Brief Counseling That Works - Summary and Key Ideas

"Brief Counseling That Works" is a guidebook that provides strategies and techniques for effective short-term counseling within the school system, focusing on practical methods to help students overcome challenges and improve their academic and personal lives.

The target group for the book "Brief Counseling That Works" is primarily professionals in the counseling field, particularly those interested in brief therapy techniques.

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Brief Counseling That Works

Key ideas


Solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC) empowers and motivates students by focusing on their strengths and solutions, rather than analyzing problems.


Effective SFBC hinges on setting specific, positive goals and using techniques to visualize solutions and prepare clients for success.

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Constructing solutions involves building on a strong foundation of self-efficacy, which is the belief in one's ability to succeed.

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The first session is about building a connection, identifying goals and strengths and envision a problem-free life.

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The subsequent sessions serve to highlight ongoing successes, reinforcing the client's belief in their ability to maintain positive change.

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Counselors can transform challenging client situations into achievable goals by empathizing and focusing on willingness towards change.

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Summary & Review

"Brief Counseling That Works" by Gerald B. Sklare is a comprehensive guide that provides a practical approach to brief counseling for school counselors and other mental health professionals. The book emphasizes the importance of solution-focused brief counseling (SFBC) as an effective method for dealing with a variety of issues. It provides a step-by-step guide to the SFBC process, from the initial session to termination, and includes numerous case studies and examples to illustrate the concepts.

Gerald B. Sklare

Gerald B. Sklare is a prominent figure in the field of counseling and education. He has served as a professor at the University of Louisville, where he has made significant contributions to the development of counseling theories and practices.


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