Prep, Push, Pivot - Summary and Key Ideas

Prep, Push, Pivot is about providing essential career strategies for underrepresented women to navigate pivotal moments, achieve their goals, and advance in their careers.

The target group of Prep, Push, Pivot is underrepresented women seeking essential career strategies to advance and navigate pivotal moments in their professional lives.

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Prep, Push, Pivot

Key ideas


Embracing your worth and establishing career values unlock your potential and pave the way for personal and professional growth.


Bouncing back from job loss demands resilience, self-reflection, and proactive strategies to transform setbacks into new opportunities.

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A career road map fosters purposeful professional growth by aligning goals with values and celebrating milestone achievements.

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Successful career transitions rely on strategic job searches, focused networking, and a strong support squad.

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Crafting tailored, impactful résumés and cover letters with action verbs and quantifiable achievements boosts your chances of securing job offers.

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Mastering interview preparation boosts confidence and showcases alignment with a company's values, culture, and needs.

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Crafting a career growth plan empowers individuals to identify skills, tackle obstacles, and devise actionable steps for personal and professional advancement.

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Mastering self-advocacy with Promotion Proof Points is key to securing raises and promotions in the professional world.

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Summary & Review

Prep, Push, Pivot by Octavia Goredema is a guide for underrepresented women to navigate their careers and achieve their goals. The book is divided into three sections: Prep, Push, and Pivot, each focusing on different stages of career development.

Octavia Goredema

Octavia Goredema is a British-born, Los Angeles-based writer, career coach, and speaker. She is the founder of Twenty Ten Talent, a platform dedicated to helping talented young black women succeed in their careers, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.


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