The Leading Edge - Summary and Key Ideas

"The Leading Edge" is a business book that provides insights and strategies on how to stay competitive and innovative in the ever-changing business landscape. It offers practical advice on leadership, management, and how to drive growth in a company.

The target group for the book "The Leading Edge" is likely business professionals and leaders seeking to improve their leadership skills and strategies.

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The Leading Edge

Key ideas


Embracing uncertainty and leveraging personal skills can ignite movements, as leadership is a personal choice that thrives on diverse approaches.


Self-Leadership Mindset: Cultivating a leadership mindset involves having a clear purpose, consciously framing choices, owning your personal narrative, building resilience, and seeking diverse feedback.

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Self-Leadership Methods: Leadership thrives on childlike curiosity and playfulness, fostering creativity and innovation in the knowledge economy.

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Self-Leadership Mastery: Effective leadership begins with self-mastery for example by manageing ones energy rather than time.

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"Leading Others"-Mindset: Leadership thrives on collective purpose, diverse perspectives, proactive risk identification, and blameless learning from failures.

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"Leading Others"-Methods: Effective leadership hinges on the ability to ask insightful questions, foster a safe environment for dialogue, and stimulate critical thinking, rather than merely providing solutions.

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"Leading Others"-Mastery: Effective leadership requires a purpose-driven approach, continuous learning, empowerment of others, and a systems perspective to drive meaningful change.

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Holly Ransom

Holly Ransom is an accomplished Australian entrepreneur and public speaker, known for her expertise in innovation and disruptive strategy. She has served as the youngest ever woman to be appointed to a hospital board in Australia and was named one of Australia’s 100 Most Influential Women by the Australian Financial Review.


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