Evidence - Summary and Key Ideas

The book "Evidence" by Howard S. Becker explores the process of scientific inquiry, focusing on how social scientists use data, evidence, and ideas to form theories and convince others of their validity. It discusses the methods of data collection, the transformation of data into evidence, and the role of ideas in interpreting evidence.

The target group of this book, Evidence, appears to be social scientists, researchers, and students in related fields who are interested in understanding the process of data collection, analysis, and interpretation in social science research.

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Key ideas


The process of converting raw data into substantial evidence in social science research presents significant challenges.


The best social science research combines elements from both the Linnaean and Buffonian models.

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The debate over qualitative versus quantitative research methods in sociology originated from differing viewpoints of Herbert Blumer and Samuel Stouffer.

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Social scientists should adopt rigorous methods from natural sciences to improve the accuracy and reliability of their findings.

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The quality and authenticity of collected data can be influenced by the motivations and interests of those collecting it.

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A census is a sincere attempt to gather accurate data, despite its inherent challenges and limitations.

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Government data, despite potential biases, can provide valuable sociological insights when critically analyzed.

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In social science, data collection methods can influence accuracy, bias, and context of human behavior studies.

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A chief investigator collects high-quality data through flexible research design to produce reliable research in social groups and organizations.

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Qualitative research is a flexible, evolving process that requires awareness of potential pitfalls and personal biases.

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Common blunders in social science research can be transformed into opportunities for learning and improving future studies.

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Summary & Review

SUMMARY: "Evidence" by Howard S. Becker is a comprehensive guide on the importance of evidence in social science research. The book emphasizes the need for researchers to be meticulous in their data collection, interpretation, and presentation. Becker discusses the interdependencies of data, evidence, and ideas, and how they form a circle of validation in research. He also highlights the importance of avoiding errors and correcting mistakes in research. The book provides insights into the process of turning data into evidence and using it to support theories or ideas.

Howard S. Becker

Howard S. Becker is a renowned American sociologist known for his qualitative research in the field of sociology. His work primarily focuses on the sociology of deviance, art, music, and qualitative research methods.


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