Molecule of More - Summary and Key Ideas

"Molecule of More" is a book that explores how dopamine influences human desires, behaviors, and experiences, and how it shapes our lives and society.

The target group for the book "Molecule of More" is likely individuals interested in neuroscience, psychology, and how these fields intersect with everyday life and human behavior.

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Molecule of More

Key ideas


Dopamine, the molecule of ambition, drives human behavior towards future goals, fueling our creativity and discovery, but also causing dissatisfaction and potential addiction.


Dopamine fuels the initial passion in relationships, but lasting love relies on 'Here & Now' chemicals like oxytocin and endorphins that foster contentment and shared experiences.

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Dopamine can hijack our brain's 'desire circuit', leading to addictive behaviors, but it's our brain's 'control circuit' that can restrain its influence.

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Dopamine, in its dual forms of desire and control, fuels our determination and influences our assertiveness.

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Dopamine is linked to both creativity and madness, fueling relentless drive for improvement and abstract thinking, but potentially leading to isolation and dissatisfaction.

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Political beliefs are intrinsically linked to our brain chemistry, with dopamine driving liberals towards change and progress, and oxytocin and endorphins steering conservatives towards stability and tradition.

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Dopamine, also linked to risk-taking and novelty-seeking, has fueled human progress and exploration, but its unchecked influence now threatens our future, necessitating a balance with wisdom.

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Balancing dopamine-driven pursuits with sensory reality and relationship joys is the key to personal fulfillment and societal stability.

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Summary & Review

"Molecule of More" by Daniel Z. Lieberman and Michael E. Long is a fascinating exploration of the role of dopamine in human behavior. The authors argue that dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is the driving force behind our future-oriented behavior, including our desires, ambitions, and capacity for innovation. However, it can also lead to destructive behaviors such as addiction and compulsive behavior. The book provides a comprehensive understanding of how dopamine influences our lives and offers insights into how we can manage its effects for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Daniel Z. Lieberman & Michael E. Long

Daniel Z. Lieberman is a renowned professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at George Washington University. Michael E. Long is an accomplished speechwriter and award-winning playwright, with a focus on science and technology.


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