European Integration - Summary and Key Ideas

The book "European Integration" traces the history of Europe's integration, highlighting how it has often progressed in crisis mode, with major crises leading to significant advancements. It also discusses the transformation of the European Union from a project of freedom to a project of security.

The target audience for the book "European Integration" is likely individuals interested in the history and development of the European Union, including students, scholars, and general readers with an interest in European politics and history.

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European Integration

Key ideas


The Evolution of the Concept of Europe from Ancient Greece to Post-World War II Era: A Journey from a Mythical Reference to a Vision of Unity and Integration


The Schuman Plan's Role in Post-World War II European Integration and Its Influence on the Formation of the European Union

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The Evolution of European Integration in the 1950s: Achievements, Challenges, and the Impact of the Cold War on the Formation of the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Defence Community, and the European Economic Community

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The Emergence and Evolution of the European Community Post-World War II: Achievements, Challenges, and the Uncertain Path Towards Integration and Dominance in the Global Arena

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The Evolution of the European Community into a Significant Power Amidst Economic and Political Challenges During the Final Two Decades of the Cold War

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The Evolution of the European Union: From Trade Integration to Normative Power and Democracy Stabilizer in the Post-Cold War Era

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The Post-Cold War Transformation of Europe: The Rise of Aperturist Liberalism, the Politicization of the European Union, and the Evolution of its Global Influence through Regulatory Power and Internal Market Realignment

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Navigating Post-Cold War Changes: The European Union's Expansion, Economic Integration, Democratic Reforms, and the Resulting Challenges and Disputes

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The European Union's Response to the Financial and Refugee Crises: A Shift from Integration and Openness to Security and Protection Amid Economic and Political Strains

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The European Union's Journey Through a Decade of Crises: From the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Volcano Eruption to Brexit and the Rise of Populism, to the Coronavirus Pandemic, and its Emergence

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Summary & Review

"Europäische Integration" by Kiran Klaus Patel provides a comprehensive history of European integration, tracing its evolution from a concept that had little relevance for most people's lives into the European Union (EU) as we know it today. The book highlights how the EU has always functioned in a state of crisis, with major crises often leading to significant progress. Patel also discusses the transformation of the EU from a project of freedom to a project of security, particularly since 2009. The book concludes by emphasizing the resilience of the EU, which has been shaped and advanced through perceived or actual crises, making it robust and resistant. However, the author also points out the challenges of legitimizing new steps and gaining acceptance and support from citizens.

Kiran Klaus Patel

Kiran Klaus Patel is a renowned german historian and academic. His research primarily focuses on the history of European integration.


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