12 Rules for Life - Summary and Key Ideas

"12 Rules for Life" is a self-help book by Jordan Peterson that provides life advice through essays on abstract ethical principles, psychology, religion, and personal anecdotes.

The target group for the book "12 Rules for Life" is primarily adults seeking guidance and practical advice for personal development and self-improvement.

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12 Rules for Life

Key ideas


RULE 1: Stand up straight with your shoulders back


RULE 2: Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

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RULE 3: Make friends with people who want the best for you

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RULE 4: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today

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RULE 5: Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

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RULE 6: Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world

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RULE 7: Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

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RULE 8: Tell the truth—or, at least, don’t lie

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RULE 9: Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

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RULE 10: Be precise in your speech

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RULE 11: Do not bother children when they are skateboarding

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RULE 12: Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

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Summary & Review

"12 Rules for Life" by Jordan B. Peterson is a thought-provoking book that offers a pragmatic approach to navigating life's complexities. It combines psychology, philosophy, and personal anecdotes to provide a roadmap for leading a meaningful life. Peterson emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, truth, and individuality, arguing that order and chaos are two fundamental elements of human existence. He encourages readers to embrace both to achieve balance and personal growth.

Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Known for his conservative views on cultural and political issues, he gained recognition for his outspoken stance against political correctness.


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