How to Raise Kids Who Aren't Assholes - Summary and Key Ideas

How to Raise Kids Who Aren't Assholes is a guide for parents that provides evidence-based strategies and insights on shaping children's character traits, fostering kindness, empathy, and resilience, while avoiding negative behaviors such as bullying, entitlement, and arrogance.

The target group of this book is parents who want to raise kind, empathetic, and well-rounded children by using evidence-based approaches and strategies.

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How to Raise Kids Who Aren't Assholes

Key ideas


Fostering emotional literacy and empathy in children is vital for emotional regulation, academic success, and forming healthy relationships.


Fostering responsibility and altruism in children through involvement in family tasks and community service leads to long-term success and happiness.

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Involving children in creating and discussing family rules fosters a positive environment, strong values, and a sense of responsibility.

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Addressing race and gender differences with children promotes understanding, empathy, and appreciation for diversity.

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Fostering open communication on consent and boundaries empowers children to develop healthy relationships and challenge gender stereotypes.

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Summary & Review

How to Raise Kids Who Aren't Assholes by Melinda Wenner Moyer is a guide for parents who want to raise empathetic, kind, and resilient children. The book is based on scientific research and provides practical strategies for fostering positive traits and behaviors in children while minimizing negative ones. The author emphasizes the importance of authoritative parenting, open communication, and creating opportunities for children to learn and grow.

Melinda Wenner Moyer

Melinda Wenner Moyer is an award-winning science journalist and contributing editor at Scientific American. She covers a wide range of topics, including health, parenting, and psychology, and her work has appeared in numerous publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Slate.


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