Measure What Matters - Summary and Key Ideas

"Measure What Matters" is a book by John Doerr that discusses the concept of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a goal-setting system used by successful organizations like Google and Intel. The book provides insights on how to implement OKRs to align organizations, motivate high performance, and drive growth.

The target audience for the book "Measure What Matters" appears to be leaders or entrepreneurs who are interested in setting goals for themselves and their organizations, as well as those interested in creating a focused, purpose-driven business environment. This could include individuals in both small start-ups and large global companies.

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Measure What Matters

Key ideas


OKRs are a goal-setting system that fosters focus, alignment, and remarkable achievements within organizations by defining clear, measurable, and ambitious objectives and key results.


Intel's strategic use of OKRs and a shift in marketing approach swiftly reclaimed its market dominance without altering its product.

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Effective leadership in organizations hinges on identifying, communicating, and tracking a select few key priorities, using flexible and measurable indicators for progress.

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Transparency in goal-setting fosters innovation, collaboration, and productivity, creating a thriving "team of teams" environment.

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OKRs are dynamic, transparent, and adaptable goals that foster a culture of continuous improvement and alignment within an organization.

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Setting stretch goals, despite inherent risks, can ignite progress and innovation, as exemplified by Google's '10x' philosophy.

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Continuous performance management, through regular dialogues, feedback, and recognition, optimizes individual and organizational performance by promoting transparency, accountability, and empowerment.

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Adobe's shift from annual performance reviews to a continuous, feedback-oriented system called Check-in, has fostered a culture of learning and growth, reducing turnover and driving business success.

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Zume Pizza leverages robotics and the OKRs framework to disrupt the pizza industry with precision and agility.

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Culture, shaped by shared values and goals, is a key driver of business success, with tools like OKRs and CFRs fostering transparency, accountability, and performance.

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Lumeris transformed its healthcare approach and achieved market leadership through a culture of transparency, accountability, and a well-implemented OKR program.

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Bono's ONE Campaign leverages OKRs to drive cultural shifts, prioritize African perspectives, and foster risk-taking and trust, combining passion with strategy for meaningful change.

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Summary & Review

"Measure What Matters" by John Doerr is a guide to implementing the OKR system, a goal-setting tool used by successful organizations like Google and Intel. The book emphasizes the importance of setting, tracking, and achieving ambitious goals and provides a roadmap for organizations to improve their focus, alignment, tracking, and stretching abilities. The book is filled with real-life examples and case studies that illustrate the power of OKRs in driving organizational success.

John Doerr

John Doerr is an American investor and venture capitalist at Kleiner Perkins. Known for backing some of the world's most successful companies like Google and Amazon, he has significantly influenced the tech industry.


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