Eternal - Summary and Key Ideas

"Eternal" is a historical novel by Lisa Scottoline that explores the lives of three friends, Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro, set against the backdrop of the rise and fall of Fascism in Italy, including the horrific rastrellamento of the Jewish Ghetto in Rome. The narrative is deeply intertwined with themes of family, love, and justice, and is heavily influenced by real historical events and figures.

The target audience for the book "Eternal" is likely readers who enjoy historical fiction, particularly those interested in World War II, the Holocaust, and Italian history. The book may also appeal to fans of Lisa Scottoline's previous works.

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Key ideas


World War II Rome sees three families of diverse backgrounds unite against fascism and anti-Semitism, risking their lives to protect their Jewish friends.


Elisabetta prepares to reveal her son's father's identity, a secret tied to her painful past during Mussolini's reign and World War II.

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The narrative explores the intertwining of politics, religion, and romance in the lives of three young Italians in 1930s Fascist Italy, and how external forces shape their dreams, fears, and identities.

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In 1930s Italy, Sandro grapples with rising anti-Semitism, a love triangle with his friend Marco and Elisabetta, and familial tensions over the prospect of emigration.

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The rise of Fascism in Italy deeply impacts the lives and relationships of ordinary citizens, regardless of their political stance.

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Despite their desperate efforts and bribes, Sandro's Jewish family's plea for exemption from the Race Laws, which would strip them of their property and business, was repeatedly rejected, leaving them facing a grim future.

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Fascism disrupts the lives and relationships of three friends in Italy, revealing the destructive impact of politics, prejudice, and conflicting loyalties.

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World War II forces Marco and Elisabetta to question their allegiances, leading to a moral awakening about the devastating effects of Fascism and Nazism on Italian society.

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Despite the horrors of Nazi rule, the Jewish community and a few brave individuals demonstrate resilience, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love.

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Summary & Review

"Eternal" by Lisa Scottoline is a historical fiction novel that explores the rise and fall of Fascism in Italy, focusing on the lives of three main characters: Elisabetta, Marco, and Sandro. The story is set against the backdrop of the horrific rastrellamento of the Ghetto in Rome in 1943, where Jewish men, women, and children were forced from their homes and sent to Auschwitz. The novel is a poignant exploration of love, family, justice, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Lisa Scottoline

Lisa Scottoline is an American author and former trial lawyer, best known for her legal thrillers. She has won the Edgar Award, considered the most prestigious award in crime fiction, and served as the President of the Mystery Writers of America.


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