20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Summary and Key Ideas

"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" is a novel by Jules Verne that follows the underwater adventures of Professor Aronnax, his servant Conseil, and harpooner Ned Land, who are held captive by the enigmatic Captain Nemo aboard his submarine, the Nautilus. The narrative explores the marvels of the ocean, the limits of human knowledge and the destructive potential of advanced technology.

The target group of the book are individuals who enjoy adventure and science fiction novels, particularly those interested in maritime exploration and fantastical journeys.

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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Key ideas


Jules Verne's 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas,' a pioneering science fiction novel serialized from 1869 to 1870, blends adventure with visionary technology.


The Mysterious Creature

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The Elusive Quest

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A Shocking Discovery

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Prisoners of the Nautilus

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Life Under the Sea

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Adventures in the Deep

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Close Calls and Revelations

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Escape from the Depths

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"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is not just an adventure novel; it is a reflection on humanity's quest for knowledge, the allure and fear of the unknown, and the complex interplay between man, technology, and nature.

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Summary & Review

"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne is a captivating adventure novel that explores the mysteries of the deep sea. The story revolves around Professor Aronnax, his servant Conseil, and a harpooner named Ned Land, who are captured by Captain Nemo, the enigmatic commander of a submarine called the Nautilus. The book concludes with the trio's dramatic escape from the Nautilus during a violent storm, leaving the fate of Captain Nemo and his submarine unknown.

Jules Verne

Jules Verne was a French novelist, poet, and playwright, born in 1828. Known as a pioneer of the science-fiction genre, his contributions significantly influenced the literary world, with his profound imagination and visionary ideas.


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