Why Buddhism is True - Summary and Key Ideas

Why Buddhism is True focuses on the naturalistic aspects of Buddhism, exploring how its core ideas align with modern psychology and philosophy, and how these ideas can revolutionize one's view of themselves and the world. The book aims to demonstrate the validity of these core Buddhist ideas and their potential to bring about personal transformation and a clearer understanding of reality.

The target group of "Why Buddhism is True" includes individuals interested in understanding the core ideas of Buddhism, its connection to modern psychology, and how it can help them gain clarity and liberation from the illusions of everyday life.

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Why Buddhism is True

Key ideas


The human mind's natural delusion, shaped by evolution for survival and reproduction, distorts reality and influences our decision-making in a modern world.


Embracing the impermanent nature of self can lead to greater happiness and freedom from suffering.

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Mindfulness meditation unlocks liberation by cultivating awareness and transforming our perception of reality.

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Embracing interconnectedness fosters ethical behavior and compassion through understanding the far-reaching consequences of our actions.

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The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path offer a framework for understanding suffering and a practical guide to ethical living, mental cultivation, and enlightenment.

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Summary & Review

In "Why Buddhism is True," Robert Wright explores the naturalistic aspects of Buddhism and how they align with modern psychology and philosophy. He argues that the core ideas of Buddhism, such as the nature of suffering, the illusion of the self, and the practice of meditation, are supported by scientific evidence and can lead to a clearer understanding of ourselves and the world. By following Buddhist teachings and practices, individuals can achieve greater happiness, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

Robert Wright

Robert Wright is an American journalist, scholar, and prize-winning author who specializes in the fields of science, history, and religion. He is known for his interdisciplinary approach, exploring topics such as evolutionary psychology, game theory, and the role of religion in society.


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