Positive Intelligence - Summary and Key Ideas

Positive Intelligence is a book that provides tools and techniques, based on neuroscience, organizational science, and positive psychology, to help individuals increase their Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), which is the measure of mental fitness. The book aims to help readers achieve greater success and happiness by building new neural pathways in the brain, thereby unlocking their full potential.

The target audience for the book "Positive Intelligence" appears to be individuals seeking personal and professional development, particularly those in leadership roles such as CEOs and senior executives. The book may also appeal to those interested in improving their mental health and well-being.

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Positive Intelligence

Key ideas


CEO uses Positive Intelligence principles to overcome company crisis and redefine personal success.


Overcome Internal Saboteurs for Improved Performance and Happiness

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Saboteurs, Emotional Defense Mechanisms Formed in Childhood, Persist into Adulthood and Subtly Influence Behavior and Decisions

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Recognizing and Diminishing the Influence of the Internal Critic, the Judge, Enhances Emotional Intelligence and Positivity in Life

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Activate the Sage Perspective to Overcome Distress and Enhance Personal Tranquility

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Harness the Five Powers of a Sage for Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Personal Growth

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Activate the PQ Brain to Suppress Inner Saboteurs and Unlock Human Potential

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Use PQ Score as a Measure of Positive Intelligence for Personal Growth and Team Success

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Practical Intelligence Enhances Life Aspects from Professional Growth to Stress Management

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Promoting Positive Behavior in Others Requires Personal Transformation and Positive Reinforcement Rather than Punishment

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Harness Conflict as a Catalyst for Growth and Deepening Relationships

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Mastering the PQ Principles is a Key to Effective Selling, Persuading, and Motivating in Any Circumstance

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Summary & Review

Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine is a transformative guide that introduces the concept of Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ), a measure of the mental fitness that allows one to respond to life's challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset. The book provides practical tools and techniques to increase one's PQ, thereby enhancing both personal and professional effectiveness and happiness.

Shirzad Chamine

Shirzad Chamine is a renowned coach and lecturer in neuroscience and leadership. He is the CEO of CTI, the largest coach training organization in the world, and has trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools.


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