Be Useful - Summary and Key Ideas

"Be Useful" is a book that provides seven tools for life, aiming to guide readers towards success, self-actualization, and resilience. The book emphasizes the importance of being useful to others and giving back to the community as a path to a fulfilling life.

The target audience for the book "Be Useful" by Arnold Schwarzenegger appears to be individuals seeking guidance and tools for personal success, self-actualization, and resilience. The book seems to be aimed at those who want to improve their lives, achieve their goals, and contribute positively to society.

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Be Useful

Key ideas


Life's challenges can be overcome and success achieved through a positive mindset, clear objectives, learning from mistakes, and contributing to others' welfare.


Have a clear vision.

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Never think small.

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Work your ass off.

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Sell, Sell, Sell.

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Shift Gears.

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Shut your mouth, open your mind.

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Break your mirrors.

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Summary & Review

"Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life" by Arnold Schwarzenegger is a motivational guide that encapsulates the author's life experiences and the lessons he has learned. The book is a testament to Schwarzenegger's resilience and his belief in the power of being useful. It provides a roadmap to a successful and fulfilling life, emphasizing the importance of having a clear vision, thinking big, working hard, selling effectively, shifting gears when necessary, being open-minded, and acknowledging the help received along the way. The book also underscores the importance of giving back to society and using one's knowledge effectively.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger is an Austrian-American actor, producer, businessman, and former professional bodybuilder and politician. He served as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011 and is known for his roles in blockbuster films like "Terminator" and "Predator".


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