Bully of Asia - Summary and Key Ideas

"Bully of Asia" is a critical examination of China's geopolitical ambitions, arguing that the country's desire for global dominance, driven by the Chinese Communist Party and its "China Dream," poses a significant threat to the world order. The book explores the historical and political context of this ambition, the role of key Chinese leaders, and the implications for U.S.-China relations and global stability.

The target group for the book "Bully of Asia" is likely individuals interested in international relations, particularly those focusing on U.S.-China relations, as well as readers seeking to understand China's global ambitions and its impact on world order.

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Bully of Asia

Key ideas


China's aggressive global ambitions are rooted in its ancient imperial past, aiming to establish a Sino-centric world order and regain lost glory.


China's historical humiliation fuels its ambition to reclaim dominance, potentially leading to a collision with the existing American-led order.

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China's current global ambitions are deeply rooted in its historical philosophy of Legalism, which advocates for total power and universal jurisdiction, setting the stage for potential global confrontations.

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China's Communist Party, under the guise of communism, is essentially reviving its historical imperial system, aiming for regional dominance and potentially clashing with the U.S.-led order.

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Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms modernized China without westernizing it, maintaining the Chinese Communist Party's authoritarian control and continuing the pursuit of regional dominance, a strategy deeply rooted in its Maoist past.

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Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao used economic reforms and communist rhetoric as a smokescreen to strengthen China's authoritarian control and pursue its imperial ambitions.

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Xi Jinping's consolidation of power and return to Maoist autocracy challenges the global expectation of China's democratic evolution and poses a threat to the world order.

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Great Han Chauvinism, a form of Chinese nationalism, is becoming a quasi-religion, fueling a sense of racial superiority and a divine right to global dominance.

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The Chinese Communist Party fuels nationalism and support for its regime by using anti-American propaganda and a skewed perspective of history, aiming to instill resentment towards the West and immunize the younger generation against democratic ideals.

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China's attempts to increase its global soft power are failing due to the unappealing nature of its authoritarian regime and policies.

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The U.S. can counter China's global ambitions by holding it accountable for North Korea's actions, strengthening ties with Taiwan, and forming a coalition of allies to balance China's power.

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Summary & Review

"Bully of Asia: Why China's Dream is the New Threat to World Order" by Steven W. Mosher is a comprehensive analysis of China's rise to power and its implications for the global order. The book argues that China's dream of world domination is now a reality, and it is engaged in a total war with the United States across all domains. The author asserts that the conflict is not merely about trade relations or cyber-espionage, but a deep underlying clash of values, institutions, and civilizations. The book suggests that the conflict is ultimately about whether America and its allies, or China alone, will dominate the future world.

Steven W. Mosher

Steven W. Mosher is an American social scientist, pro-life activist, and author known for his work on China's one-child policy. He is the president of the Population Research Institute, an organization dedicated to exposing human rights abuses in population control programs.


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