Makra - Summary and Key Ideas

"Makra" is a story about a man named Makra who is navigating his life and relationships, particularly with a man named Vali and a woman named Zsuzsa Szanyi, amidst societal expectations and personal turmoil, which leads him to a life-altering incident on Easter that forces him to reevaluate his life and future plans.

The target group of the book are individuals interested in character-driven narratives, exploring themes of societal norms, personal goals, and interpersonal relationships.

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Key ideas


Ferenc Makra's life-altering intervention in a rape attempt led to a self-imposed exile, a dedication to work, and an unexpected love.


Ferenc Makra's quest for purpose was transformed by Vali's free-spirited artistry, challenging his traditional beliefs and igniting a newfound freedom.

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"An unexpected encounter leads to a transformative relationship, challenging societal norms and sparking personal growth through love and ideological differences."

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Makra and Vali's contrasting values on tradition and freedom strained their relationship when faced with an unplanned pregnancy.

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Makra's struggle to reconcile his working-class roots with the bohemian art world reveals the tension between innate talent and societal expectations.

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Makra's battle with tuberculosis tested his resilience and hope, as he fought to regain his health and secure a future for his family.

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Makra's encounter with Vali embodies the conflict between personal desires and obligations, reflecting the tension between idealism and reality.

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Makra's struggle with morality, identity, and acceptance led to personal and professional turmoil, culminating in irreversible damage to his relationships and self-perception.

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Makra's tragic suicide, rooted in his struggle to conform and unrequited love, left a mystery and profound sorrow among his loved ones.

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Summary & Review

"Makra" by Akos Kertesz is a complex narrative that explores the life of Ferenc Makra, a man who is constantly in a state of self-discovery and transformation. The book delves into Makra's personal struggles, his relationships, and his quest for a sense of belonging. Makra's journey is marked by his attempts to break free from societal norms, his struggle with his health, his relationships with women, and his constant battle with his own identity. The narrative also explores Makra's work life, his interactions with his colleagues, and his struggle to maintain his integrity in a corrupt system. The book ends on a tragic note with Makra's suicide, leaving the reader with a profound sense of loss and a deep understanding of the complexities of human nature.

Akos Kertesz

Ákos Kertész is a renowned Hungarian author and screenwriter, born in Budapest in 1932. He is known for his outspoken criticism of political and social issues in Hungary, which led to his self-imposed exile to Canada in 2011.


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