Tomorrowmind - Summary and Key Ideas

Tomorrowmind discusses the PRISM powers: Prospection, Resilience and agility, Innovation and creativity, Social connection by way of rapid rapport, and Mattering. Taken together, they are the components of a Tomorrowmind—the mindset that allows us to anticipate change, plan appropriately, respond to setbacks, and achieve our full potential.

The book suits individuals who are interested in self-improvement, career progression, and developing a mindset to manage changes and challenges in the workplace. It's also beneficial for entrepreneurs, leaders, HR professionals, and individuals who want to build resilience, creativity, and social connections in an uncertain future.

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Key ideas


Our evolving brains require work that harnesses our inherent adaptability and creativity.


Mastering emotional, social, and cognitive skills navigates evolving work dynamics.

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Positive psychology uses scientific methods to enhance human potential and well-being proactively.

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Investing in resilience unlocks potential and ensures success in adversity.

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Meaningful work drives individual resilience and organizational performance.

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Modern work environment challenges social connections, demanding adaptive strategies for human thriving.

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Overcoming modern obstacles, meaningful connections thrive through shared experiences and understanding.

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Prospection intertwines past and present, fostering innovation, resilience, and future planning.

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Creativity is a universal human capability, fueled by brain networks and nurtured by openness, safety, and novelty.

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Historical HR divisions impede holistic employee support; Benefits and L&D need unified focus on primary prevention skills.

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Summary & Review

"Tomorrowmind" by Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin Seligman is a enlightening exploration of the psychological skills necessary to prosper in our rapidly changing world of work. The narrative delves into a concept they coin "PRISM", an acronym for five abstract components that arguably create a thriving mindset. These are: Prospection - an ability to look ahead and anticipate change, Resilience and agility - the capacity to bounce back from setbacks, Innovation and creativity - harnessing unique human capabilities, Social Connection (creating a rapid rapport) - the ability to foster relationships and connection with others, and Mattering - the recognition and understanding that each individual's work is meaningful and significant. Each of the authors explains these skills using a blend of personal anecdotes, novel research, and established study. They believe these skills are attainable for everyone and can be developed through dedicated practice. The book aspires to foster behavioral change in individuals and organizations to address the unprecedented challenges of the future of work from an informed, psychologically resilient standpoint.

Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, Martin Seligman

Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, MD, has served as chief product officer and chief innovation officer at BetterUp, founding CEO of LifeLink, former executive at Castlight Health, and an advisor to healthcare, coaching, and behavior-change technology companies. Trained in psychiatry and fMRI research, she holds an MD with honors from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and a BA summa cum laude from Harvard University, her work has been published and featured in The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Inc., Forbes, JAMA, and many more. Martin Seligman, PhD, is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, director of the Positive Psychology Center, and former president of the American Psychological Association. He received his BA in philosophy from Princeton University and his PhD in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and holds ten honorary doctorates. He was named the most influential psychologist in the world by Academic Influence.


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