The Obesity Code - Summary and Key Ideas

The Obesity Code explores the hormonal and biological factors behind obesity, debunking the calorie-based approach to weight loss and providing a framework for understanding and treating obesity through insulin regulation and lifestyle changes.

The target group of "The Obesity Code" is individuals seeking to understand the hormonal roots of obesity and looking for a comprehensive approach to weight loss and improved health.

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The Obesity Code

Key ideas


Hormonal imbalance, specifically insulin resistance, plays a crucial role in obesity, challenging the notion of excessive calorie consumption as the primary cause.


Calorie counting is not the key to effective long-term weight loss.

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Fructose-laden processed foods disrupt hormonal balance, fueling obesity and insulin resistance.

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Intermittent fasting enhances insulin sensitivity, promoting sustainable weight loss and overall health improvement.

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Summary & Review

In "The Obesity Code," Dr. Jason Fung presents a new framework for understanding obesity as a hormonal imbalance, primarily driven by insulin resistance and excessive insulin production. He argues that the conventional wisdom of "eat less, move more" is not effective for long-term weight loss. Instead, he proposes a multifaceted approach that addresses the root causes of obesity and provides practical solutions for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Jason Fung

Jason Fung is a Canadian nephrologist and a world-leading expert in intermittent fasting and low-carb diets. He is the co-founder of the Intensive Dietary Management Program, which focuses on treating obesity and type 2 diabetes through dietary interventions.


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