Invisible Women - Summary and Key Ideas

"Invisible Women" is a book that explores the systemic gender bias in data collection and analysis, highlighting how this bias impacts women's lives in various sectors such as healthcare, technology, and urban planning.

The target group for the book "Invisible Women" is likely individuals interested in gender studies, sociology, and those seeking to understand systemic bias in society.

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Invisible Women

Key ideas


Unintentional gender bias in public spaces and infrastructure design neglects women's unique needs, leading to inequitable cities and workplaces.


The historical undervaluation of women's work, rooted in systemic biases and male-centric workplace norms, continues to impact women's economic and occupational health.

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The medical world's male-centric bias has led to significant gaps in understanding and treating women's health issues.

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Products and systems are often designed with a male-centric focus, overlooking the specific needs and experiences of women across various industries.

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The systemic gender data gap in public life and government, resulting from women's exclusion, leads to biased policies and economic miscalculations, necessitating a shift towards inclusive, evidence-based systems.

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Gender data gaps in crisis situations lead to inefficient, prejudiced disaster responses that exacerbate women's vulnerability and perpetuate gender inequality.

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Summary & Review

"Invisible Women" by Caroline Criado Perez is a groundbreaking book that exposes the gender data gap - a gap in our knowledge that is at the root of perpetual, systemic discrimination against women. The book reveals how, in a world largely built for and by men, we are systematically ignoring half the population. It exposes the gender data bias that affects women's lives in areas such as healthcare, technology, workplaces, and urban planning.

Caroline Criado Perez

Caroline Criado Perez is a British feminist activist and journalist, known for her work in advocating for gender equality. She gained prominence for her successful campaigns to have a woman featured on a UK banknote and for a statue of a woman in Parliament Square.


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