The Kingdom of God is Within You - Summary and Key Ideas

The Kingdom of God is Within You is a philosophical exploration of the teachings of Jesus Christ, particularly focusing on the concept of non-resistance to evil by force. It argues that the true essence of Christianity lies in the internal spiritual perfection of each individual, and that societal and political changes will naturally follow this personal transformation.

The target group of "The Kingdom of God is Within You" are individuals interested in Christian theology, particularly those seeking a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ and their implications for personal and societal conduct.

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The Kingdom of God is Within You

Key ideas


The persistent gap between Christian teachings of love and non-violence and societal actions undermines the credibility of religious and secular authorities, hindering the realization of a truly Christian society.


The interpretation of Christ's teachings, especially the Sermon on the Mount, is often skewed by societal and cultural factors, leading to a disconnect between believers and the clergy.

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Despite preaching peace and love, the Church perpetuates both physical and psychological violence through its system of authority and control.

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The current interpretation of Christianity, riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions, urgently needs realignment with its original teachings of peace, non-violence, and love.

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The power of truth triggers gradual societal change, starting with a few individuals and eventually compelling the majority to recognize it, leading to transformative shifts in social organization.

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Summary & Review

Leo Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is Within You" is a profound exploration of Christianity and its true essence. Tolstoy argues that the church has distorted Christ's teachings and that true Christianity, which is pacifist and centered on the Sermon on the Mount, is against the state. He asserts that people must strive for inner perfection and the establishment of the Kingdom of God within themselves. Tolstoy criticizes the church and state for their hypocrisy and violence, and advocates for a life of truth, love, and non-resistance to evil. He believes that the realization of the Kingdom of God is possible only through the acknowledgment and profession of truth by each individual.

Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy was a Russian author, philosopher, and social reformer. He is recognized for his profound influence on literature and his advocacy for pacifism, nonviolent resistance, and Christian anarchism.


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