The Communist Manifesto - Summary and Key Ideas

The Communist Manifesto presents the principles of communism and the theory of class struggle, advocating for the overthrow of capitalist systems and the establishment of a classless, proletarian society.

The target group of The Communist Manifesto is the working class, particularly the proletariat, as it aims to inspire and unite them in the struggle against the bourgeoisie and the capitalist system.

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The Communist Manifesto

Key ideas


Class struggle drives history, with the proletariat's eventual victory over the bourgeoisie marking a new era in human development.


Abolishing bourgeois property aims to dismantle class antagonisms and exploitation, revolutionizing society towards a more equitable future.

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The proletariat's pursuit of political supremacy aims to dismantle the bourgeoisie, transform society, and ultimately eradicate class divisions for the free development of all individuals.

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The rise of the bourgeoisie and globalization erodes national antagonisms, paving the way for a classless, unified global society.

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Socialism's various forms reveal contradictions and critique modern production, yet often fall short in addressing class struggle and advocating for revolutionary change.

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Summary & Review

The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is a foundational document for the communist movement. It outlines the theory of historical materialism, the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, and the ultimate goal of overthrowing the capitalist system to establish a classless, communist society.

Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were 19th-century German philosophers, economists, and social theorists who co-developed the theory of communism. They critiqued capitalism, analyzed class struggles, and sought to establish a classless society.


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