The Convoluted Universe - Summary and Key Ideas

'The Convoluted Universe - Book One' dives into complex metaphysical theories related to Dolores Cannon's studies on UFOs and abductions. It looks into the mysteries of the Universe, such as interdimensional times, the transforming DNA structure of the human body, the existence of parallel universes and the role of energy in the universe. This book is a synthesis of lost knowledge and continued exploration of the unknown.

This book targets individuals who have a keen interest in metaphysics, the mysteries and workings of the universe, and those curious about UFOs or paranormal phenomena. Familiarity with Dolores Cannon's previous work, 'The Custodians', would enhance the reader's understanding of the content in this book.

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The Convoluted Universe

Key ideas


The book furthers metaphysical investigations with insights from hypnotic regressions and subconscious dialogue.


Bartholomew's royal life became a cosmic journey of knowledge collection and dispersal.

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Bartholomew's mission involves enlightening a celestial colony for humanity's future enlightenment.

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Light beings inserted into humans may catalyze an evolutionary leap for Earth's interaction with extraterrestrial worlds.

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Janice's alleged alien encounters expose a potential multidimensional nature of our universe.

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Humanity's destiny lies in evolving spiritually and integrating with universal knowledge repositories.

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Atlanteans' unchecked ambition led to their downfall despite advanced knowledge and technology.

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Pyramids signify potential dormant human abilities and advanced ancient technology.

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Exploring metaphysical perspectives can redefine mysteries and historical reality.

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The text narrates Pam's spiritual enlightenments about transcending physical limitations through higher consciousness and love.

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"Star Children" are reincarnated souls from alien worlds tasked to elevate Earth's frequency.

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Infinite parallel universes exist, challenging our current comprehension and perception of reality.

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Summary & Review

Final Summary: The Convolued Universe - Book One by Dolores Cannon is a comprehensive exploration of complex metaphysical theories, primarily derived from case studies in regressive hypnosis and psychic research. The author presents a vast range of subjects like energy manipulation, parallel universes, ancient science of mysticism, transformation of the human body, and the energy force. The book pushes readers to seek knowledge beyond the conventional and, as quoted by Buckminster Fuller within the content, to think for themselves.

Dolores Cannon

Dolores Cannon, a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher born in 1931 in St. Louis, Missouri. She began her writing career after retiring as a typical Navy wife. In 1968, she developed an interest in reincarnation via regressive hypnosis. Most of her work revolves around collecting evidence from suspected abductees through hypnosis. Dolores, mother to four children and fourteen grandchildren, has skillfully balanced between the 'real' world of her family and the 'unseen' world of her work.


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