trading in the Zone

'Trading in The Zone' is a highly insightful guide into the psychology of successful trading. It takes you through the necessary steps to achieving a trader's mindset while identifying common mistakes that prevent many from reaching their financial goals.


'Ultralearning' is a deep dive into the author's unique approach towards learning hard things quickly. Sharing invaluable insights and techniques, the book is filled with stories of other ultralearners which provide inspiration for the readers. The process of intense self-directed learning can fashion skills you never thought you could develop with tools from this book.


"Angela Duckworths Werk "Grit" ist eine eingehende Untersuchung über die Macht von Grit - einer Kombination aus Leidenschaft und Ausdauer - und deren Bedeutung für den Erfolg. Durch die Verknüpfung von Forschungsergebnissen und Erkenntnissen aus Interviews entwickelt Duckworth ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis für die Rolle, die Grit sowohl im beruflichen als auch im persönlichen Erfolg einnimmt. Das Buch bietet zudem Anleitungen, wie Leserinnen und Leser Grit in ihrem eigenen Leben kultivieren können.

The First 90 Days

The First 90 Days is a guidebook for leaders in transition periods. It provides strategies to help leaders shorten the time they take to reach the 'breakeven point' — the point at which your organization needs you as much as you need the job.

Trillion Dollar Coach

Trillion Dollar Coach is the account of Bill Campbell, a renowned business coach who has guided several Silicon Valley companies like Apple and Google to success. The book encapsulates the unique and effective approach to coaching and leadership that has been piloted by Campbell, underlining the importance of trust, relationship-building, and teamwork in transforming businesses.


Unstoppable: my life so far, is Sharapova's own telling of her rise to being the number one woman in the world of tennis. The book covers her journey from playing a tiny, oversized racket as a little girl in Russia, to moving to the United States and relentlessly working to become the world's best - all told in Sharapova's unique voice.

For Blood and Money

'For Blood and Money' dives deep into the high stakes world of biotech and pharmaceuticals, following the quest for a blockbuster BTK inhibitor drug. The book unveils the messy, expensive, and often heart-breaking realities behind drug development, where brilliant ideas can languish in corporate pipelines and hard-nosed venture capitalists hold the purse strings required to make visions into reality. It gives a meticulous account of the roller-coaster journey from drug discovery to commercialization, narrating through the noticeable characters leaving indelible marks on the path.

The Pragmatic Programmer

The Pragmatic Programmer is a comprehensive guide to programming that covers broad concepts applicable to all levels of software development. The 2nd edition of this book updates methodologies for current development trends while still adhering to timeless programming tenets.


Tomorrowmind discusses the PRISM powers: Prospection, Resilience and agility, Innovation and creativity, Social connection by way of rapid rapport, and Mattering. Taken together, they are the components of a Tomorrowmind—the mindset that allows us to anticipate change, plan appropriately, respond to setbacks, and achieve our full potential.


The book 'Self-Awareness' presents deep insights and practical guidance on how leaders can learn to see themselves more clearly. It takes the reader through a journey of understanding two broad categories of self-awareness - internal (how clearly we see our own values, passions, aspirations etc.) and external (understanding how other people view us).

Die Gesetze der Gewinner

"Die Gesetze der Gewinner" bietet den Lesern kraftvolle Methoden und Techniken zur Transformation ihres Lebens. Das Buch vertieft sich in verschiedene Gesetze, an die sich erfolgreiche Menschen halten, und liefert praktische Aktivitäten zur Implementierung dieser Gesetze in das eigene Leben.


The book "Who" provides a comprehensive guide on hiring practices, focusing on the importance of selecting the right people for the right roles in a company. It offers practical advice and strategies, such as conducting effective interviews and making informed decisions based on a candidate's career history and performance patterns.

The Defining Decade

"The Defining Decade" is a self-help book by Meg Jay that explores the importance of our twenties as a pivotal time for personal and professional development, urging readers to make the most of this crucial period.

Power Mentoring

"Power Mentoring" is a guidebook that explores the concept of mentoring, emphasizing on the importance of powerful mentoring relationships in personal and professional growth. It provides practical strategies and insights for establishing, maintaining, and leveraging these relationships for maximum career advancement.

The Freelancer's Bible

"The Freelancer's Bible" is a comprehensive guide for freelancers, providing practical advice on how to start, run, and grow a freelance business, covering topics such as marketing, legal issues, and financial management.

Higher Status

"Higher Status" is a self-help book by Jason Capital that provides strategies and insights on how to elevate one's social status and achieve success in personal and professional life.

The Search

"The Search" is a guide to redefining success in the modern work landscape, challenging traditional narratives and encouraging individuals to author their own unique work stories.

Scaling People

"Scaling People" is a comprehensive guide that provides tools and insights for building solid company structures and effectively managing various situations, particularly in high-growth environments. It offers practical advice and real-life stories to help readers navigate difficult management situations, build strong teams, and foster personal and professional growth.

Success and Luck

"Success and Luck" by Robert H. Frank explores the role of luck and random events in achieving success. The book argues that while talent and hard work are important, success is often significantly influenced by circumstances and opportunities, which are largely a matter of luck.

Ruhe ist eine Superkraft

"Stille ist eine Superkraft" ist ein Leitfaden für Introvertierte, um in extrovertierten Umgebungen, insbesondere am Arbeitsplatz, zu navigieren und zu gedeihen, indem sie ihre einzigartigen Stärken und Fähigkeiten nutzen. Es bietet praktische Strategien, Beispiele aus dem wirklichen Leben und persönliche Geschichten aus den eigenen Erfahrungen des Autors als introvertierter Fachmann.


"Grit" is Angela Duckworth's exploration into the power of grit - an amalgamation of passion and perseverance, and its functionality in achieving success. Through a blend of research and insights derived from interviews, Duckworth constructs an understanding of the role grit plays in both professional and personal success. The book outlines ways in which readers can cultivate grit within themselves.

Quiet Is a Superpower

"Quiet Is a Superpower" is a guide for introverts to navigate and thrive in extroverted environments, particularly in the workplace, by leveraging their unique strengths and abilities. It provides practical strategies, real-life examples, and personal stories from the author's own experiences as an introverted professional.

Prep, Push, Pivot

Prep, Push, Pivot is about providing essential career strategies for underrepresented women to navigate pivotal moments, achieve their goals, and advance in their careers.


The book Linchpin (2010) is about becoming indispensable in your profession by unleashing your creativity and unique talents. Seth Godin challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace your inner artist, and create work that matters.

So Good They Can't Ignore You

The book So Good They Can't Ignore You (2012) is about how to achieve career success by focusing on developing rare and valuable skills, rather than blindly following your passion. Cal Newport argues that the key to building a fulfilling career is to become so good at what you do that you can't be ignored, and provides actionable advice on how to do so.

Kitchen Confidential

The book Kitchen Confidential (2000) is about the wild and chaotic world of professional kitchens, as seen through the eyes of Anthony Bourdain, a renegade chef with a passion for good food, strong drinks, and even stronger personalities. With his signature wit and gritty storytelling, Bourdain takes readers on a thrilling ride through the highs and lows of the restaurant industry, from the seedy underbelly of New York City's kitchens to the glamorous world of high-end dining.

The Millionaire Next Door

The book The Millionaire Next Door (1996) is about the surprising traits of America's wealthy. Through extensive research, the authors reveal that most millionaires are self-made, live modestly, and prioritize saving and investing over frivolous spending.

Outliers: The Story of Success

The book Outliers: The Story of Success (2008) is about the secrets of successful people that goes beyond talent and hard work, and instead focuses on cultural, societal, and circumstantial factors that contribute to their achievements. Malcolm Gladwell delves into the stories of outliers and provides insight into how we can all reach our full potential by understanding the hidden factors that shape success.

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