On Fire - Summary and Key Ideas

"On Fire" is a collection of essays that explore the urgent need for a comprehensive response to climate change, arguing that the crisis presents an opportunity to transform our failed economic system into something more equitable and sustainable. It advocates for a Green New Deal, a plan to reduce carbon emissions while creating jobs and addressing social inequality.

The target group of "On Fire" is individuals interested in understanding the urgency of the climate crisis, the economic and political systems contributing to it, and the potential solutions, such as the Green New Deal.

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On Fire

Key ideas


The climate crisis, accelerating faster than predicted, is transforming the Arctic and threatening a million species with extinction, putting humanity's only home in peril.


The Green New Deal is a holistic vision for societal transformation, addressing climate crisis, economic inequality, and social justice, inspired by the original New Deal and driven by a collective responsibility.

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Art, as a catalyst for change, can inspire transformation and resistance in the face of crises like climate change, as evidenced by projects like the Leap Manifesto and the Green New Deal.

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The disconnection from our ancestral lands and physical surroundings in our urbanized world hinders our ability to address the climate crisis effectively.

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Addressing the climate crisis can simultaneously tackle structural inequality and improve quality of life, challenging the global implementation of such integrated solutions.

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Addressing climate change requires collective action and structural changes, not just individual efforts, offering an opportunity to solve multiple interlocking crises simultaneously.

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Summary & Review

"On Fire" by Naomi Klein is a collection of essays that delve into the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for a comprehensive, radical response. Klein argues that the climate crisis is not just about carbon emissions but is a symptom of a broader socio-economic system that prioritizes profit over people and the planet. She advocates for a Green New Deal, a plan that aims to transform the infrastructure of societies at the speed and scale that scientists have called for, while addressing economic inequality and improving people's quality of life. Klein emphasizes the need for collective action and the importance of listening to and learning from indigenous communities and young activists.

Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein is a Canadian author, social activist, and filmmaker known for her political analyses and criticism of corporate globalization and capitalism. She is also a contributing editor for Harper's, a reporter for Rolling Stone, and a syndicated columnist for The Nation and The Guardian.


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