The Like Switch - Summary and Key Ideas

'The Like Switch' reveals the strategies an ex-FBI Agent used to recruit spies and make friends out of foes and provides guidance on how to use that understanding for interacting with others, making friends and maintaining successful relationships.

This book is beneficial for anyone who wants to enhance their interpersonal skills, establish relationships, or interact more effectively with supervisors, colleagues, subordinates, and customers. It's also valuable for those seeking friends or romantic relationships.

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The Like Switch

Key ideas


Overcoming social anxiety and establishing connections requires learning and practicing proven rapport-building techniques.


Nonverbal cues and psychology are key to transforming strangers into friends.

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Effective nonverbal cues facilitate positive first impressions and foster relationships.

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Successful friendship requires empathic listening, promoting self-recognition, and mutual goodwill.

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Friendship hinges on similarity, reciprocity, self-disclosure, balanced benefits, and positive attributes.

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Effective verbal behavior, encompassing listening, observing, vocalizing, and empathizing, is essential to foster friendship.

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Mastering nonverbal cues is vital for building and assessing rapport in relationships.

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Nurtured, compassionate, and communicative care sustains long-term relationships.

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Digital opportunities for relationships abound, yet caution and verification safeguard trust.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: "The Like Switch" by Jack Schafer is an informative guide by an ex-FBI agent that provides actionable methods for influencing, attracting, and winning people over. The book offers a unique perspective on human interactions and encourages the reader to establish more successful interpersonal relationships in any scenario. Through the presentation of powerful tools and techniques, Schafer mobilizes individuals to cultivate great friendships at home, work, or any place where personal interactions unfold. The book underscores that developing meaningful relationships is not simply about luck but the application of scientific knowledge and techniques.

Jack Schafer, Marvin Karlins

Jack Schafer, Ph.D., is a psychologist, professor, intelligence consultant and former FBI Special Agent. His 15-year-long career in FBI involved conducting counterintelligence and counterterrorism investigations. He developed meaningful strategies to recruit spies and make friends out of sworn foes. Marvin Karlins is a professor at the University of South Florida and specializes in organizational behavior and business communication.


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