Good Morning, Monster - Summary and Key Ideas

Good Morning, Monster shares the stories of five patients undergoing therapy, highlighting their emotional recovery and resilience as they confront their past traumas and work towards healing.

The target group of Good Morning, Monster is the general public, particularly those interested in understanding the therapeutic process and gaining inspiration from stories of resilience and emotional recovery.

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Good Morning, Monster

Key ideas


Dreams serve as the royal road to our unconscious mind, unlocking deep-rooted issues for emotional healing and personal growth.


Resilience: the key to triumphing over adversity and unlocking personal growth.

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Defense mechanisms shield us from emotional pain, but breaking them down through therapy can lead to healthier coping strategies and emotional well-being.

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Childhood experiences shape adult lives, leaving lasting emotional baggage that influences relationships, self-esteem, and mental health.

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Therapy's transformative power unlocks the unconscious mind, dismantles defense mechanisms, and fosters resilience for profound personal growth and healing.

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Summary & Review

Good Morning, Monster by Catherine Gildiner shares the stories of five patients who overcame immense emotional trauma and adversity through therapy. These individuals, considered psychological heroes, demonstrate resilience and the power of human connection in the healing process. The book offers valuable insights into the therapeutic process and the importance of confronting one's past to achieve emotional freedom.

Catherine Gildiner

Catherine Gildiner is a Canadian psychologist, memoirist, and former columnist. With a Ph.D. in psychology, she practiced for over 25 years before transitioning to writing, where she shares her insights and experiences through her works.


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