As a Man Thinketh - Summary and Key Ideas

"As a Man Thinketh" is a philosophical work that emphasizes the power of thought in shaping a person's character, circumstances, and overall life. It asserts that a person's thoughts, whether positive or negative, directly influence their experiences and outcomes in life.

The target group for "As a Man Thinketh" is individuals seeking personal development and self-improvement, particularly those interested in understanding the power of thought in shaping one's life and circumstances.

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As a Man Thinketh

Key ideas


We are essentially the sum of our thoughts.


We are in our current situation because of our past thoughts.

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The state of our body is a reflection of our thoughts, with negativity breeding disease and positivity fostering health.

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Purposeful thinking is the cornerstone of meaningful achievement, self-control, and the mastery of life's challenges.

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Dreams and visions, when pursued with focused effort, have the power to shape individual character, circumstances, and the world at large.

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Serenity, a reflection of wisdom and self-control, is the ultimate wealth, bringing success, influence, and respect beyond material gain.

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Summary & Review

"As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen emphasizes the power of thought in shaping one's life. The book asserts that a person's character, health, purpose, and achievements are all direct results of their thoughts. It likens the mind to a garden that can be cultivated or neglected, and the thoughts to seeds that will inevitably bear fruit. The book encourages individuals to take control of their thoughts, to think positively and purposefully, and to strive for virtue and self-improvement. It asserts that by doing so, one can overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and find happiness and peace.

James Allen

James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry in the late 19th and early 20th century. His work revolves around the concepts of self-improvement, motivation, and personal development.


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