Psycho-Cybernetics - Summary and Key Ideas

Psycho-Cybernetics is a self-help guide that explores the concept of self-image as the key to achieving success and happiness. It provides techniques and principles for improving one's self-image and utilizing the power of positive thinking and visualization.

Psycho-Cybernetics targets individuals seeking personal development and self-improvement, including entrepreneurs, physicians, salespeople, athletes, lawyers, coaches, teachers, musicians, and writers.

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Key ideas


Psycho-Cybernetics harnesses the power of self-image to drive profound personal transformation.


The self-image is a powerful tool that can unlock new capabilities and transform lives when aligned with personal goals and realities.

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The human brain operates like a servo-mechanism, a goal-seeking device, that can be steered towards success by altering our self-image.

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The power to achieve the seemingly impossible lies in self-realization and the dehypnotization from self-limiting beliefs.

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Our innate Creative Mechanism, functioning optimally with a clear, singular goal and a relaxed mind, guides us towards success through a process of trial and error.

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Happiness, a state of mind beneficial for both mental and physical health, is a self-cultivated habit, not a circumstantial occurrence.

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"SUCCESS" is not a random event, but a cultivation of specific traits: Sense of direction, Understanding, Courage, Compassity, Esteem, Self-Confidence, and Self-Acceptance.

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Healing emotional scars requires us to become our own emotional surgeons, altering not our physical appearance but our self-perception, unlocking our true personality and potential for a fulfilling life.

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We can create our own tranquilizers by mastering our responses to external stimuli, constructing a mental sanctuary, and practicing non-response to stress triggers.

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Turning a crisis into a creative opportunity requires practice under non-pressure conditions, accurate evaluation of the situation, and a focus on the present challenge rather than future worries.

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The "winning feeling" is a powerful mental tool that can guide you towards success by setting goals, imagining end results, and evoking feelings of success.

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Summary & Review

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz is a groundbreaking work that identifies the concept of "self-image" as a pivotal factor in shaping our lives. Maltz, a plastic surgeon, discovered that our future is controlled by our subconscious mental blueprint, which dictates where we think we belong. The book emphasizes that happiness can be found in the journey towards achieving our goals, not just in the achievement itself. It also highlights the power of visualization and mental imagery in influencing our self-image and, consequently, our success in various aspects of life.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz was an American cosmetic surgeon and motivational author. He is best known for his work in the field of self-image and its importance in a person's life, which he explored through his psychological theories.


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