Six Days of War - Summary and Key Ideas

"Six Days of War" is a comprehensive historical account of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, detailing the events leading up to the conflict, the six-day war itself, and its profound aftermath.

The target group for the book "Six Days of War" is likely individuals interested in Middle Eastern history, specifically the Israel-Arab conflict.

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Six Days of War

Key ideas


The Context: The Six Day War of 1967 was the explosive culmination of decades-long tensions between Israel and Arab states, fueled by Zionism, Arab nationalism, and Cold War rivalries.


The Catalysts: The intricate mix of internal tensions and regional power struggles under the shadow of Cold War competition, created a highly volatile environment.

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The Crisis: Internal conflicts, military posturing, and failed diplomacy sparked Egypt's military strengthening in the Sinai Peninsula in 1967.

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Countdown: The final days before the outbraeak were a tense dance of diplomacy and strategy, with Israel launching a preemptive strike to secure a quick victory.

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Day 1: Israel's air force launches attacks. Ground combat ensues. Both Jordan and Syria retaliate.

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Day 2: Israeli progress and Arab withdrawals. The U.S. navigates conflict and resolution. Distortions countered by truces.

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Day 3: The decisive conflict over Jerusalem. Egypt's "Curtain" breached. Russian intimidations and American strategizing.

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Day 4: Israeli decisive strikes. A tragic mishap. Nasser surrenders while the Syrians anticipate.

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Day 5: Climax on the Golan Heights. Nasser tries to step down. The UN gains momentum as the Soviets express discontent. Israel faces a constitutional dilemma.

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Day 6: The Golan conquered. Covert actions within the UN. Superpowers flexing their might. Hopes for imminent peace.

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Aftershocks: The 1967 Six Day War reshaped the Middle East, intensifying the Arab-Israeli conflict and creating a volatile mix of danger and potential for peace.

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Summary & Review

"Six Days of War" by Michael B. Oren is a comprehensive account of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, also known as the Six-Day War. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the events leading up to the war, the war itself, and its aftermath. Oren meticulously details the political, military, and diplomatic maneuvers of all parties involved, offering a balanced perspective. The book underscores the war's profound impact on the Middle East, setting the stage for subsequent conflicts and shaping the region's geopolitics to this day.

Michael B. Oren

Michael B. Oren is an American-Israeli historian and former diplomat. He served as Israel's Ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013, and is currently a member of the Knesset for the Kulanu party.


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